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"Queen for a Day" !!!!!!


Well-known Member
Feb 17, 2010
Reaction score
Isn't it interesting that the Chad/Anthony scene is the HIGHEST RATED SCENE in recent memory? It is also the GAYEST, with two questionably "straight" models. I have NO problem with that. I loved the scene.
Going back through some of the MEMBERS FAVORITES, it was interesting to notice that MANY of the highest rated scenes were between a straight guy and a gay/bi guy (of course the straight guys could have been "pretend straight", but you get the drift). Back in the day, David used a lot of self admitted gay/bi guys in the scenes. I guess straight ones were harder to come by, but some of the gay/bi guys developed a following of sorts (think Cousin Mikey). The hook was that they freely enjoyed the sex and spiced up the sexual tension. This was a departure from scenes of the tortured straight boys getting fucked and moaning, groaning and grimancing (not in a good way) and nashing their teeth through a scene.
My suggestion is that due to the fact that gay/bi men are into the sex and can get and stay hard and cum while getting fucked and aren't averse to the occasional facial (everyone loved it when Chad took a load in his mouth), then why not have a "Featured Gay/Bi Guy" once a month or once every two months? Pair him with one of the more straight acting models and see where it goes.
I'll probably get the usual "BUT THIS IS Broke Straight Boys'S!!!!!!!!!" mantra, but I thought I'd put it out there as a possibility. The site currently has many straight guys and some gay for pay and some gay, but they all have to toe the "STRAIGHT LINE". Try not to look like you're enjoying it TOO MUCH! If a guy comes in and says "I'm Gay" and yes, I'd love to get fucked by Dickie Big Dong, the scene could be a brief respite from the usual. He doesn't have to scream "fuck me, fuck me" every 15 seconds, but rather go with the flow and try to heat things up between himself and the straight model.
BSBII is putting out some really good stuff at this point and I don't mean to denigrate their efforts. I'm just suggesting a Broke Straight Boys "Queen for a Day" theme every once in awhile. Mark and Clay may feel it's a bad idea, or the members might and this post could get really bashed.
It's a suggestion and not a demand. I think the more diverse the scenes, the fresher the site stays. Some will tell me to go to one of the other 1000 sites full of gay sex, but the difference here is that we are interested and invested in the models personas. We admire, praise, chastise, offer advice and generally get crushes on this or that months worth of models, only to have a fresh new batch in a short time. But we remember our favorites forever.
Thanks for listening! :thumbup:
Hmmmm, I think that we already have that. They just don't name it. That is what I think of when I see a scene coming up with Darren.
It is NOT the gayest in recent memory. They both act straight. And it's not a mantra - this is not BROKE GAY MEN and if it were, I wouldn't be here. That's not the purpose of this site.
Different dynamics

Hmmmm, I think that we already have that. They just don't name it. That is what I think of when I see a scene coming up with Darren.

Hi Ms Kianna,

My point was that the model would be openly gay/bi, as opposed to someone like Darren who may be straight or gay for pay. Whoever the gay/bi model was, they wouldn't have to act. They wouldn't have to toe the "straight" routine. It's a fantasy scene. Most of the members are gay, and many have the fantasy of getting it on with a straight guy. Having a gay/bi model on once every month or two would be a fantasy scene. It's mostly about nuance and changing the dynamic between the two models.
It was nice to see your post. We don't hear from you often enough! Thanks for responding.

P.S. Sorry everyone. I posted this thread twice by mistake. Screwed up when I changed the title!
It is NOT the gayest in recent memory. They both act straight. And it's not a mantra - this is not BROKE GAY MEN and if it were, I wouldn't be here. That's not the purpose of this site.

Hey qscott86! My kind of post--directly to the point. I also couldn't have said it better myself. It's exactly, word for word, what I was thinking reading that post.
"Queen" for a day? I'm slightly offended, but just slightly. ;) That is one of the reasons I thought Drake and Mick should stay in the mix. I don't know if they are gay or not, but they seem comfortable enough to enjoy what they are doing. As do Colin, Chad, and Anthony. Put these guys with straight newbies and the newbies might respond differently than with a model who is less sure of himself. How about this for a concept: Bring in a real woman to do a threeway with two straight guys with the caveat that they also must get down with each other. Cue the woman that it is her job to make sure it happens. Maybe with that extra straight assurance, the guys might feel more free to explore. Just a thought.
Hi Ms Kianna,

My point was that the model would be openly gay/bi, as opposed to someone like Darren who may be straight or gay for pay. Whoever the gay/bi model was, they wouldn't have to act. They wouldn't have to toe the "straight" routine. It's a fantasy scene. Most of the members are gay, and many have the fantasy of getting it on with a straight guy. Having a gay/bi model on once every month or two would be a fantasy scene. It's mostly about nuance and changing the dynamic between the two models.
It was nice to see your post. We don't hear from you often enough! Thanks for responding.

P.S. Sorry everyone. I posted this thread twice by mistake. Screwed up when I changed the title!

Stripe, I knew what you meant......I just think that Darren fits into what you are saying. They may not say Darren is gay, but they do talk a lot about how much he likes to rim and suck. They also bring him in to loosen up shy or reluctant newbies.:001_smile:
Here we go with the labels again. Forget the labels and just enjoy the scenes. Once in a while Broke Straight Boys does have a very straight guy on like Cliff or Kurt. But having a specific segment just for queens, gays or bis...well, that's being done in the other sites and as someone already said, "it's been done already."