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Our good friends

Denny Bear

Well-known Member
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
Sioux City, IA
On the other thread announcing the new Broke Straight Boys coming soon I see that most of the comments have been very positive and it looks as though folks are anxiously waiting the update. What there has been little of are comments regarding our good friends who have entertained us for all these years. Friends who are now being left alone on the trail. Of course I refer to our good friends David and Eddy. While I am anxious to see the new Broke Straight Boys I also feel the only thing broke there now is in the name. I personally feel that David and Eddy have done an excellent job of production and I will be very sad to see them go. Frankly, the videos we have seen the last couple of months have been some of the best and hottest ones yet. David, Eddy you guys have done a really great job and you will be sincerely missed. I know you will still be on College Boy Physicals but it just won’t be the same. Let’s hope the new site is what it is supposed to be, but I still remember New Coke!

Along with the these comments let me also say I think I have a pretty good idea of how close you guys were to Mike and the terrible loss you must feel. We all feel deeply about this terrible disaster but for you guys it must be like loosing a son. I know he cared deeply for you guys. Please accept my condolences to you guys as well as Michael.

Ciao, ciao bambini

Ditto Denny.

David has been very graceful in taking a back seat here in the forum in the last couple of months, letting the guys in Colorado take the forefront. He's only chimed in, as he says, when something to do with the filming or the models needed straightening out. But that doesn't mean he hasn't been ever present in our universe, right there at the beginning of every episode. And I agree with you about the quality of the scenes, that the "bottom of the barrel" has in many ways been the creme de la creme floating on the very top. I know that whatever comes from Blu from now on is going to be great. The mere fact that M. Stéphane is a member of that team guarantees the quality in my opinion. But David and his troupe have been totally awesome during this whole first phase of the site, and I'll never forget him, and Eddie and Tyler, as the people who made gay fetish porn, um, well, uh, lovable.

OK. OK. Maybe not exactly lovable, but you know what I mean.:thumbup:
someone else to say goodbye to????

MY GOD.................how many sad goodbyes am I going to have to endure on this site, are you guys firing everybody, then what did I sign up for?? After the tragic loss of michael, we find out your firing alot of our favorite models, and now today I'm gettin word that David and Eddie are gone, all the friends that built this site and made it a family of friends just are being kicked to the curb.....WHAT THE HELL GUYS????? I am excited of about the new face being put on the sit of BSBs, but don't throw out the baby with the bath water, PLEASE...............
insanedude, I really love your post. But please fret not. No one fired anyone really, the site owners and the film production team simply decided to take separate roads. From what's been posted on the forum we understand that this was totally amicable and in the individual interests of both parties. Their association has been so successful for so many years that a lot of us were puzzled at first as to why the fuck, but have mostly got used to the idea now. It's been about 8 months since David filmed an episode, and Blu has been working hard to get the new material in shape to release on the site. In a few hours you're going to get to see the first of the new brokies. In order to see some of your present favorites, you'll have to check D&E's own sites.

insanedude, I really love your post. But please fret not. No one fired anyone really, the site owners and the film production team simply decided to take separate roads. From what's been posted on the forum we understand that this was totally amicable and in the individual interests of both parties. Their association has been so successful for so many years that a lot of us were puzzled at first as to why the fuck, but have mostly got used to the idea now. It's been about 8 months since David filmed an episode, and Blu has been working hard to get the new material in shape to release on the site. In a few hours you're going to get to see the first of the new brokies. In order to see some of your present favorites, you'll have to check D&E's own sites.

so you mean to tell me that all this time they have been planning to junk the "old models" along with David and Eddie and I'm just now finding this shit out? So much for keeping me informed, and believe me I have been jumping around this chat forum.... and am just now learning of all this.... remember, I am looking forward to all the new faces, I just didn't know about the divorce, well the kids are always the last to know I guess?? so please tell me about these other D&E sites and how I find them....
I too would like to offer again my sincerst thanks to David and Eddie for all their contributions over these many years. I also wish to compliment David on the class and graciousness with which he is handing over the reins to a new team. If there is or was any tension or hard feelings, he is handling it with great dignity.

Of course D& E are not ones to let the grass grow under their feet. They have already been pouring their energies and expertise into other ventures. The internet has certainly not seen the last of them. :001_smile:

I am quite sad to see you guys leave Broke Straight Boys But fortunately I will be able to see some of your newer work. Plus, the work you leave behind here will be enjoyed for years to come. :)

Thank you again guys. You have done a fantastic job! :thumbup:
(Along with the these comments let me also say I think I have a pretty good idea of how close you guys were to Mike and the terrible loss you must feel. We all feel deeply about this terrible disaster but for you guys it must be like loosing a son. I know he cared deeply for you guys. Please accept my condolences to you guys as well as Michael.) This portion lifted from the musings of Denny Bear!

Which thread was it in where David told of some of the boys having to spend a night or two on the couch, or on the floor (I think he said) at his and Eddie's house? You don't get much closer to your charges than when you house them, or feed them, or give them a shoulder, like they were your own kids. I suspect Mike and many others benefited from the generosity of these two! The bonds they have built, well, I know how I'd feel if I lost one of my foster kids. Mazel Tov! David & Eddie, for all you have done for these boys.
David, Eddie, Tyler and the entire D & E Crew, this is for you:


Thanks for the Memory

Of Broke Straight Boys who whine, sucking right on time
The interview and moments upon the futons whine
How lovely it was!

Thanks for the Memory
Of stormy afternoons, fucking until their blue
And stripping down with burning lips to open wide to swallow dicks
How lovely it was!

Many's the time that we feasted
On Alden's, Logan's, Tyler's beastie
Oh well it was swell until it blasted
We did have fun and no harm done

And Thanks for the Memory
Of cum shots on the floor, sucking like a whore
It might have been to made up but it seldom was a bore
So thank you so much

Thanks for the Memory
For CJ's burning ass, and never making mass
And chuckles when the filmer said, "For a little more don't miss"
How lovely it was

We say goodbye with a big highfive
Then we got to see more naked models
Those straighties having sex without hurdles
We laugh, we creme, Hooray! For us

So thanks for the memory
And strickly entre-nous, darling how are you?
And how the forums big, big dreams never did come true!
Aw'flkly glad we all met you, cheerio, and toodle-oo
And thank you so much

David, for 6 1/2 years you have provided us with entertainment and filled our lust. We seen what close to 1000 models in that time? Which for you is over 2000 names, it was amazing how rare it was when you used the wrong name for a model.

We all wish you great success in your future endeavors. A standard has been set. We wish Mark success in continuing the traditions and excellence you help to established.

For the last time,

T H A N K S F O R T H E M E M O R Y!

Live Long and Prosper,

Wow! Thank you guys for all your kind words! and as Jackie Gleason put it..."and the way we go..."
Wow! Thank you guys for all your kind words! and as Jackie Gleason put it..."and the way we go..."
I guess you were a little young in Jackie Gleason's time David, and you don't remember that the exact phrase was "And Awaaay We Go!".

If there is a gay porn "hall of fame", you belong there David with William Higgins, and whoever shot Falcon videos, as great filmmakers. They are all different styles, but all brilliant in their own way. And David you did an amazing job, and I'll always love you for what you did here. You should be very, very proud, as you say "And Awaaay We Go". :001_smile:
How sweet it is....

I guess you were a little young in Jackie Gleason's time David, and you don't remember that the exact phrase was "And Awaaay We Go!".

If there is a gay porn "hall of fame", you belong there David with William Higgins, and whoever shot Falcon videos, as great filmmakers. They are all different styles, but all brilliant in their own way. And David you did an amazing job, and I'll always love you for what you did here. You should be very, very proud, as you say "And Awaaay We Go". :001_smile:

Gleason's character Ralph Kramden's stomping ground is your home base Mr. Yank. Did you ever see this sign with another of Ralph's phrases? Also appropriate as a send-off for David and Troupe.


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