That's the same way I feel about Florida. And Georgia. And Texas.
Ted Cruz evokes much derision for his arrogance from both sides of the aisle. It's not often that a politician is so disliked by not only the opposition, but those within his own party as well. I remember outgoing speaker John Boehner calling Cruz an S.O.B. and comparing him to Satan. Then he backtracked and said that would be an insult to Satan. haha
My home state didn't do much to brighten the mood or add to the celebration last night for Democrats. Though we did re-elect Charlie Crist to the House. So that was one Democratic seat that held for the new Democratic majority. Rick Scott is a thief. He's so corrupt and crooked that I shudder to think how much money he'll make while in the Senate through bribery, kickbacks, insider trading and the like.
But I am thrilled that Democrats will have checks and balances on him again rather than a rubber stamp Congress.