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Q & A With Sha and Blake Bennet - Episode 2


Long time forumite
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Brooklyn New York
Thank you guys for releasing this new interview. As I met both of these guys at NYC Gay Pride last summer, I can tell you that they are both the same honest forthright people in person as they are on these videos.

Blake amazes me at how comfortable he is in front of a camera, with a great speaking voice, and all of the emotion and expression that he shows on his face as he is talking to you. He also has a great talent in interviewing as he doesn't necessarily stick to the script, as he will ask spontaneous questions of his own based on the answers given, such as what kind of pet that Sha owns, and about where he has residences.

Both Blake & Sha are great "people persons", who make me feel real comfortable talking with them in person and watching them on the screen. And we also discovered that our newest member of the forum Damian Christopher is not only a great photographer, but also shoots the BTS.

One final note, I also read the tweets on the page with the BTS, and obviously some of the "dweebs" who comment on twitter do not understand that the BTS are not instead of the sex scenes, but in addition. I feel that their rude comments were not called for, but I guess that is how it goes with the new social media of today.

Thank you Sha, Blake & Damian Christopher for an entertaining and informative little interview, and thank you Grace for providing most of the questions.
I also wanted to thank both Sha and Blake for doing this interview. It was most enjoyable. Of course it's also fun just watching their two personalities interact. lol I too was so impressed with how comfortable Blake appears in front of a camera. His voice is steady, strong and confident. If he does have any nervousness with public speaking, he covers it well.

I was very happy to see Sha get more time to introduce himself to the members. I've always held him in very high regard and I feel blessed to have been able to meet him. He is a special man. :)
I loved the "part two;" it was nice to see the guys share some of their comradely. Thanks everyone; as always, I would love to see more! I also think Blake should introduce the "newbies" with such an interview; he is a natural.
Sha sure does seem like a great guy. Eventually I'll hit a pride in California or Phoenix and get to meet him.
Thanks for the comments guys. As you know we just started to allow comments on the behind the scenes episodes. I updated the wording on that page to be more prominent that it is a bonus episode, dont worry we are not replacing regular porn updates with a BTS video. :)

We have more to add in the coming weeks and I am personally very excited for the behind the scenes to come so everyone can get a better understanding on the guys behind the camera.
Thank you guys for releasing this new interview. As I met both of these guys at NYC Gay Pride last summer, I can tell you that they are both the same honest forthright people in person as they are on these videos.
i agree with you, mike

Blake amazes me at how comfortable he is in front of a camera, with a great speaking voice, and all of the emotion and expression that he shows on his face as he is talking to you. He also has a great talent in interviewing as he doesn't necessarily stick to the script, as he will ask spontaneous questions of his own based on the answers given, such as what kind of pet that Sha owns, and about where he has residences.

Both Blake & Sha are great "people persons", who make me feel real comfortable talking with them in person and watching them on the screen. And we also discovered that our newest member of the forum Damian Christopher is not only a great photographer, but also shoots the BTS.
damien did a very good job.

One final note, I also read the tweets on the page with the BTS, and obviously some of the "dweebs" who comment on twitter do not understand that the BTS are not instead of the sex scenes, but in addition. I feel that their rude comments were not called for, but I guess that is how it goes with the new social media of today.
and the dweebs on twitter have opinions, but they don't have a clue.

Thank you Sha, Blake & Damian Christopher for an entertaining and informative little interview, and thank you Grace for providing most of the questions.

it's an addition, not a replacement.
right there on the homepage it says 'bonus bts'
trying to remember when a Broke Straight Boys episode went live on a tuesday. i am thinking it was like, never!
one tweet said something about this is not what i am paying for and was so correct.
just a few random thoughts!
I liked it a lot as well as pt 1. I don't think its appropriate to rate it with the 1 to 5. It is what it is, a conversation that we are in the audience watching. Blake is a good interviewer. I'd like to watch more of these. Thanks for creating it.
I liked it a lot as well as pt 1. I don't think its appropriate to rate it with the 1 to 5. It is what it is, a conversation that we are in the audience watching. Blake is a good interviewer. I'd like to watch more of these. Thanks for creating it.
I completely agree that the 1-5 is indeed inappropriate for these interview scenes. You either like it or you don't watch it. I thank all the participants wholeheartedly and see no reason to "rate" them. It feels kind of creepy to me.
Why Not Rate The Behind The Scenes Episodes

I completely agree that the 1-5 is indeed inappropriate for these interview scenes. You either like it or you don't watch it. I thank all the participants wholeheartedly and see no reason to "rate" them. It feels kind of creepy to me.

Why? I would think letting the forum members rate the individual videos could be most helpful.

How else would you know how much most members really want to see interviews of management?

How much more interesting, to the membership, is an interview with a model than with a member of Blue Media?

Maybe members really do want to know more about the business side of the site or the type of decisions that need to be made in the current business environment.

I find it curious that you would make such a distinction.

Personally, I would prefer these Behind The Scenes videos focus more on the models than the Blue Media personalities.

But, Blake is a good interviewer and could meld a variety of stories about the site in an interesting fashion.

I kind of think that since Broke Straight Boys's brand name is involved; ownership wants to control the image that is being projected.
Why? I would think letting the forum members rate the individual videos could be most helpful.

How else would you know how much most members really want to see interviews of management?

How much more interesting, to the membership, is an interview with a model than with a member of Blue Media?

Maybe members really do want to know more about the business side of the site or the type of decisions that need to be made in the current business environment.

I find it curious that you would make such a distinction.

Personally, I would prefer these Behind The Scenes videos focus more on the models than the Blue Media personalities.

Excuse me Blue. But you make it sound like interviews with members of the staff or mgmt are the norm. They're not. There was one BTS where we met Sabrina and she introduced us to the models and gave us a tour of the house. This interview with Sha is the first time I ever recall a member of the Blue Media staff ever being interviewed in the BTS section. One time in BTS history. Uno.

All the other BTS's in the history of the site show the models at Pride events or the models being interviewed, models chatting with forum members, and even 2 where the models had sex. So I don't understand all the whining.

This BTS interview happened because members of the forum asked several months ago if we could see an interview with Sha. Forum members even specifically requested that Blake be the one to do the interview. This interview was not forced upon us. Sha read the members' request for an interview in the forum and agreed. After Sha kindly agreed to do it he asked for members to submit questions for his interview in the forum. If you noticed during the interview, Blake was reading questions to Sha that were submitted by forum members.

If you didn't like the interview...fine. If people in the forum ask for an interview with another member of Broke Straight Boys staff or mgmt in the future...then feel free to post that you don't want to see them in a BTS video. But to insinuate that Broke Straight Boys is showing more staff interviews than model interviews in the BTS videos...or to insinuate that Broke Straight Boys thinks we want to see more of the staff than we do of the models, is a false argument.
Excsue me Tampa

Excuse me Blue. But you make it sound like interviews with members of the staff or mgmt are the norm. They're not. There was one BTS where we met Sabrina and she introduced us to the models and gave us a tour of the house. This interview with Sha is the first time I ever recall a member of the Blue Media staff ever being interviewed in the BTS section. One time in BTS history. Uno.

All the other BTS's in the history of the site show the models at Pride events or the models being interviewed, models chatting with forum members, and even 2 where the models had sex. So I don't understand all the whining.

This BTS interview happened because members of the forum asked several months ago if we could see an interview with Sha. Forum members even specifically requested that Blake be the one to do the interview. This interview was not forced upon us. Sha read the members' request for an interview in the forum and agreed. After Sha kindly agreed to do it he asked for members to submit questions for his interview in the forum. If you noticed during the interview, Blake was reading questions to Sha that were submitted by forum members.

If you didn't like the interview...fine. If people in the forum ask for an interview with another member of Broke Straight Boys staff or mgmt in the future...then feel free to post that you don't want to see them in a BTS video. But to insinuate that Broke Straight Boys is showing more staff interviews than model interviews in the BTS videos...or to insinuate that Broke Straight Boys thinks we want to see more of the staff than we do of the models, is a false argument.

Excuse me Tampa, I never said I did not like and/or appreciate the interview with Sha or the earlier one where Sabrina picked up a a model at the airport. I rather liked All three of them.

My point was that I did not see why it was unseemly to not use the rating system as feed back on how the Behind The Scenes Videos were being received by site members.

I am frequently surprised by how videos are rated compared to my scores.

It was not obvious to me why abandoning a rating system only with regard to Behind the Scenes videos was such a good idea.

To reiterate, I generally like the idea of a behind the scenes video and like the more extended interview format that can be used to introduce a new person to the site.

If you read otherwise, then I was being unclear as to my point and I apologize for that.
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I liked the interview; it allowed us to see more of Sha than usual. I thinks Sha's job is very difficult and multi-tasking; keeping up with boys and showing the best of Broke Straight Boys I would love to have his job; comradery with orgasms...perfect!:thumbup:
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth

Why? I would think letting the forum members rate the individual videos could be most helpful.

How else would you know how much most members really want to see interviews of management?

How much more interesting, to the membership, is an interview with a model than with a member of Blue Media?

Maybe members really do want to know more about the business side of the site or the type of decisions that need to be made in the current business environment.

I find it curious that you would make such a distinction.

Personally, I would prefer these Behind The Scenes videos focus more on the models than the Blue Media personalities.

But, Blake is a good interviewer and could meld a variety of stories about the site in an interesting fashion.

I kind of think that since Broke Straight Boys's brand name is involved; ownership wants to control the image that is being projected.

My point was that I did not see why it was unseemly to not use the rating system as feed back on how the Behind The Scenes Videos were being received by site members.

I am frequently surprised by how videos are rated compared to my scores.

It was not obvious to me why abandoning a rating system only with regard to Behind the Scenes videos was such a good idea.
I thought it was boring and stupid.
Not quite as blunt but not far off lol
When I first joined Broke Straight Boys, we were given two updates a week, and I was told that the site formerly provided one update per week. After a while they added a third and they have not raised the subscription price in all that time.

The bonus sites are not of particular interest to me after "Straight Boys Jerk Off" was no longer being updated, but whenever someone points out a scene to watch on High School Boys, and I go to look for it, I am amazed at the incredible amount of free porn available to us.

And now they have added the Behind the Scenes as a regular feature. As pointed out by Tampa, we the membership asked, cajoled and begged for Sha to sit down for an interview, so we could get to meet the man who runs the events where the models appear, and we asked for Blake to be the interviewer. I look at this as a gift to the membership.

It's like eating a fine meal at a quality restaurant, and after the meal the owner comes to my table and offers an after dinner drink, complements of the house. The polite thing to do is to say thank you, whether I enjoy the drink or not. It is a free gift, as the BTS are.

I think that the system of rating videos that we PAY for is appropriate, but to "rate" an interview that we requested, and is presented to us at no charge is rude, as these are a gift from management.
Mike Yank is "mostly right"

Mike Yank posted much that I agree with; but, concluded with a statement which I do not understand..

"I think that the system of rating videos that we PAY for is appropriate, but to "rate" an interview that we requested, and is presented to us at no charge is rude, as these are a gift from management."

Again, why?

The purpose of a rating system is to let Blue Media and the membership know how the vast majority of the subscribers to this site feel about the content being provided. Mike Yank seems to feel because "some" of the membership asked for a specific Behind the Scenes interview, that that means there is some special perrogative for "some" members over other ones.

I think it is nice that the site contains some behind the scenes stuff that let us see how the site works and some of the personalities involved -- but the vast majority of members made no such request.

You do not get a special papal dispensation that anything you ask for is above comment.

You may find it "rude" to rate what you asked for.

That is fine. Do not rate it and your conscience is clear.

But, you should not attempt to end the practice of rating of Behind the Scenes videos because you do not want to see the result because you know that some members do not like what you asked for.

It is better for everyone involved to keep the information flowing between management and the membership instead of creating a special content that is off limits because a few wanted the content and do not care what the general membership feels about this.

Quite simply Mike, you do not speak for the general membership.

You are a long time member and poster on this forum. Your opinion is valued.

But, your opinion also should go through a normal process of evaluation to see whether or not your opinion is shared by the rest of the membership.

No one should be given a pass on this.

I find it strange that you, who advocates that this forum is suppose to allow anyone to say anything they want, pretty much no matter how offensive to others it might seem, should demand a pass for something you requested. What is good for the goose is also good for the gander.
I wish I could disagree with your logic on this one Blue. I guess because I was one of the people who asked and looked forward to it. But alas, I cannot. haha The vast majority of members who did not specifically request this, should certainly be allowed to discuss it freely. I think you'll see though why many of us in the forum feel strongly motivated to jump to the defense of mgmt and the participants in the video on this one. :)

All we can do in the forum is reiterate the point to those who didn't like it that this was a special request and not the idea of mgmt. I think it would have been better received overall if it had been in a different column from the porn updates. It really should stay in its own labeled BTS section. For newer members and non forum members alike it would have been easy to jump to the conclusion that what they thought was supposed to be a porn update, was not. And then that maybe this was being substituted for one of the 3 weekly updates...thus depriving them of something. Fortunately by the end of the week they'll see that they got all 3 updates. :)
No Offense Taken Tampa

I wish I could disagree with your logic on this one Blue. I guess because I was one of the people who asked and looked forward to it. But alas, I cannot. haha The vast majority of members who did not specifically request this, should certainly be allowed to discuss it freely. I think you'll see though why many of us in the forum feel strongly motivated to jump to the defense of mgmt and the participants in the video on this one. :)

All we can do in the forum is reiterate the point to those who didn't like it that this was a special request and not the idea of mgmt. I think it would have been better received overall if it had been in a different column from the porn updates. It really should stay in its own labeled BTS section. For newer members and non forum members alike it would have been easy to jump to the conclusion that what they thought was supposed to be a porn update, was not. And then that maybe this was being substituted for one of the 3 weekly updates...thus depriving them of something. Fortunately by the end of the week they'll see that they got all 3 updates. :)

I took no offense from either you or Mike Yank, Tampa.

I understood what you were doing. You were trying to protect management from blow back from those who did not find the interviews as interesting as you or, for that matter, I did.

I really have no idea of what the interest in the general membership is regarding Behind The Scenes videos. I tend to like them and enjoy seeing folks in a more normal environment.

My only pet peeve at the moment is the comment "boring" or "stupid" because it provides no information about where the poster is coming from. Some people's label of "boring" or "stupid" reflects a sense of taste which I can understand because I have gotten to know them from their previous posts. Others are meaningless because there is no context.

Anyway, Tampa, thanks for the response and I trust it has left no hurt feelings all around.
If you publish a scene whether it is on BTS or not and actually put a rating against it then I'm afraid that the members are entitled to their opinion. If a member wants to make a statement like "It's boring and stupid", he is totally entitled to do so. Just because that member doesn't write 10 paragraphs justifying his statement, doesn't mean that other members can criticise him for not doing so.

Don't forget that some members have a full time job on here and cannot write Shakesperian type posts on here.