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Please get out and Vote


BSB Addict
May 4, 2016
Reaction score
I probably don’t have to encourage most of you but just in case here is a little added incentive!

I'm voting too, as I always do, but NOT Straight and NOT Republican either...BTW...:wink:

I agree with you. For students of Irish history, after independence was obtained from Britain in 1921, Emmon DeValera opposed the peace treaty (due to Northern Ireland not being included in the Irish Free State pending a referendum) with speeches condemning the treaty supporters as traitors to Ireland and screaming "you know what happens to traitors!" After his more extreme supporters then physically attacked and murdered treaty supporters, DeValera would say "I condemn that and never intended my words to result in this!" Sound similar to this past week in the US? P.S. After provoking the Irish Civil War and on the verge of losing same, DeValera invited the George Washington of Ireland and head of the Irish Free State Michael Collins to a peace conference. Against the unanimous position of his staff, Collins agreed and was assassinated en route. As a decorated Vietnam Army war veteran, I believe that our great country does not deserve this crap and can take a big step in putting an end to it by voting next Tuesday.
I agree with you. For students of Irish history, after independence was obtained from Britain in 1921, Emmon DeValera opposed the peace treaty (due to Northern Ireland not being included in the Irish Free State pending a referendum) with speeches condemning the treaty supporters as traitors to Ireland and screaming "you know what happens to traitors!" After his more extreme supporters then physically attacked and murdered treaty supporters, DeValera would say "I condemn that and never intended my words to result in this!" Sound similar to this past week in the US? P.S. After provoking the Irish Civil War and on the verge of losing same, DeValera invited the George Washington of Ireland and head of the Irish Free State Michael Collins to a peace conference. Against the unanimous position of his staff, Collins agreed and was assassinated en route. As a decorated Vietnam Army war veteran, I believe that our great country does not deserve this crap and can take a big step in putting an end to it by voting next Tuesday.

I'm a gay Democrat. I'll be voting just as I have in every election I've been old enough to vote in. My parents taught me that voting is a privilege and a duty. I'm not a decorated veteran, but I, too, believe that our great country does not deserve this crap. Thanks for this History Lesson
As a decorated Vietnam Army war veteran, I believe that our great country does not deserve this crap and can take a big step in putting an end to it by voting next Tuesday.
The more I am getting to know you KG, the more I like about you, except for your baseball team affiliation. LOL!

I'm a gay Democrat. I'll be voting just as I have in every election I've been old enough to vote in. My parents taught me that voting is a privilege and a duty. I'm not a decorated veteran, but I, too, believe that our great country does not deserve this crap. Thanks for this History Lesson
And I've liked you for a long time elyot1 as I continue to do. God Bless America, and sane thinkers everywhere!:thumbup1:
I agree with you. For students of Irish history, after independence was obtained from Britain in 1921, Emmon DeValera opposed the peace treaty (due to Northern Ireland not being included in the Irish Free State pending a referendum) with speeches condemning the treaty supporters as traitors to Ireland and screaming "you know what happens to traitors!" After his more extreme supporters then physically attacked and murdered treaty supporters, DeValera would say "I condemn that and never intended my words to result in this!" Sound similar to this past week in the US? P.S. After provoking the Irish Civil War and on the verge of losing same, DeValera invited the George Washington of Ireland and head of the Irish Free State Michael Collins to a peace conference. Against the unanimous position of his staff, Collins agreed and was assassinated en route. As a decorated Vietnam Army war veteran, I believe that our great country does not deserve this crap and can take a big step in putting an end to it by voting next Tuesday.

That is a great history lesson. I know there has been a mess in Ireland or a long time but don’t know many details. Thank you for your post.

I’m doing my part by voting for Robert Francis O’Rourke aka Beto! He has Kenedy charm and charisma and I hope he manages to beat Ted Cruze. Who is almost as self absorbed as Trump.
As a decorated Vietnam Army war veteran, I believe that our great country does not deserve this crap and can take a big step in putting an end to it by voting next Tuesday.

From your lips to God's ears.
As we use to say in the old machine politics days, vote early and vote often - lol !!! I plan to vote and because of redistricting hope to replace a Trump-supporting Congressman; hopefully contributing to a Dem House in 2019.
I will be voting and always do, Republican all the way, Trump is a good man and truly wants all Americans no matter what color they are to succeed and do well.
I will be voting and always do, Republican all the way, Trump is a good man and truly wants all Americans no matter what color they are to succeed and do well.

What on earth are you smoking?
I'm a gay Democrat. I'll be voting just as I have in every election I've been old enough to vote in. My parents taught me that voting is a privilege and a duty. I'm not a decorated veteran, but I, too, believe that our great country does not deserve this crap. Thanks for this History Lesson

Thank you for your post. An old saying goes "those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat it!"
What on earth are you smoking?

Nothing never smoked a day in my life just going along with normal thinking as a person that goes to work and works hard everyday to make a living, I realize some people were mislead during the election and voted for Hillary (can't believe it myself) but how anybody wouldn't think at this point now that Trump was a good choice I'll never understand.
Nothing never smoked a day in my life just going along with normal thinking as a person that goes to work and works hard everyday to make a living, I realize some people were mislead during the election and voted for Hillary (can't believe it myself) but how anybody wouldn't think at this point now that Trump was a good choice I'll never understand.

Stop trying to start a fight.

I have been around for more years than I prefer to tell anyone unless it gets me a good discount. I have seen a lot of crap happen. As a Navy brat, I grew up in a lot of places most people would not experience. Then when Uncle Sam decided I could go on a few voyages at his invitation, I saw a little more. I have voted in every election since I was old enough to vote. I always vote for the best person standing for the office, not the impossible to find "best person" ever since that person does not exist and politics is the art of the possible.

If you are a Republican and you believe that Trump is a good president, that's your opinion. I respect that is the case. My opinion is quite different. I have voted and I did not vote for a single Republican this time.
Nothing never smoked a day in my life just going along with normal thinking as a person that goes to work and works hard everyday to make a living, I realize some people were mislead during the election and voted for Hillary (can't believe it myself) but how anybody wouldn't think at this point now that Trump was a good choice I'll never understand.

Who is your favorite Fox News Anchor. Mine is Chris Wallace.