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Off topic - I need vacation ideas


BSB Addict
Jul 9, 2020
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Since the forums have been super quiet, I would love some help fellow forumites, I need ideas on where to go on vacation... I have not hopped in a plane since 2005 when I had an incident onboard (yeah it was not pretty, I think I posted it on the 10 things about me thread). That was the last time I went on an away vacation. I've been to Foxwoods in CT as it is only a 2 hour drive for me so I don't consider that an "away" trip.

What would you all recommend? I'm a fluffy (read as fat) guy so climbing a mountain is out, but I can usually walk no problem for sightseeing. I don't have a passport at this time, so it must be stateside. I have a good chunk of miles to use from one of my credit cards, so a flight wouldn't be out of the question.

If this type of post isn't allowed, Mark or team feel free to send it to the bit bucket in the sky...
How about San Diego. It has many things you can do such as the world famous zoo & a nude beach including a gay section to name but two things.
If some international travel appeals to you Chac, I myself love to go on cruises.

It's a great experience that has an all-inclusive kind of setup. You make friends with people on board the ship who share the experience with you. It's a floating hotel room with onboard entertainment activities and nearly 24 hours a day all-you-can-eat food. The food is free. (Unless you want to go to the specialty restaurants.) So you're not having to deal with daily questions (in a strange city) of, "What am I going to do today about breakfast, lunch, and dinner." "How much can I afford to spend on each meal per day to stay within my budget?" You don't have to set up reservations in advance with multiple hotels of unknown quality or try to do a best guess as to its location with regards to where you want to spend most of your time exploring in the city or general area. You don't have to take your chances (with regards to unknown expense or quality) with motels on the road as you go to and from your destination(s).

So living on a ship for however many days, it is much less likely you'll run into unexpected financial emergencies that can cost you really big bucks. And you only unpack your suitcase once. lol There are onboard expenses of your own choice like a casino, specialty dining, pictures taken by staff photographers, spa treatments, etc. There are costs for optional pre-paid excursions to the ports of call, and any souvenir buying or entertainment one might want to do while onshore. Drinking alcohol can be very expensive on a cruise ship. (As it is just about everywhere.) One can buy drink packages in advance that are pricey but still a steal if one is a big drinker on vacations. Some cruise lines' drink packages include a maximum of 15 drinks per day. Other cruise lines' drink packages can truly be unlimited.

But the point is that it's much easier to stay within a set budget for cruises. Because again, the majority of extra expenses are going to be optional at your own discretion.

One downside admittedly is that if you choose to travel by yourself on a cruise, you will pay pretty much double for your cabin. Most of the pricing shown online will be based on a per person, double occupancy room.

At first glance it would seem like you would have to have a passport for this kind of international travel. And for the most part, depending on which countries you would be visiting on certain itineraries...you do. But... There are also some cruises to specific Caribbean countries, which allow you to travel with only a birth certificate. You couldn't fly to or from these countries without a passport. But sailing to them from a U.S. port is a different story. If you're the least bit interested you should probably speak to someone directly by phone from a particular cruise line of your choice, who could really narrow down for you and recommend what options of particular cruises, with precisely the right match of ports of call, that would allow you to travel with just a birth certificate. I've been on some cruises myself in the past with friends and fellow passengers who've only had a birth certificate.

As time goes on it's true that there are fewer and fewer countries still willing to do this. But there are also some countries (mostly in the Caribbean) that are so reliant on tourism that they go out of their way to make it easy for Americans to travel there by ship. So not having a passport is not necessarily a total deal-breaker for some international travel.

Just food for thought. :)
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If you don't have a birth certificate, lost it, or whatever...they're fairly easy to order online depending on which state you're dealing with. If you go the cheapest route of just having one mailed to you by the state, the fee is not that much. It might take up to 5 or 6 weeks to arrive if you apply for it online. If you want it expedited, or you go through an outside private online company that will expedite it for you...then obviously it's costs a little more. But there are still fewer hoops you have to jump through, and less expensive fees in order to get a copy of an official birth certificate, as compared to the heftier fees for a new passport.

However if one ever wants to get a passport, an official copy of a birth certificate is an absolute requirement. (Along with a very specific sized "official passport photo" mailed in along with the birth certificate and passport application. Years ago the passport agency (or actually the U.S. State Department) would accept the "Hospital Certificates" of birth. But that's no longer the case. Now it has to be an official copy of a state issued birth certificate. I checked online just now to be sure it's still the case, and yes...they will return your original birth certificate to you after processing your application. Even if they deny your application, however unlikely, they still return your birth certificate to you. They say though that the birth certificate is always sent under separate cover. So your birth certificate will not be included in the same envelope with your new passport. It could arrive either slightly before or after you receive your passport.

If you're a "nervous nelly" type of personality, and you can afford the extra fee from the state...there is nothing wrong with ordering 2 copies of your birth certificate instead of just the one, if you know you are going to use it to apply for a passport. That way if there is any hiccup with the mail, or the processing...even if for some strange reason you don't get the birth certificate you sent in returned to you, you're still fine with the other copy.

My Hospital Certificate was returned to me when I applied for my first passport in the mid 80's. So I'm confident that people's birth certificates will be returned to them without a problem. Also, for those who may not already have a passport, once you have sent in your birth certificate one time, you don't have to send it back again for any future renewals of your passport. If you've already sent in your birth certificate once, you should be good for life. :)
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How about San Diego. It has many things you can do such as the world famous zoo & a nude beach including a gay section to name but two things.

Yeah, San Diego is definitely on my list of places to go! I might have the local animal rescue called for a walrus stranding if I went to a nude beach :biggrin:

If some international travel appeals to you Chac, I myself love to go on cruises.

It's a great experience that has an all-inclusive kind of setup. You make friends with people on board the ship who share the experience with you. It's a floating hotel room with onboard entertainment activities and nearly 24 hours a day all-you-can-eat food. The food is free. (Unless you want to go to the specialty restaurants.) So you're not having to deal with daily questions (in a strange city) of, "What am I going to do today about breakfast, lunch, and dinner." "How much can I afford to spend on each meal per day to stay within my budget?" You don't have to set up reservations in advance with multiple hotels of unknown quality or try to do a best guess as to its location with regards to where you want to spend most of your time exploring in the city or general area. You don't have to take your chances (with regards to unknown expense or quality) with motels on the road as you go to and from your destination(s).

So living on a ship for however many days, it is much less likely you'll run into unexpected financial emergencies that can cost you really big bucks. And you only unpack your suitcase once. lol There are onboard expenses of your own choice like a casino, specialty dining, pictures taken by staff photographers, spa treatments, etc. There are costs for optional pre-paid excursions to the ports of call, and any souvenir buying or entertainment one might want to do while onshore. Drinking alcohol can be very expensive on a cruise ship. (As it is just about everywhere.) One can buy drink packages in advance that are pricey but still a steal if one is a big drinker on vacations. Some cruise lines' drink packages include a maximum of 15 drinks per day. Other cruise lines' drink packages can truly be unlimited.

But the point is that it's much easier to stay within a set budget for cruises. Because again, the majority of extra expenses are going to be optional at your own discretion.

One downside admittedly is that if you choose to travel by yourself on a cruise, you will pay pretty much double for your cabin. Most of the pricing shown online will be based on a per person, double occupancy room.

At first glance it would seem like you would have to have a passport for this kind of international travel. And for the most part, depending on which countries you would be visiting on certain itineraries...you do. But... There are also some cruises to specific Caribbean countries, which allow you to travel with only a birth certificate. You couldn't fly to or from these countries without a passport. But sailing to them from a U.S. port is a different story. If you're the least bit interested you should probably speak to someone directly by phone from a particular cruise line of your choice, who could really narrow down for you and recommend what options of particular cruises, with precisely the right match of ports of call, that would allow you to travel with just a birth certificate. I've been on some cruises myself in the past with friends and fellow passengers who've only had a birth certificate.

As time goes on it's true that there are fewer and fewer countries still willing to do this. But there are also some countries (mostly in the Caribbean) that are so reliant on tourism that they go out of their way to make it easy for Americans to travel there by ship. So not having a passport is not necessarily a total deal-breaker for some international travel.

Just food for thought. :)

Funny you should mention that, I was looking at cruises the other day. I saw a vlogger on YouTube do a video review on a ship and I was very impressed with the ship, it's almost a mini city! Yes I would most likely be travelling alone, so I understand I'll be screwed on the room (if only I could be screwed in the room LOL). I am most definitely into casinos so that's a plus, and I will admit a massage and spa treatments would be a nice pampering that I'd probably enjoy (never done it before). I got a good budget for my vacation so that's a very good option. I still have my original birth certificate from 1979 (raised seal and all) so I could apply for an expedited passport possibly.

Now I just gotta get some time off from work, I've only taken 2 days off in 6 months (other than weekends or holidays we are normally closed). I guess I'm a workaholic, not good :(
Thanks Chac, :)

After all the explanation of cruising that I went into, I'm glad it's something you might at least consider. (Even if you ultimately opt for some domestic travel on land.) I'd be happy to offer you some of my critiques and personal opinions on the pros and cons of various cruise lines, as I've tried most of the major ones. But I think it would be best for that kind of conversation to be done through PM's rather than the open forum. I wouldn't want it to come across as giving certain companies free advertising in here. haha But please feel free to PM me if you'd like to chat about that.

Also, one never knows if a cruise could turn into a Love Boat situation. Having a cabin to yourself can turn out to be a plus if you'd like to get some action in your cabin. haha
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Funny you should mention that, I was looking at cruises the other day. I saw a vlogger on YouTube do a video review on a ship and I was very impressed with the ship, it's almost a mini city! Yes I would most likely be travelling alone, so I understand I'll be screwed on the room (if only I could be screwed in the room LOL). I am most definitely into casinos so that's a plus, and I will admit a massage and spa treatments would be a nice pampering that I'd probably enjoy (never done it before). I got a good budget for my vacation so that's a very good option. I still have my original birth certificate from 1979 (raised seal and all) so I could apply for an expedited passport possibly.

Now I just gotta get some time off from work, I've only taken 2 days off in 6 months (other than weekends or holidays we are normally closed). I guess I'm a workaholic, not good :(
Norwegian Cruise lines have single occupancy rooms. You should look into that.

Vegas is always great too. Usually cheap flight, cheap accommodations and the food is priced reasonably as well. Plenty of Entertainment. And sometimes you can find these companies looking for people to sit through a time share presentation in exchange for tickets to a show.
Norwegian Cruise lines have single occupancy rooms. You should look into that.

Vegas is always great too. Usually cheap flight, cheap accommodations and the food is priced reasonably as well. Plenty of Entertainment. And sometimes you can find these companies looking for people to sit through a time share presentation in exchange for tickets to a show.

I'd rather pay for the show than sit through a time share presentation LOL I have heard horror stories about them and my parents got suckered into two of them. 10 grand each and they NEVER used them. The weeks were so hard to book for some reason and then they had some medical issues and they got behind on the annual maintenance fee and needless to say we had to go to court and the timeshare company agreed to take them back with no further costs to us. So 20 grand plus down the drain for something we never got to use. I was a kid at the time so I couldn't help out then. I'm very against the time share businesses needless to say.

I'd love to go back to Vegas, it's been 15 years since I was last there.
I’d like to thank chac54 for living up to his promise of posting more on the forum. We so desperately need new voices, and you chac54 have been starting threads and commenting and I thank you so much. This forum means more to me than it probably should but it has been such a large part of my life for the last 14 years and so I love having you starting conversations and helping to liven things up. You rule chac54!!!!

I’d like to thank chac54 for living up to his promise of posting more on the forum. We so desperately need new voices, and you chac54 have been starting threads and commenting and I thank you so much. This forum means more to me than it probably should but it has been such a large part of my life for the last 14 years and so I love having you starting conversations and helping to liven things up. You rule chac54!!!!

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Awww shucks, I have been around for quite some time, just never on the forums (I think my first membership was in 2005 or 2006, I can't remember exactly). I'm a very shy person in real life, so I'm trying to open up a bit. Even if it is behind the walls of internet anonymity. I get your felings for the forums, I love browsing here when I have time.
Awww shucks, I have been around for quite some time, just never on the forums (I think my first membership was in 2005 or 2006, I can't remember exactly). I'm a very shy person in real life, so I'm trying to open up a bit. Even if it is behind the walls of internet anonymity. I get your felings for the forums, I love browsing here when I have time.

Good, please do.
Seattle is a great place to visit!!! Also you can post whatever you want, on any subject etc. Don't ever feel like you can't. If someone makes you feel uncomfortable let us know and us longtime members will take of it lolololol
Seattle is a great place to visit!!! Also you can post whatever you want, on any subject etc. Don't ever feel like you can't. If someone makes you feel uncomfortable let us know and us longtime members will take of it lolololol

All members are invited to do so.
Seattle is a great place to visit!!! Also you can post whatever you want, on any subject etc. Don't ever feel like you can't. If someone makes you feel uncomfortable let us know and us longtime members will take of it lolololol
I love Seattle. Great city.