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Ponderings for April 16th 2022


BSB Addict
Jul 9, 2020
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Another Saturday doing chores around the house. I spent the evening with my Dad and tonight's dinner was a blast from the past... Spam hash with eggs. In talking with my 86 year old Aunt it was my Grandfather's favorite food. I can see why, the canned ham just seems to go well with potatoes, onions and peppers. Top it with an overeasy egg or like my Dad likes, sunnyside up, and it's a meal that for some reason tastes good. Probably all the fat and salt in the Spam, but who's counting :nospamhere:

What's your favorite food from your past?

Off to watch the scene released today, I hope everyone has a great night!!
Chac, as I’ve told you several times, I love your posts and I love hearing from you every day. But I’d like to make a suggestion that rather than start a new thread each day, how about one thread with your “ponderings” and update it daily? I think there would be more continuity and members who don’t check in every day could catch up on your thoughts from all your posts. Again, it is merely a suggestion and you are free to use this forum as you wish. It is sweet how good you are to your dad and I thank you for your always refreshing posts. You are a great forumite and it is a pleasure to share the forum with you.:thumbup:.
Chac, as I’ve told you several times, I love your posts and I love hearing from you every day. But I’d like to make a suggestion that rather than start a new thread each day, how about one thread with your “ponderings” and update it daily? I think there would be more continuity and members who don’t check in every day could catch up on your thoughts from all your posts. Again, it is merely a suggestion and you are free to use this forum as you wish. It is sweet how good you are to your dad and I thank you for your always refreshing posts. You are a great forumite and it is a pleasure to share the forum with you.:thumbup:.

Very good point! I will start only posting in one thread.
I used to love cooking especially cakes. You would never know because by choice I was thin as an adult. Now I hate it & cook little and eat far less . Please forgive my more than normal typos as eyes are worse today.
Another Sunday down in the books. Spent it with my brother and his family. My Dad was not able to join us, he was not feeling well today. I did swing by and drop off Easter dinner with dessert for him.

I'm so very lucky to have family nearby, I know some of us have chosen family and others may be alone. I see on Reddit post after post of youngsters being disowned after coming out and it breaks my heart. I want to jump through the internet and give them big bear hugs. Maybe it's time for me to go to Provincetown's pride parade (would be my first pride parade) and wear a free hugs tee-shirt. I love hugging people, we need more of that in this world, not war.

Well anyway that's enough of me rambling on. Wishing you all an amazing night!
You are fortunate to have family to spend holidays with Chac. My immediate family is gone but I am fortunate to have my late brothers family to celebrate special days with. Cherish your time with your family. It is very special. And your thought of going to Pride this year is something to seriously consider. Thank you again for sharing your thoughts and feelings here. Good night.
I am glad your family is nearby and you celebrated with them. I live with my eldest son but isolated in his basement & because he is great I pay him nothing which despite being aged , poor & disabled have enough money to get what I need & still have a surplus on my social security. I am glad for you Mike as well.
It seems like it has been forever since I posted my ramblings, sorry I was not feeling up to it. To be honest, I was going to bed as soon as I got home. But on to the good stuff (I hope?)

Today I had the pleasure of watching a pair of Canadian Geese outside my window at work. They were there all day just grazing and loafing around looking so majestic. I love nature, I miss the days where I would go up to my uncle's cabin in Maine near Baxter state park. I saw moose, bears, the occasional deer, and one year I lost count of the jack rabbits I saw, they were everywhere (I think Wile E Coyote has a feast that year LOL). There were no TV, phones, or internet, just the company of family and friends and the occasional good book for those rainy days.

Well anyways, today was a good reminder of how beautiful nature can be, and how wonderful the small things in life are. Have an amazing night everyone!!
It seems like it has been forever since I posted my ramblings, sorry I was not feeling up to it. To be honest, I was going to bed as soon as I got home. But on to the good stuff (I hope?)

Today I had the pleasure of watching a pair of Canadian Geese outside my window at work. They were there all day just grazing and loafing around looking so majestic. I love nature, I miss the days where I would go up to my uncle's cabin in Maine near Baxter state park. I saw moose, bears, the occasional deer, and one year I lost count of the jack rabbits I saw, they were everywhere (I think Wile E Coyote has a feast that year LOL). There were no TV, phones, or internet, just the company of family and friends and the occasional good book for those rainy days.

Well anyways, today was a good reminder of how beautiful nature can be, and how wonderful the small things in life are. Have an amazing night everyone!!
I’ve been missing your ramblings, Chac. Canadian Geese sound nice. I had to google an image of them. Did they look like this? Of course outside your window at work, they wouldn’t have been in water.


I’ve been getting into nature as well, but more with flowers and trees. I love when you pop in to tell us what is on your mind Chac. Sleep tight, my friend! And I look forward to hearing from you again, hopefully before too long.
I’ve been missing your ramblings, Chac. Canadian Geese sound nice. I had to google an image of them. Did they look like this? Of course outside your window at work, they wouldn’t have been in water.

View attachment 59629

I’ve been getting into nature as well, but more with flowers and trees. I love when you pop in to tell us what is on your mind Chac. Sleep tight, my friend! And I look forward to hearing from you again, hopefully before too long.

Yup, those are them! They were back today, just in a different part of the complex.
May I ask what part of the country you live in? Here in New York City we only get pigeons outside office buildings lol

View attachment 59776

I live in Massachusetts. We have pigeons too, when I had to go into Boston for work and I parked my car it was inevitable that one of them fuckers would shit on it :crying1: it's like they knew I couldn't stand to have a dirty car and they did it out of spite LOL
I live in Massachusetts. We have pigeons too, when I had to go into Boston for work and I parked my car it was inevitable that one of them fuckers would shit on it :crying1: it's like they knew I couldn't stand to have a dirty car and they did it out of spite LOL
HaHa. I’ve had them shit on my head too twice that I can remember. Motherfuckers. Lol
Are the pigeons that shit on you gay? Perhaps they have gaydar.
It seems like it has been forever since I posted my ramblings, sorry I was not feeling up to it. To be honest, I was going to bed as soon as I got home. But on to the good stuff (I hope?)

Today I had the pleasure of watching a pair of Canadian Geese outside my window at work. They were there all day just grazing and loafing around looking so majestic. I love nature, I miss the days where I would go up to my uncle's cabin in Maine near Baxter state park. I saw moose, bears, the occasional deer, and one year I lost count of the jack rabbits I saw, they were everywhere (I think Wile E Coyote has a feast that year LOL). There were no TV, phones, or internet, just the company of family and friends and the occasional good book for those rainy days.

Well anyways, today was a good reminder of how beautiful nature can be, and how wonderful the small things in life are. Have an amazing night everyone!!

Yes. Thank you for posting Chac!
I was always into nature. The biggest loss for me when I lost my mobility was nature and going to the beach which I did daily no matter the weather while living in San Diego. I use to climb the steep cliffs overlooking the gay part of the nude beach rather than usaing the easy access and long walk to the gay side. After hours each day in the gym who needed the exercise.
I honestly don't know what to write today. I feel zapped, and my cherub like demeanor is not showing up for some reason. I'm looking forward to tomorrow, it will be a new day and a clean slate.

"My philosophy in life is just to laugh as much as possible through the good and the bad - to laugh at the tragedies as well as the triumphs." - John Pinette

Good night my fellow forumites!!
I honestly don't know what to write today. I feel zapped, and my cherub like demeanor is not showing up for some reason. I'm looking forward to tomorrow, it will be a new day and a clean slate.

"My philosophy in life is just to laugh as much as possible through the good and the bad - to laugh at the tragedies as well as the triumphs." - John Pinette
Good night my fellow forumites!!
Thanks for checking in anyway Chac. I love hearing from you and I feel certain that tomorrow will be a better day. Sleep well and have a great day tomorrow.
I honestly don't know what to write today. I feel zapped, and my cherub like demeanor is not showing up for some reason. I'm looking forward to tomorrow, it will be a new day and a clean slate.

"My philosophy in life is just to laugh as much as possible through the good and the bad - to laugh at the tragedies as well as the triumphs." - John Pinette

Good night my fellow forumites!!

That was a fine contribution for the day Chac. Thank you. :)