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One More Ethan Steel scene coming up on December 23, 2019 (Ethan Steel Fucks Max Jay)

I'm with you Y&C.

I admit that I would like to see Ethan bottom. However that doesn't mean I think he shouldn't be brought back unless or until he does so. I see him consistently improving. He actually does try to please the fans. Being in the industry he actually understands that in order to stay relevant and make more money, get more scenes etc., that you have to actually please the paying fan base. What a concept! haha Some models seem kind of clueless, oblivious or just obstinate on the intrinsic logic of this. You can't get hired and then submit a long list of demands of things you refuse to do. (And then you feel the viewers should just "get over it" if you're not giving them as much as they'd like to see you do.) Uhhh… They're the ones paying your salary.

You can absolutely ask not to be pushed into certain things (right away) which are out of your comfort zone. The staff of the studio should be empathetic and willing to work with you (to a certain point at least) in order to keep you comfortable. One would hope a studio would never run roughshod over your wishes and send you into some personal crisis of regret and self-loathing.

For Ethan I have seen a steady improvement of him pushing how own personal boundaries. As I've alluded to before, he's got a great body. He's cute as a button. He's very photogenic. The camera loves him. I love his slightly exotic features. Ethan has gone farther in his scenes with kissing and kissing with tongue. He will suck a dick. He may not always be doing it the best. But he is trying and improving. As long as he is continually pushing his own boundaries, improving and doing well in all of the basics other than bottoming, I will still be a big fan. :)
I am curious Tampa for your opinion, as you've been around here as long as I have. How would you rank these following models in how much they "rankled" the forum by the end of their time on Broke Straight Boys?

I would say in order of most polarizing:

#1 Jimmy Johnson

#2 Mike Robbins

#3 Axel Kane

#4 Ethan Steel

I'm sure I've left out others, and I'd welcome your input and your opinion as well. I'm not asking who you personally dislike the most for I know it's my "dawg" or was I his "dawg", lol, Jimmy, but how would you rank the most polarizing of all time?????
Agree with all you said.....I am MORE THAN willing to give him a second chance, IFF(for those that have not taken Philosophy, 'IFF'=If, and ONLY If, he contributes more, vs expecting to be the one, and only to have things done to him, if he is more open to oral, even if just kissing vs giving head. So if there are any of these changes in the remaining updates with him, it would be a WELCOME change.

Tampa I think I must be watching totally different scenes with Ethan in than you, I simply cannot relate to anything you mention here, where has Ethan improved? As far as I can see he is doing the same thing in every scene he shoots there is no variety in positions, we are lucky if we get him to suck dick for more than a few seconds so it's hard to know if there is an improvement. His condescending dialogue to his partners at times is verging on offensive. I know this model has really polarised the forumites here and he probably won't be the last to do this and it would be a really sad world if we all liked every model on this site but when you compare Ethan against other models such as RyanParks and Elijah their improvement in scene on scene can be seen I just don't see this with Ethan, it's the same boring performance. I know some of Ethan's defenders will say you don't have to watch, the fact remains I pay for this and therefore will watch all scenes regardless of whose in them and also how would I know if he had improved without watching. I am not a fan of this boy and really I probably never will be but he's a model on Broke Straight Boys and should be given a fare crack of the whip like others, but for me he just doesn't live up to expectations I read at the time he started on Broke Straight Boys
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Agree with all you said.....I am MORE THAN willing to give him a second chance, IFF(for those that have not taken Philosophy, 'IFF'=If, and ONLY If, he contributes more, vs expecting to be the one, and only to have things done to him, if he is more open to oral, even if just kissing vs giving head. So if there are any of these changes in the remaining updates with him, it would be a WELCOME change.
Thanks SGVBOB I think on this subject you and I are on the same page, I know others will disagree but that is what makes this forum interesting.
I am curious Tampa for your opinion, as you've been around here as long as I have. How would you rank these following models in how much they "rankled" the forum by the end of their time on Broke Straight Boys?

I would say in order of most polarizing:

#1 Jimmy Johnson

#2 Mike Robbins

#3 Axel Kane

#4 Ethan Steel

I'm sure I've left out others, and I'd welcome your input and your opinion as well. I'm not asking who you personally dislike the most for I know it's my "dawg" or was I his "dawg", lol, Jimmy, but how would you rank the most polarizing of all time?????

None compare to the polarizing nature of Jimmy John both on the site and on other social media at the time.
Tampa I think I must be watching totally different scenes with Ethan in than you, I simply cannot relate to anything you mention here, where has Ethan improved? As far as I can see he is doing the same thing in every scene he shoots there is no variety in positions, we are lucky if we get him to suck dick for more than a few seconds so it's hard to know if there is an improvement. His condescending dialogue to his partners at times is verging on offensive. I know this model has really polarised the forumites here and he probably won't be the last to do this and it would be a really sad world if we all liked every model on this site but when you compare Ethan against other models such as RyanParks and Elijah their improvement in scene on scene can be seen I just don't see this with Ethan, it's the same boring performance. I know some of Ethan's defenders will say you don't have to watch, the fact remains I pay for this and therefore will watch all scenes regardless of whose in them and also how would I know if he had improved without watching. I am not a fan of this boy and really I probably never will be but he's a model on Broke Straight Boys and should be given a fare crack of the whip like others, but for me he just doesn't live up to expectations I read at the time he started on Broke Straight Boys

Hi Foxy,

I for one would certainly not tell you or anyone as a paying member that you should just not watch a model or scene if you think you won't like him or it. Why pay money to get these scenes if you're expected to deny yourself watching them? Obviously models' performances can be subjective in how they are seen and received. I feel that I was seeing progress over his earlier work. You may feel I exaggerated on that point. Partly though I spoke up for Ethan here because I know that many times when models are invited back for a new set of scenes that in a majority of cases (other than people like Jimmy Johnson) that they do step up their game. Back in the day I loved models like Diesal and Tank Shane all along even though they never bottomed until near the very ends of their careers here.

I just feel that Ethan has so much potential as a model if he truly wants porn stardom. I don't mean to imply though that the performances he has given up until now are enough to get him far at this site or in the porn industry in general. He still has a lot of work to do. That's why the debate about bringing him back is controversial. In my opinion he has not yet merited by his performances being put on speed dial by the site. (Such as models like Jos Alvarez or Tanner.) I speak up for Ethan though because he's so hot and I really would like to see him get another shot. But no. I did not mean to imply that he was doing absolutely great and that there was nothing monotonous or to be improved upon with his work. I did see improvement with him from scene to scene. But if most of us (including myself) felt that he was doing great...then we wouldn't even be having this conversation

I see this particular thread as being a referendum (of sorts haha) among those of us here in the forum on whether we feel he should be given another chance or not. I'm in favor of giving him another chance. If he's brought back and shows no advancement over his previous scenes, then sure. Cut him loose.

One caveat I'll throw out there is that it's possible this new scene is not really new per se and has been held back a little while. If it has been held back for several weeks or longer, that usually (though not always) means that it's not very good for one reason or another. So we'll see.
Hi Foxy,

I for one would certainly not tell you or anyone as a paying member that you should just not watch a model or scene if you think you won't like him or it. Why pay money to get these scenes if you're expected to deny yourself watching them? Obviously models' performances can be subjective in how they are seen and received. I feel that I was seeing progress over his earlier work. You may feel I exaggerated on that point. Partly though I spoke up for Ethan here because I know that many times when models are invited back for a new set of scenes that in a majority of cases (other than people like Jimmy Johnson) that they do step up their game. Back in the day I loved models like Diesal and Tank Shane all along even though they never bottomed until near the very ends of their careers here.

I just feel that Ethan has so much potential as a model if he truly wants porn stardom. I don't mean to imply though that the performances he has given up until now are enough to get him far at this site or in the porn industry in general. He still has a lot of work to do. That's why the debate about bringing him back is controversial. In my opinion he has not yet merited by his performances being put on speed dial by the site. (Such as models like Jos Alvarez or Tanner.) I speak up for Ethan though because he's so hot and I really would like to see him get another shot. But no. I did not mean to imply that he was doing absolutely great and that there was nothing monotonous or to be improved upon with his work. I did see improvement with him from scene to scene. But if most of us (including myself) felt that he was doing great...then we wouldn't even be having this conversation

I see this particular thread as being a referendum (of sorts haha) among those of us here in the forum on whether we feel he should be given another chance or not. I'm in favor of giving him another chance. If he's brought back and shows no advancement over his previous scenes, then sure. Cut him loose.

One caveat I'll throw out there is that it's possible this new scene is not really new per se and has been held back a little while. If it has been held back for several weeks or longer, that usually (though not always) means that it's not very good for one reason or another. So we'll see.

Hi Tampa, As always you give a balanced view to your reasoning and I can see why. For me Ethan is probably the most polarised model I have seen on Broke Straight Boys since I joined. I am more than willing to give this boy another chance, he's not my favourite model by a long way but like most models on this site he has a following and that should be respected. However I doubt very much if Ethan did come back if we would see any improvement I just don't think he has it in him to be a good gay for pay model. I have said before that maybe he should consider doing straight.porn if he wants to succeed in this industry, although I truly think he probably would have limitations here too. I think you need certain skills to be a porn model which Ethan I think doesn't possess, we probably have seen the upper limit of his skills in the scenes his shot
PS: Let's not have a referendum on this please, look where it's got the UK over the last 3 years!!! LOL
sorry the highlit part was off Tampa's post
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None compare to the polarizing nature of Jimmy John both on the site and on other social media at the time.
You're probably right Tampa, that the level of vitriol hurled toward Jimmy is unsurpassed in the entire history of the forum. One of the things that I loved about Jimmy was that he got right into the middle of the fray. He was an active participant on the forum and he was willing to defend himself against the most vocal haters. He would challenge people to be brave and to confront him in public and not from behind the safety of their keyboards, where it was easy to name call and insult.

I never had the pleasure to meet him in person, but from watching his half dozen BTS episodes available on the site of the Pride Events, he was always polite and courteous towards the fans who approached him, willingly taking pics, with a genuine smile. And when I met Sha I spent a good deal of my conversation asking about Jimmy, as Sha was the chaperone for the models at all of the Pride Fests representing Broke Straight Boys around the country. And Sha had only good things to say about his experiences working with Jimmy on the road.

So while Ethan has his detractors, nothing rivals what Jimmy experienced and Jimmy laughed all the way to the bank from his year's salary on Broke Straight Boys right into starring on an even bigger site after here, until he retired by bottoming one time, undoubtedly for a nice pay check. And Jimmy did it with a smile on his face. I sure hope that Jimmy is doing well in life and has a good relationship with his kids, for as Sha told me the most important thing in the world to Jimmy was his kids, and I just bet he is a great dad!
You're probably right Tampa, that the level of vitriol hurled toward Jimmy is unsurpassed in the entire history of the forum. One of the things that I loved about Jimmy was that he got right into the middle of the fray. He was an active participant on the forum and he was willing to defend himself against the most vocal haters. He would challenge people to be brave and to confront him in public and not from behind the safety of their keyboards, where it was easy to name call and insult.

I never had the pleasure to meet him in person, but from watching his half dozen BTS episodes available on the site of the Pride Events, he was always polite and courteous towards the fans who approached him, willingly taking pics, with a genuine smile. And when I met Sha I spent a good deal of my conversation asking about Jimmy, as Sha was the chaperone for the models at all of the Pride Fests representing Broke Straight Boys around the country. And Sha had only good things to say about his experiences working with Jimmy on the road.

So while Ethan has his detractors, nothing rivals what Jimmy experienced and Jimmy laughed all the way to the bank from his year's salary on Broke Straight Boys right into starring on an even bigger site after here, until he retired by bottoming one time, undoubtedly for a nice pay check. And Jimmy did it with a smile on his face. I sure hope that Jimmy is doing well in life and has a good relationship with his kids, for as Sha told me the most important thing in the world to Jimmy was his kids, and I just bet he is a great dad!

I could not resist. I agree with what you said about Jimmy. I thought his attitude and the way he played the gay for pay thing was cute. He would reluctantly suck dick. Not very well and then say is that enough. And of course it wasn’t so he would do another half ass try. It worked for his reluctant gay for pay character. He also managed not to bottom for a long time. I watched him on other sites and was glad he finally bent over for a pay check. It wasn’t a great scene. He did it about as well as he sucked dick. But at least he did it and I don’t think it automatically converted him into a “fag”. It’s my opinion that Jimmy likes fucking guys way more than he would like to admit but I also think it fits with his macho image of himself that he was reluctant to bottom or suck dick. I think Ethan has the same type of personality. He probably likes fucking guys more than he wants us to know but it must mess with his image of himself to bottom. But he doesn’t have the personality or size to pull it off as long as Jimmy did.

Many macho top, probably straight guys on Broke Straight Boys bottomed. Famously Diesal and Abram Hoffer who I thought was one of the most genuine straight guys on Broke Straight Boys Many of them like Johnny Forza and Cage Kafig did it quite a bit. Dakota was supposed to be straight and he took dick really well and was very hot doing it. Ethan could man up and be like these guys. It wouldn’t make him more gay or straight. Performing an act doesn’t convert you unless you were already there in the first place. But if Ethan wants to make it in gay for pay he better man up and bend over. I say man up because I think it takes a real man, secure in his own sexuality like Abram Hoffer to say I’ll try it, if it pleases my audience. So my bottom line on Ethan is man up, spread those legs or go home. He is cute but he is no Jimmy Johnson and he won’t make it in gay porn with the status quo.
But if Ethan wants to make it in gay for pay he better man up and bend over. I say man up because I think it takes a real man, secure in his own sexuality like Abram Hoffer to say I’ll try it, if it pleases my audience. So my bottom line on Ethan is man up, spread those legs or go home. He is cute but he is no Jimmy Johnson and he won’t make it in gay porn with the status quo.
My opinion is that Ethan is not really looking to "make it" in gay porn, but rather to make some quick money to help him start his little business selling t-shirts at techno concerts and he'd rather do it here than selling drugs.

I went back to look at his "Getting To Know Ethan Steel" video from 04-27-2019, and watching it again made me love the kid even more than I already did.



He tells us that he is straight but has had sex in a hot tub with a guy and it feels good but he loves women and wants to get married and have kids. He also mentions his work for another studio getting head and a few jack off scenes. He tells Sha how he is having trouble with the thought of putting a guy's dick in his mouth, but he knows he needs to do that to make the money. He even discusses how his mom and his step dad knew he was coming to shoot porn for Broke Straight Boys He is very comfortable in his own skin.

So I agree that he is not cut out for a long "career" in gay porn, but he came to Atlanta twice to legally make some money to start a business. Every guy who performs on Broke Straight Boys does not necessarily want a career in gay porn. I don't believe that Ethan ever did social media as Ethan Steel or is necessarily looking for gay porn fans, just some quick cash and then to move on with his real life. Once again I will say, I totally appreciate Sha and Mark bringing the closest thing we have in a real straight boy to Broke Straight Boys
My opinion is that Ethan is not really looking to "make it" in gay porn, but rather to make some quick money to help him start his little business selling t-shirts at techno concerts and he'd rather do it here than selling drugs.

I went back to look at his "Getting To Know Ethan Steel" video from 04-27-2019, and watching it again made me love the kid even more than I already did.



He tells us that he is straight but has had sex in a hot tub with a guy and it feels good but he loves women and wants to get married and have kids. He also mentions his work for another studio getting head and a few jack off scenes. He tells Sha how he is having trouble with the thought of putting a guy's dick in his mouth, but he knows he needs to do that to make the money. He even discusses how his mom and his step dad knew he was coming to shoot porn for Broke Straight Boys He is very comfortable in his own skin.

So I agree that he is not cut out for a long "career" in gay porn, but he came to Atlanta twice to legally make some money to start a business. Every guy who performs on Broke Straight Boys does not necessarily want a career in gay porn. I don't believe that Ethan ever did social media as Ethan Steel or is necessarily looking for gay porn fans, just some quick cash and then to move on with his real life. Once again I will say, I totally appreciate Sha and Mark bringing the closest thing we have in a real straight boy to Broke Straight Boys

As usual Mikeyank, you are so spot on in your comments. A lot of people end up with career's they really didn't want but got them anyway and then there are those that a smart enough to make money for a while to achieve other goals. I doubt seriously Ethan is here to become a porn star, he is here as a real straight man to make some money and move on I believe. Lets don't crucify him for it, lets thank him for his effort, comment on his cuteness, drool a little over his dick and body, and wish him well in his endeavors. Life is too fucking short, has too many challenges, to throw such negativity out into the universe. Trump does enough of that for all of us. Lets give a little love out there, its fucking Christmas for heaven sake. I doubt anyone will go hungry because of the dues they pay for this site and see a model that many seem to want to send home because he doesn't suck dick very well and doesn't want to be fucked........Given all the other issues we all have to deal with in this world is Ethan's gay for pay porn abilities really matter that much. If it does, then some people need to get a life.....
As usual Mikeyank, you are so spot on in your comments. A lot of people end up with career's they really didn't want but got them anyway and then there are those that a smart enough to make money for a while to achieve other goals. I doubt seriously Ethan is here to become a porn star, he is here as a real straight man to make some money and move on I believe. Lets don't crucify him for it, lets thank him for his effort, comment on his cuteness, drool a little over his dick and body, and wish him well in his endeavors. Life is too fucking short, has too many challenges, to throw such negativity out into the universe. Trump does enough of that for all of us. Lets give a little love out there, its fucking Christmas for heaven sake. I doubt anyone will go hungry because of the dues they pay for this site and see a model that many seem to want to send home because he doesn't suck dick very well and doesn't want to be fucked........Given all the other issues we all have to deal with in this world is Ethan's gay for pay porn abilities really matter that much. If it does, then some people need to get a life.....
Thanks so much SFPS01, and obviously I am in total agreement with your post. There are indeed so many more important things to deal with in life than a gay for pay porn model who doesn't appeal to some. All my best wishes to you and your family and to all forumites, models and staff across the globe!!!!

So the fact Ethan is fucking hot and what he's willing to do on camera is blistering hot every time isn't enough? Maybe we can get another tween like Blake Ellis or a pudgy frat boy like Ryan to replace him...
So the fact Ethan is fucking hot and what he's willing to do on camera is blistering hot every time isn't enough? Maybe we can get another tween like Blake Ellis or a pudgy frat boy like Ryan to replace him...
That was a totally unnecessary derogatory comment. I love Ethan but why bring your bias against other models into this discussion? I respect all the young men who come to perform for us on this site. I don't enjoy all models, but if I am not a fan, I just keep my mouth shut. My belief is that your snide comment was made just to be obnoxious, and if that was your goal, you accomplished it!
He is cute but he is no Jimmy Johnson and he won’t make it in gay porn with the status quo.

With respect Rep,

I'm very glad that Ethan is not just like JJ. hahaha

I do have a hard time saying anything nice about JJ. haha I'll try to attempt a few faint praise compliments though. lol I actually thought JJ was reasonably handsome. Though not anything exceptional at all. Mainly I guess because his personality and actions in front of the camera and off camera made him very unattractive to me. I do wish him well in life and hope that he's a good dad and that his kids are well provided for. I respect that he got into the business in order to support his kids.

I totally disagree with your premise though that JJ ever had what it took to "make it" in gay porn. haha He only stayed around Broke Straight Boys for as long as he did because luckily for him, they signed him up for a full year exclusive contract, sight unseen, before he ever filmed a single scene, and before they knew what they were getting into with him. The company was trapped by its own contract to keep giving him more scenes/work for a year regardless of how well or how awful his work was. And he took full advantage of that fact. Knowing they couldn't fire him without cause or let him go early, unless they bought out the rest of his contract and paid him to walk away. So we were stuck with him. His overall scene ratings averaged out to 3.5 stars on the 1-5 scale. That's pretty dreadful. No model nowadays would be ever invited back for more work with ratings like those.

So in my mind Jimmy never "made it" here on Broke Straight Boys based on any ratings success, talent or hard work.

Since I never joined or watched any (full scenes) of JJ's work on Men, I honestly can't speak to how well he did over there. Nor can I speak to how deserving he was in getting as much work over there as he did. My guess though is that he was offered yet another exclusive contract over there until they finally showed him the door themselves.

And as far as comparing JJ to Ethan in the looks department... Well, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder of course. I find Ethan to be much more cute/handsome than Jimmy. But I also respect those who feel differently on that point. :)
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Ethan Steel is one of those polarizing guys whose been on Broke Straight Boys over the years. Members of the forum have called him monotonous, boring, and even an arrogant jerk. I fully understand that many if not most fans of Broke Straight Boys want to see models who passionately kiss, suck cock like a champ and who are willing to bottom. Ethan has done none of those things and I doubt if he ever will. And if this pre-Christmas eve scene here is his final one, so be it. But I thank Broke Straight Boys for giving him his shot here. He has appeared in a BTS, a solo and ten partnered scenes before this upcoming scene with Jay.

Ethan has a model rating of 4.38 which is not a top rating but it is far from the bottom. He is on Page five out of 22 pages of top rated models, so while he is not a Jake Spencer or Ben Dover or a Tanner Valentino or an Adam Baer, who are all in the Top Ten, Ethan obviously has his fans like me.

I am looking forward to seeing Ethan one more time with Max Jay. Fuck him "balls deep" Ethan!!!! :monkeyfuck: LOL


I give Ethan more credit than you do in terms of his significantly improved kissing and cock sucking. So he has developed and is trying. Plus he has a young hot body and is an asset to Broke Straight Boys Would I like him to eventually give up his virgin ass? Yes. But if he does not, do I want him thrown off Broke Straight Boys? No. You have most correctly pointed out legendary Broke Straight Boys models who never bottomed and viewed Ethan in that Broke Straight Boys tradition, and you probably are right. I recall a Broke Straight Boys model named Kaden Alexander Porter, who, in contrast to his gay twin brother Kyle, claimed to be totally straight and proved it to my satisfaction by topping in his first ten scenes in a row with partners. But then he gave up his virgin ass and thereafter his scenes were 50/50 to 40/60 topping versus bottoming. So part of Ethan's intrigue as he approaches or has just reached his ten scene mark is whether he never will give up his precious virgin ass like the old time models you cited or whether he is another Kaden Alexander Porter, convincing us with ten straight scenes of topping, and then shocking us by giving it up. That's part of the fun of watching Broke Straight Boys (think Sky Clesi and his series of strictly topping scenes before finally giving it up). So I would keep Ethan in the long shot chance that he might give it up, but, if not, enjoying his hot body being stripped naked, thrown in bed with another dude, kissing and sucking cock before fucking his scene partner. The former would be fantastic, but the latter is not bad either. And, as you and Clay have pointed out, the former is in the original Broke Straight Boys tradition.
With respect Rep,

I'm very glad that Ethan is not just like JJ. hahaha

I do have a hard time saying anything nice about JJ. haha I'll try to attempt a few faint praise compliments though. lol I actually thought JJ was reasonably handsome. Though not anything exceptional at all. Mainly I guess because his personality and actions in front of the camera and off camera made him very unattractive to me. I do wish him well in life and hope that he's a good dad and that his kids are well provided for. I respect that he got into the business in order to support his kids.

I totally disagree with your premise though that JJ ever had what it took to "make it" in gay porn. haha He only stayed around Broke Straight Boys for as long as he did because luckily for him, they signed him up for a full year exclusive contract, sight unseen, before he ever filmed a single scene, and before they knew what they were getting into with him. The company was trapped by its own contract to keep giving him more scenes/work for a year regardless of how well or how awful his work was. And he took full advantage of that fact. Knowing they couldn't fire him without cause or let him go early, unless they bought out the rest of his contract and paid him to walk away. So we were stuck with him. His overall scene ratings averaged out to 3.5 stars on the 1-5 scale. That's pretty dreadful. No model nowadays would be ever invited back for more work with ratings like those.

So in my mind Jimmy never "made it" here on Broke Straight Boys based on any ratings success, talent or hard work.

Since I never joined or watched any (full scenes) of JJ's work on Men, I honestly can't speak to how well he did over there. Nor can I speak to how deserving he was in getting as much work over there as he did. My guess though is that he was offered yet another exclusive contract over there until they finally showed him the door themselves.

And as far as comparing JJ to Ethan in the looks department... Well, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder of course. I find Ethan to be much more cute/handsome than Jimmy. But I also respect those who feel differently on that point. :)
As long as you want to go there again Tampa, i will again present the facts to you.

You said, "The company was trapped by its own contract to keep giving him more scenes/work for a year regardless of how well or how awful his work was. And he took full advantage of that fact. Knowing they couldn't fire him without cause or let him go early, unless they bought out the rest of his contract and paid him to walk away."

If that is how the company felt as Jimmy's last scene was released on Broke Straight Boys on March 8, 2012, then why was he re-hired to appear on the Broke Straight Boys-TV series which debuted in late 2014? If I owned a company and felt trapped by an employee whose work I felt was "awful", I surely wouldn't rehire him a few years after his contract with my company had expired. It wouldn't make sense.

And if I were Mark, I would not have hired him yet again as Mark did to appear on the LOGO series DTLA playing Bobby, after his contract with Broke Straight Boys had expired?

Additionally, I checked out men's website and I see that Jimmy appeared in 24 scenes between 5/19/13 and 5/3/15. Between his 27 scenes on Broke Straight Boys and his 24 on Men.com, he did 51 scenes over four years. I would consider that a successful gay for pay porn career. You can say that you don't like him or enjoy his work, as other's are saying about Ethan today, but to say that he did not "make it" in gay for pay porn is factually inaccurate.
I can't really tell which side of this issue I'm on, actually. The "PERVERT" in me has always like the haughty straight boy attitude of Jimmy Johnson. All he seems to care about is how sex makes his dick feel at the moment. If the other guy likes it, or doesn't like it. If its painful or feels good to the bottom, JJ doesn't seem to bother his pretty head about such matters. I've known a lot of straight boys like that. It only matters to his dick. And in a way, that's hot to me. PTL!

And I must say. Ethan is a pretty boy with a big dick. He just climbs up on a bottom and fucks the shit out of them. Busts his straight boy nuts and then goes home. That's pretty hot to me.

But hay! I'm a proud pervert. This is pornography. I feel like I can enjoy it here but act like in Sunday School that its just AWFUL! LOLOLOL.

Pornography. Damn, what a deal.
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