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Past Models


BSB Addict
Feb 2, 2010
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I have been a fan of Broke Straight Boys since I first joined, and will continue in the future. But I have seen in the last 6 months more Past Broke Straight Boys models doing hardcore gay videos. So as I do every once in awhile I go back and check out past scenes from your archives, well frankly I only can count a dozen or so guys who are really "Broke Straight Boys". Like I said I will continue being a huge Broke Straight Boys fan, but I feel this is just a stepping stone for GAY guys wanting to get into gay porn. The last 2 months some of the new models have quite the gay lisp, I don't really care but who are they really fooling when they say, they are straight. The most recent model Leon, I like him a lot especially with Tyler, but come on he is pretty gay when he speaks and his demeanor. I just came across a video starring Ridge, well I first went back to see how he acted on your site he seemed fairly straight. I went back to the video and he was all bottom. Well just a huge fan speaking his mind. I hope I didn't come across as bitching or critical of your site, this was not my intention :001_tt1:
I have been a fan of Broke Straight Boys since I first joined, and will continue in the future. But I have seen in the last 6 months more Past Broke Straight Boys models doing hardcore gay videos. So as I do every once in awhile I go back and check out past scenes from your archives, well frankly I only can count a dozen or so guys who are really "Broke Straight Boys". Like I said I will continue being a huge Broke Straight Boys fan, but I feel this is just a stepping stone for GAY guys wanting to get into gay porn. The last 2 months some of the new models have quite the gay lisp, I don't really care but who are they really fooling when they say, they are straight. The most recent model Leon, I like him a lot especially with Tyler, but come on he is pretty gay when he speaks and his demeanor. I just came across a video starring Ridge, well I first went back to see how he acted on your site he seemed fairly straight. I went back to the video and he was all bottom. Well just a huge fan speaking his mind. I hope I didn't come across as bitching or critical of your site, this was not my intention :001_tt1:

You have every right to question. But can you be specific in the models you speak about.

If you have gone back and read many of my past post, this question had been asked about. In the beginning of Broke Straight Boys, we use models that considered themselves "gay for pay" GFP. The site was new and it was very difficult hire models for this site and 6 years ago, the common thing was to hire GFP models.

We can argue for months and years about GFP type models...but its not uncommon to see those models on other sites. I'm proud to state that when they appeared on this site, this was there first time doing gay porn. We have had a handful of GFP models that moved on to larger studios and bigger productions.

On the flip side of your comments, we have many models that you can also see here on this site. For every one model that you have seen on other sites there are 2-3 models that you never seen elsewhere except on this site.

As for the only model you mention, which is Leon. I hate to break your thoughts...but he's straight-curious. As for Ridge, we do mention he's been on other sites and considers himself as GFP, which he is.
Labels. It seems that many of us are still very hooked on using labels for the models. I just had a conversation with another member on the phone and he made a very good point.

He stated that the younger generation is much more open and willing to experiment with sex. However, what makes it true love is the emotional part. For most of the guys you see on this site, its mechanical sex. There is no emotion involved. The only time you see emotion is when I match to gay models together. When I match two straight boys or two boys that are willing to try gay sex for money, there is no emotion involved and think this becomes and issue when our members are still concerned about "labels".

Years ago, having sex was different. Gay's had sex with gay's and straight boys had sex with girls...this was common and not much experimentation took place. Now, I've heard many stories from our very own members that they had oral sex with many straight guys, but it was just oral sex and these guys weren't gay. What about gay guys that had sex with girls...are these gay guys really straight? We can argue and place labels on these boys, but that bottom line is the emotional intent there between these boys.

For those members that had the chance of meeting Diesal, and he's been on out site for a very long time having sex with nothing but other guys, the questions is, is Diesal really gay? Or Bisexual? Those that met Diesal, what do you think once you actually met him in person? Is he gay? Is he Bi?

In addition, a guy can come into our studio and is confused about his sexuality. He may never had experienced another guy before. Is this curiosity? Bi-Curious? and then he had his taste of "cock" for the first time, and it's not bad, so he will open himself up a bit more to the idea of having gay sex and trying more. Does this make him gay? Perhaps he doesn't mind having gay sex, but overall prefers to be with females. Can this be possible.

Sex is a wide range and in today's world its difficult to place labels on sex. Everyone has there own taste and open mind to do whatever. Is this site telling the truth? Are we depicting the true youth of today? Perhaps this site is showing what is really going on in today's world when it comes to sex...the world is changing. The *OLD* thoughts are back in the past and it doesn't apply in today's world, they are just old thinking but old men that are just holding on to the days of yesterday. Some of the older generation get it and understand while the majority of the older gay men, are still hooked to using labels and still can't fathom that a guy can have sex with another guy and not be gay!

Gay acts and being gay. Mechanical Sex and Falling In Love, there is a line between the two. Mechanical sex is just sex. Making love and having emotional feelings towards that person is the line between being a gay man having sex with another gay man, and a straight dude having sex with another dude.

Okay...I think I should start teaching a class on the new order of sex in today's world...LOL.
as you know david i just hung out with diesal and austin this weekend, and every where we went, guys were always saying, "youre not straight!". well i can tell you, diesal is definately straight! me and him had a conversation with another very femme gay guy, and i explained to him that sometimes a hole is a hole! haha i know thats a vulgar way of putting it but i asked the femme guy if he's ever used that excuse before while seducing a straight guy, and he admitted to using it very often. so i agree that when some of these guys have sex with other guys, they think of it as another hole. then me and austin had a discussion about percentage of gay and straight compulsions inside someone, which is what the kinsey scale touches on. sometimes someone can be 95% gay and 5% straight, sometimes a woman just happens to fall into that 5% range. but especially seeing the guys on tour, it seems like a lot of the general public doesnt believe these guys are actually straight, once again, everyone is focused on lables!

I'm a post-label guy. Sometimes I read things on the Forum and am confused. I admit I haven't lived in a big city, or many places. Mostly home, a small college town (my parents teach) and a slighttly bigger college town where I go to school. In neither place is there much labeling. Who someone has sex with doesn't really matter so much. Some people really are curious and experiment, that goes for both 'gay' and 'straight' men and women. I know a few girls who have tried same sex partners and more than a few guys who have done the same. No big thing.

Saw the movie MILK, a true story about a guy named Harvy Milk and how he worked to change the stigma of gays back then. Gay bars were raided and guys arrested just for being there. Their pictures were published in newspapers. Gays were beaten up just for being gay, etc. That world isn't the world I grew up in. I know all that stuff, or most of it is true. I've looked it up. Its just difficult to imagine it.

I know that there are still pockets of society where some of this bias still exists, and there are people like a guy named Fred Phelps who has followers that show up at gay funerals, and now even at Military funerals carrying signs condeming homosexuality. I know about Mathew Sheppard and The Laramie Project. I just have a hard time relating to them.

After seeing MILK and the 10th Anniversary of The Laramie Project a few of us got to talking and one thing we all agreed on was that we are as gay guys living in a much more welcoming society and that is because of all the gay guys who went before us and refused to buy into the lie that gays are second class citizens and are somehow unworthy of love. We still have a long way to go. Don't Ask, Gay Marriage (tho I don't think I want to do that personally) visitation rights for gay partners, etc. Some of us will be the guys who make it better for the guys who come after us.

Off topic. Sorry. I think you make the right distinction, David. Tho I might define it as sexual release and intimate sex. I have a lot of sex, sexual release sex, but intimate sex somehow scares me. I've experienced it and I know its my fault it doesn't work out. Maybe some guys, not just straight guys are afrraid of committment. All I really wanted to say is that labels are a way of simplifying a much more complex challenge.

Hope this makes some kind of sense.
I know most people that visit this site or go to Broke Straight Boys events or see us at a pridefest will assume that all the models that appear on the Broke Straight Boys site are all gay. Its hard for gay men of all ages to admit that guys that have sex with guys maybe bisexual and don't want to admit that sex is described like the Kinsey Report.


I personally think our models lean in the middle or more towards to Heterosexual & Bisexual on this scale which represents what Kinsey studied.

What are your thoughts?
Boy did I get a mind full!!! I appreciate your input in regards to this matter, I hope i didn't offend anyone. I guess I must be "old school" because I feel if your sucking dick and getting fucked by a guy "your gay". I like 90% of your models on this site, and honestly don't care if their Bi/and or Gay males. It is a great site with all you have to offer. I will continue to support this site and hopefully you guy's will visit my beautiful city of Seattle sometime. We have quite the Gay population here! Thanks again for your remarks. Big Fan:thumbup:
I love the great discussion on this thread. I think your right David that in today's world there a many men would do gay sexual acts and do not identify with being gay or heck even bisexual. I have straight guy friends who have had sex or received oral from another man but will still end up marrying a woman and being completely happy in that role. We can even say a hole is just a hole I guess but I think it goes further than that. Once a person allows themselves to be sexually explorative and receive pleasure many things will happen in which would not have occurred if they had been closed off to it.
Take Diesal for example, When you first see video’s of him he is a little uncomfortable but you can tell he is open to anything because he needs the money and wants to get out of fl. There are a few moments I think that you can see his mind change. It doesn’t happen at once and it’s not at dramatic every time but you see the first time he gets good head and really enjoys it also there is a group scene in the beginning where Mike, Chris and Tyler. All of the guys in the scene were kind of blown away by it and it’s noticeable. But then again you have to ask is he gay? I don’t think so. I think it’s his way of being totally okay with himself. Logan is the same way. I would never call Logan gay but it seems he does enjoy good head.
I would also like to think of myself as very fluid. I have been with women and am currently with a man who in all honesty I couldn’t see myself without. Because I have been passionately in love with a woman does that make me gay? Or does that make me bi and what if I have been with a woman who I loved dearly but have no intentions of ever being with a woman because of my committed relationship. Where does that leave me? See where the labels don’t work?
I will also add this I was outed long before I knew what I was. I told an ex in high school that I thought I might like women. Within 2 weeks the whole school found out. I since 15 I have lived as Out as I guess I could be. I even have had people email my husband to say don’t you know your with a lesbian. I didn’t get a chance to decide what I was going to be. In a lot of ways I am thankful for it because I got to have both sides. To most of my friends now they look at me as a straight woman but for those who know me from school think I am a big lesbian living a lie. I know now I am just me and no one can take that away.
I agree with sweety dande01, that human sexuality can't be labeled at least not for everyone. I mean i am sure that as sexual freedom advances labels will be harder to place. I always thought that the sex role you prefer has a major impact on your sexuality. I used to think that a die hard bottom with men can't go with women or that a top gay man can fuck a girl cause he retains his sex role. Alas, this year i met 1 boy that is bi and prefers the bottom role with boys and the top with girls. So its hard to define sexuality although sometimes we would like to.

I oncve thought i had seduced a straight guy because he was dating girls, but in the end it seems he was only a closeted homosexual(even to himself) cause now he dates boys. But I know from my friends that they have sucked a straight boy especially in the army!
Boy did I get a mind full!!! I appreciate your input in regards to this matter, I hope i didn't offend anyone. I guess I must be "old school" because I feel if your sucking dick and getting fucked by a guy "your gay". I like 90% of your models on this site, and honestly don't care if their Bi/and or Gay males. It is a great site with all you have to offer. I will continue to support this site and hopefully you guy's will visit my beautiful city of Seattle sometime. We have quite the Gay population here! Thanks again for your remarks. Big Fan:thumbup:

Please don't think you did something wrong...you didn't. You brought up a very valid concern that many of our members of this site think the same way as you do. Many don't realize or don't want to realize that in today's world, sexuality is much different then many years ago.

I'm not asking every member to totally agree with me on this point, and I'm sure there are many members that come here, enjoy the site, but no matter what we say or claim, all our models are paid professional gay models and all the scenes are scripted and rehearsed and there is no convincing them otherwise.

Some members think otherwise and understand and its nice to hear stories from our members telling us that they had sex with straight guys before and then finding out years later, they are married with kids. Or they were married with kids and they just fooled around with a straight guy...it was a one night fling..shit happen...and that was it. This doesn't make any gay or straight.

I get turned on by dominatrix nurse type females...but I am a gay man but I like to watch straight porn, watch dominatrix nurses abusing patients. I also enjoy watching girls giving guys handjobs, I'm into CFNM, also into MILF's I enjoy watching older women with younger guys....so I must by turning straight.
Thanks I don't feel like I said anything wrong, just a point of view. Well what about getting up to Seattle sometime? I wish I would have kept in better contact with the roving Broke Straight Boys group, I was in Phoenix not to long ago on vacation, hell I would have changed my dates to coincide with meeting Diesal in person.
I know most people that visit this site or go to Broke Straight Boys events or see us at a pridefest will assume that all the models that appear on the Broke Straight Boys site are all gay. Its hard for gay men of all ages to admit that guys that have sex with guys maybe bisexual and don't want to admit that sex is described like the Kinsey Report.


I personally think our models lean in the middle or more towards to Heterosexual & Bisexual on this scale which represents what Kinsey studied.

What are your thoughts?

Here is my 2cents - in no particular order:-
1. I feel that if you are 100% "straight" there is no way that you would want or need to have sex with a man no matter how much money was on offer.
2. For some of the boys I imagine it is purely mechanical sex eg - "Hey I'm horny, here is a chance for me to get my rocks off & get paid for it"
3. For some boys it is an opportunity to satisfy an itch eg - "I wonder what it would be like to have sex with a guy, so here is an opportunity to get it on with a guy & walk away happy having been there, done that, don't need or want to do it again"
4. For some boys it would be a case of "I have these feelings but I am not sure what I want so here is an opportunity to suck it & see then walk away with a feeling of yes this is good & I want some more"
5. (this is from my own personal experience) When I was younger I was in love with girls but I never "fantasized about them sexually", however, I fantasized & loved having sex with other guys but I never once thought about guys romatically. The mere thought of even kissing a guy near made me vomit (well not quite that bad).

I could keep going & add more scenarios but I think you get the gist of what I am saying.

PS - As far as labels go - "We are all human beings, end of story"
Please don't think you did something wrong...you didn't. You brought up a very valid concern that many of our members of this site think the same way as you do. Many don't realize or don't want to realize that in today's world, sexuality is much different then many years ago.

I'm not asking every member to totally agree with me on this point, and I'm sure there are many members that come here, enjoy the site, but no matter what we say or claim, all our models are paid professional gay models and all the scenes are scripted and rehearsed and there is no convincing them otherwise.

Some members think otherwise and understand and its nice to hear stories from our members telling us that they had sex with straight guys before and then finding out years later, they are married with kids. Or they were married with kids and they just fooled around with a straight guy...it was a one night fling..shit happen...and that was it. This doesn't make any gay or straight.

I get turned on by dominatrix nurse type females...but I am a gay man but I like to watch straight porn, watch dominatrix nurses abusing patients. I also enjoy watching girls giving guys handjobs, I'm into CFNM, also into MILF's I enjoy watching older women with younger guys....so I must by turning straight.

David, get yourself over the College Boy Physicals set right now & see one of the doctors so he can find a cure for you :lol:
Here is my 2cents - in no particular order:-
1. I feel that if you are 100% "straight" there is no way that you would want or need to have sex with a man no matter how much money was on offer.
2. For some of the boys I imagine it is purely mechanical sex eg - "Hey I'm horny, here is a chance for me to get my rocks off & get paid for it"
3. For some boys it is an opportunity to satisfy an itch eg - "I wonder what it would be like to have sex with a guy, so here is an opportunity to get it on with a guy & walk away happy having been there, done that, don't need or want to do it again"
4. For some boys it would be a case of "I have these feelings but I am not sure what I want so here is an opportunity to suck it & see then walk away with a feeling of yes this is good & I want some more"
5. (this is from my own personal experience) When I was younger I was in love with girls but I never "fantasized about them sexually", however, I fantasized & loved having sex with other guys but I never once thought about guys romatically. The mere thought of even kissing a guy near made me vomit (well not quite that bad).

I could keep going & add more scenarios but I think you get the gist of what I am saying.

PS - As far as labels go - "We are all human beings, end of story"

This should have been added to the end of point 5 - "Now I know I am 100% gay & I love kissing guys"
Please don't think you did something wrong...you didn't. You brought up a very valid concern that many of our members of this site think the same way as you do. Many don't realize or don't want to realize that in today's world, sexuality is much different then many years ago.

I'm not asking every member to totally agree with me on this point, and I'm sure there are many members that come here, enjoy the site, but no matter what we say or claim, all our models are paid professional gay models and all the scenes are scripted and rehearsed and there is no convincing them otherwise.

Some members think otherwise and understand and its nice to hear stories from our members telling us that they had sex with straight guys before and then finding out years later, they are married with kids. Or they were married with kids and they just fooled around with a straight guy...it was a one night fling..shit happen...and that was it. This doesn't make any gay or straight.

I get turned on by dominatrix nurse type females...but I am a gay man but I like to watch straight porn, watch dominatrix nurses abusing patients. I also enjoy watching girls giving guys handjobs, I'm into CFNM, also into MILF's I enjoy watching older women with younger guys....so I must by turning straight.

haha just ask miss deidra, at the pride event on saturday i was drunk and it brought out my heterosexual appriciation for boobs. we had left the guys so they could work and we found a nice little spot to dance. i would dance up on her, and a few times i would cup her boobies and lick them. i like to play with boobs when im sober as well but i dont usually lick them unless im drunk.....haha!
Is there a fundamentalist televangelist in the house?

...I get turned on by dominatrix nurse type females...but I am a gay man but I like to watch straight porn, watch dominatrix nurses abusing patients. I also enjoy watching girls giving guys handjobs, I'm into CFNM, also into MILF's I enjoy watching older women with younger guys....so I must by turning straight.

In this day when anything you say can be misconstrued, I don't want your personal explanation of your sexual likes to become the next recipe for converting gays to straight.:001_rolleyes:

Most of my sexual encounters have been with heterosexual males with just enough curiosity to "experiment" with me on one or more occasions. For the most part, this walk on the wild side did not permanently scar or wreck their self-concept or sexual identity. Some were college aged or married or divorced. You have to remind yourself, in the 60's having one drop of black blood was sufficient to consider a person 100% black. Likewise, having oral sex, mutual masturbation, and the worst of all offenses anal sex were all considered unnatural acts if shared with another male. I would say that beginning in the early 80's, even with the AIDS scare and the likes of the hate filled Jerry Falwell/Pat Robertson, those with a more liberal upbringing just entering adulthood did not share this "Zero tolerance" attitude like their parents did. The numbers were small at first and more recently, public school students declaring them self bi-sexual became very fashionable and without stigma, if not overused. This does not mean that all bigotry has ended.

As a recently retired high school counselor with almost 40 years experience, there has been an observable improvement in acceptance of gays and bisexuals by today's youth. Again, this is not perfected but it is an definite improvement in both rural and urban areas. Young people can identify with being discriminated against and it is easier for them to make the leap to an area outside their personal experience with empathy.

Simply stated it's primarily the adults that appear to be stuck with holding on to "LABELS". Personally, labels are designed to be used for record-keeping. I don't know exactly how many census workers or really anal-retentive accountants we have as Broke Straight Boys members?

Be that as it may, keep in mind labels are commonly thought of as those small fragments of cloth sown into the seams of garments. There is more to the garment than labels. Get a grip!:001_rolleyes: A rose is a rose...