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Next BTS - A night in the mansion


BSB Addict
Mar 17, 2014
Reaction score
Florida, USA
I am looking forward to this one. I really do enjoy the Behind the Scene segments. It gives me a chance to see the guys in their natural selves. Aside from the sexual scenes they perform, they are also normal guys. To bad we can't follow them back to their home towns and watch them as they go through their daily routines at home, work, with their families and friends.

We look at their scenes, rate and judge them. It is the same as an employee being evaluated by the employer. I relate this to my many years of being in the work force. My coworkers and peers see me as I am in the work place. They may know I love movies like Forest Gump, but they don't know I cry every time I see the scene when Forest sees his son for the first time.

BTS scenes that really touched me were: Tyler when he said he never knew when he went to bed at night if he would wake in the morning which is why he tried to live life to the fullest. Kodi making his fried balogna sandwich. Only a Southerner knows you have to slice balogna before you fry it. How about Damien walking around searching for a hooka?

This is how we get to see the guys as who they really are. They come for all walks of life but what they have in common is the profession they chose. Dakota has said his wife doesn't care what he does as long as he brings the bread home.

Thank you guys (Broke Straight Boys) for exposing yourselves and allowing us to see a glimpse of who you truly are.
I agree 100% Louis about the BTS, and for me the BTS are actually my favorite scenes on Broke Straight Boys, (unless we get a new Ayden scene, which I am hopeful for :drool:), and yes I too loved Kodi's fried bologna scene. That was before I noticed his "overacting" in his porn scenes), and I'm also looking forward to the upcoming mansion scene. The BTS's often make me like a guy more than I do as a sexual performer. My best examples are Johnny Forza, Brandon Beal and the recent Boulder Colorado BTS where I fell in love with Mick. It's like a different kind of candid camera, where we catch the boys in the act of being themselves. Pretty cool stuff!!! :001_tongue:
I agree 100% Louis about the BTS, and for me the BTS are actually my favorite scenes on Broke Straight Boys, (unless we get a new Ayden scene, which I am hopeful for :drool:), and yes I too loved Kodi's fried bologna scene. That was before I noticed his "overacting" in his porn scenes), and I'm also looking forward to the upcoming mansion scene. The BTS's often make me like a guy more than I do as a sexual performer. My best examples are Johnny Forza, Brandon Beal and the recent Boulder Colorado BTS where I fell in love with Mick. It's like a different kind of candid camera, where we catch the boys in the act of being themselves. Pretty cool stuff!!! :001_tongue:

You guys said that all so well. I hope the next BTS is as good as the last one. I wouldn't have minded if the last one had gone on for an hour. Hopefully this will feel somewhat like a continuation. lol

I also enjoyed where Kaden Alexander said he had wanted a girlfriend for so long. Because he wanted someone who he could sit up late at night with on the phone and just talk intimately like a form of pillow talk. Who can't relate to that? :)
Ok, Folks. Here is where I put my tail between my legs and swallow everything I have said in the past. I told you all that you would never see a negative or at least a less than positive comment coming through my keyboard. However, this scene not only left me totally disappointed but I started to get irritated about 3/4 of the way into it. It should have been called "BTS with Kael and his stories." Reminded me of my 20 y/o neighbor who is constantly telling stories like this expecting all of us to laugh or agree with him. After a while it becomes irritating.

I was hoping to see more interaction with the boys in the house. I got excited when I saw Romeo enter the kitchen to help with the food preparation but that didn't happen. The only one eating was Sha. Where did the other guys go? Outside to the patio? Or, did they all jump in a car and head out to the nearest McD's just to escape?

So there. Thanks for letting me let my tail relax and get out from between my legs. I feel much better now. BTW - I did watch the entire scene from start to finish.

Hope everyone is having a good Mother's Day!
Well Louis I admit I feel much the same way.

I was really looking forward to this one and it turned into mostly a Kael introduction. Not that that in itself is so bad. It's not. At least now we know that his stage name is pronounced Kay-el instead of like the name Kyle. I didn't mind hearing a few of his stories. But they dragged on for too long. My attention span was waning. The video fell over the cliff for me when Kael told the story about Sabrina. I really wish they had edited that part out completely. Talk about too much information! That was really disgusting. Not even so much that it happened, but that it was shared with all of us.

Then we had Jaxon who is not on my top favorites list, and he spent most of his precious few minutes of face time on camera giving us nothing but more of the same. Mainly, trying to convince everyone how alpha male straight he is and bragging about what a man whore he can be. I realize that some of that is very age appropriate. I get it. I'm well aware of what it's like being an early 20 something guy with raging hormones. I still feel though that at least some of his time on camera would have been better spent telling us something about himself that would have given us more insight into who he is as a person. I certainly hope there's more to him than just that.

I love the BTS vids and this one definitely "kept it real" the whole time. This one claimed to be raw, unfiltered, unedited, etc. And it was. Usually when I see these vids I pick up on all the positive vibes going on and I really enjoy watching the interactions of all the different personalities and age groups. This one was a very rare exception where I felt mostly negative energies going on, undercurrents of tension and not an ideal mingling of personalities. If I dare speak for Sabrina here, even in theory, I suspect that she couldn't wait to get these guys to the airport so she could bring in a new batch of people. I know I felt that way about halfway through the video.

The one model I would have really enjoyed hearing more from was Romeo. But he got very little face time. Seeing Vadim Black there just made me sad because I knew he would be on his way out the door after just one more batch of scenes. (Since he hadn't gotten his new tattoo yet.) I felt like I was watching a very sad farewell swan song from him. I guess the lesson here is that just as in real life for all the rest of us, watching reality happen is not always an uplifting Disneyesque experience.

I am happy that Kael is back filming. I do look forward to his scenes and finding out what he can bring to the table. :) That was pretty cool when he said he much preferred hanging around with gay people than straight people. I took that as a compliment to us gays. Not that there's anything wrong with straight people. haha :)
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I watched it last night and enjoyed it. The group of models at the house were not among my all time favorites, but I always enjoy an inside look at life at the house with the models. Perhaps I will have to re-watch it to see what upset some of you guys, as I enjoyed it, as I do with most of the behind the scene bonus episodes.
Ok I just watched it, I loved the fact that it showed how the guys really are of camera but I do agree that it was mostly the kael show and I think that it could of featured more on how the others are when there not doing scenes, I did like to see jaxon though as I really do like him, I got a bit frustrated seeing Vadim Black on there though as I understand it he jumped ship and when to a different site when it was Broke Straight Boys that gave him his big break and let him experience what he wanted to and I really did like him .but overall I think I did enjoy it. I think some future bts should be something like "through the eyes of ........." where different models get a camera to them selves for a period of time and they film what its like for them through there eyes. So thanks for the insight Broke Straight Boys it was muchly appreciated. :)
Although I watched this BTS in its entirety, it was a big waste of time. The acoustics were bad since it was in an open area so it made it difficult to understand much of what was being said and it really did noy show much new and many of the models are gone.
Although I watched this BTS in its entirety, it was a big waste of time. The acoustics were bad since it was in an open area so it made it difficult to understand much of what was being said and it really did noy show much new and many of the models are gone.

Double Ditto..And we really haven't see Kyle do anything yet. So no comment about him.Wasted time. But I took the day off from life.
So didn't have much to do anyway.And.. Not a Jaxon fan at all. Can't love them all..
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Is kael coming back? Sha asked us awhile back then nothing!!! let us know guys.
My guess is that that was Kael coming back to do more work, rather than doing just his solo and leaving. I could be wrong.
Kael had one solo scene how long ago and never had any other scenes and yet we've had three behind the scenes with him which seems pointless if he's not coming back. I'm curious how a model gets to lodge at the mansion for how long being fed and gets place to sleep and all we get is a solo. It doesn't seem feasible to me.