I have to agree with Mikey here and give you the heads up that not all reviews of all your upcoming scenes will be glowing with praise. So please be prepared psychologically that you will never please all of the people all of the time. And that includes some of your most loyal potential fans out there. You may have some who will diss you without even giving you a chance. You may have some fans who give you constructive criticism about a scene and genuinely want only to help you improve your work. So if viewers don't care for a particular scene you're in for whatever reason, it won't mean that everyone hates you. haha Sometimes this business requires a thick skin.
Mikey brings this up because we have had experience with a few models in the past who started posting and building name recognition and a fan base before their first films aired. Unfortunately a few times not all of the models' work fared well in the ratings and reviews. Then some of these poor guys were just crestfallen and hurt very personally by it. Then the members in the forum felt bad for hurting these guys' feelings, as well as being angry with certain posters who just were over the top in criticizing the poor guys. Then most of us were trying to encourage them and help them get over their hurt feelings. As I said at the time, "Any random person can come in here, toss a verbal hand grenade, and then haul a** out of here. Then it's up to the rest of us to clean up
their mess."
As if you didn't already know... When you're dealing with the public you will get all kinds. lol
When it comes to physical beauty or a great stage presence, everyone has a slightly different interpretation of what is best. For some, a model is too tall, too short, too bulky, too skinny, his dick is not the "right" size, his tattoos are beautiful, just alright or they're ugly, his body hair is too much, perfect or too little, his piercings are great, just okay or ugly, he is acting too straight, too gay, too cocky or too shy... The list goes on and on. haha
So please
do enjoy all the praise and encouragement you receive from your films. I hope you will have a lot of it! Also though be prepared to hear some critiques that you will have to do your best not to take personally.
Good luck Tyler!