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NEW poll for EVERYONE! Updated

Who wouldn't want to see the great Jimmie get his up-comence? I would even pay extra - a whole lot extra - to see his virginal ass violated. But I want to see pain on his face, convulsion of his muscular body as some huge penis enters his ass-hole and hear sounds of excruciating grunts as that penis pushes further and deeper into him. But then if it's like the other episodes, that penis may just slip on in without so much as a "fuck" and my illusion will then go bust and I go home disappointed - Jimmie's not a virgin! Damn!
I thought that the reason why Broke Straight Boys are on this site is that they are willing to do gay stuff for money. Heck, no straight guy will on his own volition come on a gay site to do gay sex for free. So this attitude of respecting straight boys until their ready to do any kind of gay sex is misplaced and incongruent. How many times have we heard on this site a straight boy say that he wouldn't do anal for any amount of money and then a few episodes later his ass is up in the air being pounded by "Baba"? It's the money, it's all about the money and nothing else! They're whores already, their just negotiating how much before their feet are up in the air.
So, let me see if I understand you angelone.

If a whore on the street picks up a john and agrees to give him a blowjob for say, $25, and in the process of that blowjob, he offers her $200 to fuck her ass, and she says no, and he decides to just go ahead and rape her out of frustration., that's ok? He doesn't have to respect her decision, after all, she is a whore. And, she is getting paid. So you think she is getting her up-commence ? Again, she is a whore anyway. And, her ass is probably not virgin anyway, afterall, she is a whore.

Now, I am not tearing down your statements, I am just trying to understand the logic. Is it your contention that people who engage in sex for money don't deserve respect?
Just curious.

If acknowledging the person's right to refuse something is respect, then for all means lets call it respect. There are many things out there in the world that I follow, obey and acknowledge but I don't respect. I understand why people would sell their bodies for money but I don't respect their decision to do so. Yes, I also understand that I'm a hypocrite because eventhough I don't respect their decision to sell their bodies for money, I do enjoy watching them perform their sexual acts and I pay for this privilege. You mentioned something about rape, well, if you can rape these young men then you'll be adding to the drama which is Broke Straight Boys finest.
Nay. No interest. Some fellas are meant to be tops.
Personally, Jimmy CAN gettt itttt! lol
Guys, Cole posted this thread making reference to comments made by a fan in the DC Pride Parade. It was only a joke. See the video below to see the fan's comments in regards to Jimmy "Can Get it!" :)

<embed src="http://members.Broke Straight Boys.com/random-videos/jimmy-can-get-it/video_1.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="sameDomain" allowfullscreen="True" name="MoyeaDemo" width="580" height="400">
To everybody I offended, I sincerely apologize! As scorpio and a few others have pointed out it was just a joke! =] Jimmy, Rob, and I spend a lot of time together at these events and being the boys that we are always give each other a hard time! =] I meant do disrespect to jimmy, if he doesnt wanna GET IT then thats his choice! Thanks for understanding everyone! =] Jimmy could GETTT ITTT....only on sundays though!=p
I'm wondering if your reference to Cole's "pole" instead of "poll" is a Freudian slip, as Cole has a very nice pole! :thumbup:

But seriously I agree that it is in no way necessary or required of every model on this site to get fucked. That was one of my objections in the past when model's who were popular were told that they had to bottom to remain on the site.

I enjoy the premise of this site featuring "straight" guys and many if not most "straight" guys do not engage in receiving a dick in their ass. Jimmy is just fine being himself.

I'm with Mike, all the way! :thumbup:

Sorry to disappoint, but.....

I am with David367 here....and those that know me/my feelings about rough sex/forced sex, whether paid or not, there are sites for that, and I don't consider College Dudes, nor Broke Straight Boys, to be in that category. (Sorry to insult/hurt some feelings).