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Politics and schtupf to schtup or u meshugah


Well-known Member
Jun 13, 2011
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Dear Broke Straight Boys-Afficianados:
KRU-mates wondered what y'all thought were important political issues that ought to be addressed in this soon to be election. There are 6 Political Sciene majors in KRU right now, who put this together.

Obama fucked us all and too many imbeciles fucked themselves by believing Obama would be the beginning of the new Orgy of Love and Prosperity, because he is only an educated, intelligent, politician who works from what he has at his disposal. He did win a Nobel Peace Prize for explicitly recognizing that the world the USA controls actually contains nations with somewhat valid opinions.
In other words, if you got shit make a shit-sandwich. Obama at least with his Black Kenyan-White American synergy did embody the hybridity and history of this nation. The one-drop rule that makes anything mixed with Whiteness as tainting the White and less-than optimal but does not view anything mixed with Blackness as tainting the Black has baffled the ahistorical anti-intellectual norm in the USA. Now Obama screwed most of us economically by appointing the guy who wrote the rules for shady bond, real estate, and stock trading as his Treasury Secretary.
the Republicans have a series of batshit crazy twits vying for the presidency.
Gingrich is a philandering, adulterer, and liar.
Romney is a lying Mormon richboy.
Perry is a politician who fucked Texas by allowing his biggest financial contributors to build unnecessary toll roads.
Ron Paul is a liar who cannot admit he took lots of money from a bunch of anti-Black, anti-Homosexual, anti-Jewish, anti-Arab, anti-Muslim unenlightened twerps.
All of these turds despise homosexuals or know many closet-cases.
They all have no problem giving taxpayer dollars tothe rich individually with tax loopholes and through welfare to huge corporations and by not vigorously jailing the Wall Street liars and cheats responsible foe the economic meltdown that Bush started. Bush fucked most hardworking Americans and lied about the WMD's and ought to be prosecuted for treason, because wars are expensive and only produce markets for destructive devices and then rebuilding contracts that went to his largest finacial contributors.
Your Choices:
So more hope from a liar with a nice smile who wants to feel good about yourself as his policies fuck you but less painfully than anti-human Republican policies
less hope from a GOP liar who definitely only wants to funnel tax dollars toward rich friends

KRU says make love.
Is it fair to say that you are not crazy about any of our choices in the upcoming elections? :001_huh: :blink: LOL
Dear Broke Straight Boys-Afficianados:
KRU-mates wondered what y'all thought were important political issues that ought to be addressed in this soon to be election. There are 6 Political Sciene majors in KRU right now, who put this together.

Obama fucked us all and too many imbeciles fucked themselves by believing Obama would be the beginning of the new Orgy of Love and Prosperity, because he is only an educated, intelligent, politician who works from what he has at his disposal. He did win a Nobel Peace Prize for explicitly recognizing that the world the USA controls actually contains nations with somewhat valid opinions.
In other words, if you got shit make a shit-sandwich. Obama at least with his Black Kenyan-White American synergy did embody the hybridity and history of this nation. The one-drop rule that makes anything mixed with Whiteness as tainting the White and less-than optimal but does not view anything mixed with Blackness as tainting the Black has baffled the ahistorical anti-intellectual norm in the USA. Now Obama screwed most of us economically by appointing the guy who wrote the rules for shady bond, real estate, and stock trading as his Treasury Secretary.
the Republicans have a series of batshit crazy twits vying for the presidency.
Gingrich is a philandering, adulterer, and liar.
Romney is a lying Mormon richboy.
Perry is a politician who fucked Texas by allowing his biggest financial contributors to build unnecessary toll roads.
Ron Paul is a liar who cannot admit he took lots of money from a bunch of anti-Black, anti-Homosexual, anti-Jewish, anti-Arab, anti-Muslim unenlightened twerps.
All of these turds despise homosexuals or know many closet-cases.
They all have no problem giving taxpayer dollars tothe rich individually with tax loopholes and through welfare to huge corporations and by not vigorously jailing the Wall Street liars and cheats responsible foe the economic meltdown that Bush started. Bush fucked most hardworking Americans and lied about the WMD's and ought to be prosecuted for treason, because wars are expensive and only produce markets for destructive devices and then rebuilding contracts that went to his largest finacial contributors.
Your Choices:
So more hope from a liar with a nice smile who wants to feel good about yourself as his policies fuck you but less painfully than anti-human Republican policies
less hope from a GOP liar who definitely only wants to funnel tax dollars toward rich friends

KRU says make love.

Dear KRU-mates,

I too deplore the many despicable examples of American leadership at its worst. But, what are the choices that realistically have any hope for improving the diverse lives of the "Other 99%". America has had a long history of glorious success and glorious failures in pursuing "American Values" essential to furthering our Republic and ultimately make a difference in most well intentioned, if under-motivated and/or falsely informed citizenry. While both political parties have fallen far short of the mark in living up to their civic responsibilities, we cannot get absorbed by self-pity or resorting to cynicism as neither will improve the lot of American citizenry as a whole.

The only option we have as Americans is to come together united and aim for the allusive high ground with the expansion of personal rights and delivering untainted opportunities for employment opportunities essential to remain prosperous in the global economy. As a nation we have done this before and I hope you are similarly confident this can be achieved one more time. Our forefathers left us with a legacy for being a country that faces challenges for the betterment of the masses and not just the few. We cannot afford to sell out American's futures by abandoning support for our "Middle Class" for the temporary short-term benefits of those connected few who can pay for political favors.

I recognize your innate energy and I ask that you and your fraternity members make a committment being a positive force dedicated to making life better for those left out of today's political and/or economic equation.

Best luck to you and your frat members. Things will only improve when we all buy into the solution of making America a place we all can be proud of once again. Rather than resorting to being accusatory in your presentation, look for the common ground allowing for greater unity and encouraging others to join forces with you and your positive message.

