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Not to beat a dead horse but...REALITY.


BSB Addict
Feb 16, 2013
Reaction score
New York
In recent scenes here on Broke Straight Boys, there have been some "boundary pushing" episodes to include (specifically) cum swallowing and the perceived "surprise" action by some models spitting out cum they have taken in the mouth. In the opinion of a few members, this was done in a less than acceptable way "ON CAMERA". While we have also seen scenes where the opposite was depicted (swallowing without spitting it out).

As long as I've been watching porn, I never gave thought to the fact that; Everything is so exoteric! Models shower before scenes, if there is an anal scene, how often do you see "accidents" or dirty, smelly body parts? Some of the things that might be a "reality" in real life sex are edited to give that clean perfect affect to the scene. While watching a model take cum in one scene and spit it out in another can "shock" the viewer, but, might that also be more realistic sometimes in the bedroom? Remember, this is "Gay porn" being portrayed by "Straight Guys" for the sake of argument.

Since I can remember as a youngster, I wanted to become a Funeral Director (Mortician) and went to college for this. I completed the first phase of my major but, I got side tracked before actually attending the School of Mortuary Science. I joined the Navy as a Corpsman. I've worked in the medical field in various capacities from direct patient care to, medical assistant in a Critical Care environment. I've seen all sorts of mangled bodies and many dead bodies throughout my career. Non of these have ever bothered me. I never had a problem with seeing a dead body, touching, preparing for the morgue or cleaning one. One day, while working as a Copy Center supervisor, a legal assistant whom I knew, brought in some graphic photos of an accident they were working on for a legal situation. The picture had a young woman who was dead at the scene still in the driver's seat of her car. It was like I was right there at the scene (as it was from an area I was familiar with) and I was quite disturbed by the sight of this dead woman! The realization for me was, prior to this, all of the dead bodies I had been around or had seen were in a hospital, nursing home, funeral home etc...settings. The REALITY for me was...that setting will not always be the case. People die outside of "clean, sterile, exoteric" environments too.

When watching this porn I am reminded also that, what may "shock" me in a scene, also serves to remind me of the reality. What information I may have in my mind, based on what I am "used to" seeing may be different (and sometimes necessary.) I guess my point is; don't let what's in your mind distort your reality! At least here on Broke Straight Boys!
Thank you for sharing all of that Betu. Very interesting perspective.
I do not understand your thread at all Betu. I think you are referring to Paul's spitting out of the cum in his last episode and whilst it was a scene for a porn site, it was in fact real. He did take cum in his mouth and did spit it out with a venom. In the following scene of course both Kaden Alexander and Colby took cum in their mouths and whilst I am not 100pc certain whether Kaden Alexander actually swallowed, I am certain that Colby did not - unless he did when he went off camera. Again it was real and captured on film.

Fantasy is a vision in ones mind, whereas when you see something happening in front of you whether or not live or on film, it is no longer fantasy but fact.