Here is where we have arrived - the 21st Century version of the Deportations to the East run by the Nazis. Hundreds of men were rounded up, given not even the pretense of a judicial review of the evidence against them as required by law, and placed on planes to El Salvador where they have been locked up in forever prisons.
The government says they are all dangerous gang members. Fine, where is the evidence? Why wasn't it presented to a judge who could rule on it and issue an order of deportation? And why are they sent to a 3rd country where they are being locked up for the rest of their lives - with the US government paying the president of El Salvador millions of dollars to do so?
For over 100 years the Supreme Court has ruled that anyone within the borders of the United States is entitled to the same basic rights to trial, presentation of evidence, etc as a citizen. And now we have strong evidence presented by attorneys for some of these men that they were legally in the country, they had no criminal records either in their home countries or in the United States, and they were not members of any gang. One was a professional soccer player and another was a barber. The truth is we have no idea what the legal status was for any of these people, much less what crimes they may have committed. Some of them may have been citizens - we have no way of knowing. Often people scream about something being fascist when it really isn't but this is truly something fascist. It violates everything this country has stood for.