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Omega 3, 6, & 9 are great supplements to improve over all health and maintain weight


BSB Executive Senior Member
Oct 28, 2008
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Omega 3, 6, & 9 are great supplements to improve over all health and maintain weight

Omega 3, 6, and 9 are awesome nutrients for the body. Don't take my word for it here is the proof. I just put up hyper links because there is a lot of information on these essential life nutrients.





Enjoy, and good health to all.:thumbup:
Omega 3, 6, and 9 are awesome nutrients for the body. Don't take my word for it here is the proof. I just put up hyper links because there is a lot of information on these essential life nutrients.





Enjoy, and good health to all.:thumbup:

Jay, it's helped my allergies bigtime. In fact the 10 random things to do with black, white or milk chocolate, or ice cream or cake, all that stuff, is totally obsolete in my case since I can eat a lot of things I used not to be able to because of omega 3,6,9. We get it mail order from Puritan's Pride. There's a 5 for the price of 2 sale on at the moment. I can't recommend it highly enough.

Thanks for the heads up on the sale. Gotta hit those things when they are happening. Seems like whole foods/supplements whole pay check these days. LOL I will check that out. Wow, it Has Vitamin E too. Good stuff there thanks again for the information.

I also like the Olivio and Smart Balance product line for cooking purposes when I am not steaming, broiling, or grilling. I also try to get Salmon, tuna, or haddock into my diet a few times a week along with flax seeds, walnuts, and almonds. Supplementing is great but I really try to get them from my foods. Still I find supplementing necessary because our foods are so processed it is hard to tell what is left of the Omega 3,6,&9 content.
Thanks for all the info! Damn, it's gonna take me awhile to get through it all! Won't get it done before this year ends!
Thanks for all the info! Damn, it's gonna take me awhile to get through it all! Won't get it done before this year ends!

I know what you mean. But hey, we all do what we have to do to stay healthy...:wink:
Small daily aspirin dose 'cuts cancer risk'

A small daily dose of aspirin - 75mg - substantially reduces death rates from a range of common cancers, a study suggests.

Research at Oxford University and other centres found that it cut overall cancer deaths by at least a fifth.

The study, published in the Lancet, covered some 25,000 patients, mostly from the UK.

Experts say the findings show aspirin's benefits often outweighed its associated risk of causing bleeding.

Aspirin is already known to cut the risk of heart attack and stroke among those at increased risk. But the protective effects against cardiovascular disease are thought to be small for healthy adults, and aspirin increases the risks of stomach and gut bleeds.

However, this latest research shows that when weighing up the risks and benefits of taking aspirin, experts should also consider its protective effect against cancer.

Those patients who were given aspirin had a 25% lower risk of death from cancer during the trial period and a 10% reduction in death from any cause compared to patients who were not given the drug.
source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-11930988
Small daily aspirin dose 'cuts cancer risk'

A small daily dose of aspirin - 75mg - substantially reduces death rates from a range of common cancers, a study suggests.

Research at Oxford University and other centres found that it cut overall cancer deaths by at least a fifth.

The study, published in the Lancet, covered some 25,000 patients, mostly from the UK.

Experts say the findings show aspirin's benefits often outweighed its associated risk of causing bleeding.

Aspirin is already known to cut the risk of heart attack and stroke among those at increased risk. But the protective effects against cardiovascular disease are thought to be small for healthy adults, and aspirin increases the risks of stomach and gut bleeds.

However, this latest research shows that when weighing up the risks and benefits of taking aspirin, experts should also consider its protective effect against cancer.

Those patients who were given aspirin had a 25% lower risk of death from cancer during the trial period and a 10% reduction in death from any cause compared to patients who were not given the drug.
source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-11930988

This is excellent information. I take one BB asprin daily myself. Thanks Rrhill:wink:
The advice is to take your Asperin 75mg with milk; this protects the stomach and the calcium boosts the effect.

The omega 3-6 is also good advice. I take those too.
The advice is to take your Asperin 75mg with milk; this protects the stomach and the calcium boosts the effect.

The omega 3-6 is also good advice. I take those too.

Rrhill, I understood the dairy part. I usually take mine with a little aloe or with my am protein shake. I don't use any dairy right now unless it is goats milk. It has probably been a good month since I have had any of that though. Finding that in organic foods is quite costly. I usually use Rice Dream or Almond Breeze unsweetened. I use Stevia for that sometimes maple syrup or honey too. I take ocra pepsin twice a day to. The aloe and the ocra actually do a more efficient job at protecting the stomach and maintaining good flora. :thumbup1:
Thanks for sharing. Btw I have no issues with hyperlinks on the message board. :)

Wow, thanks Mark that is good to know... I want to thank you for just being the awesome person that you are. I don't think you know how much I and many others appreciate you and the Forum that you have given us to express ourselves, develop new friendships, and share knowledge and information. Bless your heart for your just being you...:thumbup1:
Almond Breeze

Rice Dream

Aloe vera- Great stuff...



Ocra Pepsin Info:http://www.standardprocess.com/display/displayFile.aspx?docid=772&filename=/Public/Lit/TabSheets/okrapepsine36080.pdf

My cousin buys it for me whole sale. She is a doctor of acupuncture and chiropractic medicine. I take it only with my protein shakes because it helps the body assimilate the proteins. It should not be taken on an empty stomach because it can produce excess acid and lead to an ulcer if used incorrectly. Most supplements should only be taken under supervision of a qualified medical professional organic or not. We use an acugraph and it prescribes treatment points for balancing my Chi and suggested supplements. I have blood work drawn every 6 mos. by the VA and hair follicle analysis every 6 mos. by my cousin. This helps me adjust my diet as well as the change in seasons and the elements that are out of balance. It is great stuff when used correctly.

I also take ADHS for adrenal support and balancing cortisol levels.


I found most of this stuff on line. Many Chiropracters, Acupuncturists, and natural food stores carry this stuff. I have been fortunate that my cousin has taken an active roll in helping me get my health back. I did not realize the actual cost of some of this stuff until I looked it up on line. Just realized how much my cousin loves me. LOL What ever she is doing it is working. My last three acugraphs showed my Chi in balance and treatments were recommended.

I hope all of this helps.:thumbup1: