Anyone would who be upset by a condom scene and down-rate it BECAUSE of that is just ignorant and would probably be happier at one of the scummy sites that do all bareback but never bother to test their actors. Most of us here on the forums can be really critical of
Broke Straight Boys and management (myself included!), BUT, when it comes to the safety of the boys BluMedia/
Broke Straight Boys and the management team are superstars. They knowingly set themselves up for bitching by the selfish and ignorant when they OCCASIONALLY film condom scenes because for one reason or another there wasn't time to test a model and WILL NOT put a model at risk (or I suppose if the model insists on it -- I seem to recall all Tim Haynes' scenes were condom scenes). It's really a pity that such shallow people down-rate perfectly fine scenes JUST because of condom use -- they either do not comprehend the potential risks to the models or just are so selfish they don't care, but when we're talking about someone else's health and LIFE I think it matters greatly.