See Br? The joy is in the sharing with others.
Most threads have lots of "hits" or "Views" from people who are busy and just don't have enough time to instantly post and respond. Choosing not to comment, post or respond on threads doesn't necessarily mean they don't like the subject matter of a thread, disagree with the opinions expressed, or don't like the pictures or videos shared therein. It can just mean they're leading busy lives. Period. Nothing negative to read into it at all. They visit the thread, enjoy the content hopefully, and then they move on. Sometimes they feel like commenting or throwing out a word of encouragement. Sometimes they feel they have nothing substantive to add to the conversation The convenience of all that is exactly why they bought and continue to pay for a private membership in the first place.
Over on Mikey's athlete thread that I post pics on, if I really believed my only viewers were only those who actually posted like KG, SFP and two or three others...I would have stopped adding new content a long time ago. If it was really for one person or just 1-3 people over the course of a week? No way! No offense KG. Love and appreciate ya man!

lol But if it was all really for just one person per day? Not worth my time. haha But... The number of views for the thread has always told a different story. So I take satisfaction in knowing that multiple people are checking in, and I don't get wrapped up in wishing they'd all post, send me heaps of praise to stroke my ego...or wanting to know all their screen identities. haha
"Tis better to give, than to receive." LOL