I do believe that Bart is 100% correct. And as a veteran of Broke Straight Boys, I am chuckling to myself as this is an example of history repeating itself. We went through the exact same kind of controversy way back on November 8, 2010 where a model named Santos fucked a model named Sean, very hard. And Sean cried out in pain and asked for Santos to stop and he kept going and the forum erupted in anger calling it a "rape" scene. Finally director David had to come on the thread to explain that it was all pre-planned by the models and the director to perform in a "rough sex" scene. It was "acting" as was this scene.
As a point of reference this was the scene that caused a very similar controversy nine years ago. Everything old is new again! lol
This is a great scene. I saw it a long time ago. Read the rape comments and tried to find it again later and couldn’t. Thanks to our historian, Mikeyank, I have it saved in favorites now. There are much rougher scenes on other sites but Broke Straight Boys is pretty tame. Nothing approaching rape appears hear and I doubt seriously if anyone gets their limits pushed too much. I think part of the appeal of straight boys getting fucked is to definitely push the limits. They don’t do much of it on Broke Straight Boys and there is often an outrage oh the forum when they get close. I’m sorry but that is a shame because real man sex is sometimes a bit rough and all of us are not into copasetic gay twinks rolling around having lesbian sex.
In this case as I’m sure in most of the Broke Straight Boys scenes the real story is the models agreed between themselves and the producer that they were going to make it look like the bottom was being abused or made to take it above his limits. This wasn’t true for this scene and I’m sure it wasn’t true for the Ryan Pitt and Charles scene either. Both are steaming though!