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Ponderings and ramblings for April 14th 2022


BSB Addict
Jul 9, 2020
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Today has been a day where for some reason I have been not feeling myself. Maybe it's my version of a midlife crisis (I'm going to be 43 this year LOL) starting to brew and I'll soon be leasing a sports car hoping to hook a nice young man to have a fling with or maybe it's a touch of being overworked and depressed (my best friend of 20 years is fighting stage 4 cancer and while he is improving, the survival rates for his cancer are abysmal unfortunately. 15% at 5 years)

But anywho, on with my ramblings: I was watching Something's Gotta Give as I'm trying (unsuccessfully) to fall asleep and I had a thought. What movies would you pick to watch for eternity? If given the option to bring 5 movies to the afterlife which ones would you pick?

I think this is my list:
1. Ghostbusters (1984)
2. The Bucket List
3. Mad Money
4. The Santa Clause or National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
5. Caddyshack

I love the Ghostbusters franchise, my Mom when I was younger would say to me all the time "not Ghostbusters again, can't you put something else on?" I actually wore out the VHS tape and had to buy another.

I can honestly say I'd agree with Carter played by Morgan Freeman in the Bucket List, that when my time comes I want to be put in an old Folgers can and buried someplace with a majestic view. I'm making a bucket list of my own too, I want to have more experiences and not have as many regrets.

Mad money, well who doesn't love Ted Danson, Diane Keaton, Queen Latifa and Katie Holmes? Plus the premise of the story is interesting.

Christmas Vacation, and the Santa Clause, too hard to pick, but I'm kinda leaning towards Christmas Vacation. Both are must sees at the holidays in my house.

Caddyshack is a classic. they certainly don't make movies as good as they used to. They don't get no respect :D

Anyway as always I hope everyone has a magical night and talk to you all soon!

PS: Feel free to nuke this post if it is out of line. Just trying to create some more discussion here.
Great post Chac. Thank you for letting us get to know you. At one time this forum was like Cheers.


Please ponder and ramble as much as you feel like. I love it

Three points, to me 43 sounds like a baby. I’m so jealous to be your young age and know what I do now. Second, I’m very sorry to hear about your friend. Three I’m bringing back the thread 10 Random Things just for you. :thumbup1:
Great post Chac. Thank you for letting us get to know you. At one time this forum was like Cheers.

View attachment 58350

Please ponder and ramble as much as you feel like. I love it

Three points, to me 43 sounds like a baby. I’m so jealous to be your young age and know what I do now. Second, I’m very sorry to hear about your friend. Three I’m bringing back the thread 10 Random Things just for you. :thumbup1:

I've certainly enjoyed getting to know my fellow forumites. Feel free to disclose any secrets you have picked up along life's journey! I'm all ears
Default Ponderings and ramblings for April 14th 2022
Today has been a day where for some reason I have been not feeling myself. Maybe it's my version of a midlife crisis (I'm going to be 43 this year LOL) starting to brew and I'll soon be leasing a sports car hoping to hook a nice young man to have a fling with or maybe it's a touch of being overworked and depressed (my best friend of 20 years is fighting stage 4 cancer and while he is improving, the survival rates for his cancer are abysmal unfortunately. 15% at 5 years)

I survived cancer with a survival rate of 2%, so do not give up hope.
Thank you for sharing all of that Chac. There's no way that your post is out of line. Anyone can start a thread in here about just about anything. Everyone has that right. Plus, there's also the Virtual Coffee Shop, Diner and Corner Pub thread we can use is if you have just a quick random thought or a bigger conversation on something you want to share.

I also send my sympathy and prayers to you and your friend. I know it's a very difficult process to go through for both the patient and the loved ones regardless of the outcome.

As for favorite movies it's hard to narrow it down to small list. A few of my favorites are:

1. Pride and Prejudice (2005 version.) With Keira Knightly and Matthew Macfadyen (Not the 1995 television series)
2. Ruthless People (Comedy) 1986
3. Field of Dreams
4. Ordinary People (Drama)
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Thank you for sharing all of that Chac. There's no way that your post is out of line. Anyone can start a thread in here about just about anything. Everyone has that right. Plus, there's also the Virtual Coffee Shop, Diner and Corner Pub thread we can use is if you have just a quick random thought or a bigger conversation on something you want to share.

I also send my sympathy and prayers to you and your friend. I know it's a very difficult process to go through for both the patient and the loved ones regardless of the outcome.

As for favorite movies it's hard to narrow it down to small list. A few of my favorites are:

1. Pride and Prejudice (2005 version.) With Keira Knightly and Matthew Macfadyen (Not the 1995 television series)
2. Ruthless People (Comedy) 1986
3. Field of Dreams
4. Ordinary People (Drama)

I'll have to check those movies out, part of the post I guess was to expand my viewing horizons. I put on Amazon or Netflix and get overwhelmed and just end up watching one of my go to movies that I always watch LOL
I'll have to check those movies out, part of the post I guess was to expand my viewing horizons. I put on Amazon or Netflix and get overwhelmed and just end up watching one of my go to movies that I always watch LOL
I also have Amazon and Netflix and never know what to watch either. I’d love suggestions, especially if they have hot young guys, preferably shirtless. lol. I am indeed shallow.:001_smile:
I also have Amazon and Netflix and never know what to watch either. I’d love suggestions, especially if they have hot young guys, preferably shirtless. lol. I am indeed shallow.:001_smile:

That makes two of us LOL I've heard Elite on Netflix is good for some skin, it's in my watch list have not watched it yet. Bonding is a good watch but not so much skin, about the BDSM scene, one of the characters is gay. Santa Clarita Diet is a great laugh, and Skyler Gisondo is shirtless once.

On Amazon there is a lot of good stuff. If you can find Banana and Cucumber those are great shows (by Russel T Davies- Queer as Folk fame) and it has Freddie Fox in it (I'm drooling already LOL) Warning, episode 7 of Banana fucked me up mentally a bit, just hit WAY too close to home

I'll try and come up with some more
I suggest just open something and if it appeals continue is what I do.
That makes two of us LOL I've heard Elite on Netflix is good for some skin, it's in my watch list have not watched it yet. Bonding is a good watch but not so much skin, about the BDSM scene, one of the characters is gay. Santa Clarita Diet is a great laugh, and Skyler Gisondo is shirtless once.

On Amazon there is a lot of good stuff. If you can find Banana and Cucumber those are great shows (by Russel T Davies- Queer as Folk fame) and it has Freddie Fox in it (I'm drooling already LOL) Warning, episode 7 of Banana fucked me up mentally a bit, just hit WAY too close to home

I'll try and come up with some more
Thank you Chac. Next time I am looking for TV show to watch I shall open my iPad to this post and use it as my TV Guide.:001_tongue:

IPAd, I live in prehistoric desk top & Lap Top age! Being homebound no need for that . My phone is the ancient home phone, granted it is hand held and has a charger.
IPAd, I live in prehistoric desk top & Lap Top age! Being homebound no need for that . My phone is the ancient home phone, granted it is hand held and has a charger.
Watch this of teenagers today trying to figure out how to dial a phone. lol

Funny but true of so many things like horseless carriages to name just one.
Watch this of teenagers today trying to figure out how to dial a phone. lol

I can't stop laughing!! That was my nephew at his great grandparents house! We had to call my brothers cellphone to prove it was a phone!!
I can't stop laughing!! That was my nephew at his great grandparents house! We had to call my brothers cellphone to prove it was a phone!!
Amazing how quickly the technology changes, so what was commonplace what seems like a short time ago is obsolete. I think of how in my lifetime listening to music has changed every few years.




Just to name a few…….lol
Great video Mikey! haha Before the 90's we would have thought anybody of that age who couldn't dial a rotary phone was mentally challenged. Then in less than 20 years it became an antique.

What's this contraption and how do you operate it?? LOL :)

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Great video Mikey! haha Before the 90's we would have thought anybody of that age who couldn't dial a rotary phone was mentally challenged. Then in less than 20 years it became an antique.

What's this contraption and how do you operate it?? LOL :)

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Looks like a slot machine to me, but where do you pull the levers and does the money come out of that little slot on the bottom???? Lolololol

Lol Indeed Tampa. I think that the way music is listened to has changed more than any other aspect of life that I can remember. Probably a dozen or more major shifts. Visual entertainment a few shifts, from over the air antenna TV to cable to streaming, etc. And VHS tapes to DVD’s and others beyond my capabilities to comprehend. But from when I was a little boy and listened to a phonograph, to today, that is the area of the most change that I can recall.



But in the mid 60’s, my friend across the street’s family got a color TV and I used to go there to watch in amazement!
