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My thoughts on BSB based on 10 weeks as a new member


Active Member
Aug 2, 2013
Reaction score
The Great Pacific Northwest
So after about ten weeks as a dues-paying, Broke Straight Boys member, thought it was time for a ‘What I’ve Learned’-type post.

Broke Straight Boys is the first and only porn site I ever joined. I’ve been choosing which older scenes to watch based on the comments and suggestions from these boards.

I’ve also connected a little bit here and via Facebook with Ian (who completes his homework assignments from me on time!) and Adam, who I now know has a beloved grandmother who he values as much as I did mine. I also followed Jason’s struggles this summer, via the FB page he created about a union he hoped to install at his place of employment. Poor Jason. Keep fighting the good fight, J-.

But just now, I’ve spent the last few minutes asking myself, what do I believe, after 70-ish days of reading posts, watching old BTS and scenes from Broke Straight Boys-1 & -2? Let me start with Broke Straight Boys-1

I don’t believe many of the back stories about the models during the Broke Straight Boys-1 era were true, however the onscreen machinations – the giggling, chatting, stops and starts, grimaces and winces that slowly changed to confused expressions of pleasure – seemed very real and I can see why many long time BSBers miss them.

The interviews that accompany most Broke Straight Boys-2 scenes however, I believe probably do reflect at least part of what’s really going on in the models’ lives away from the studio. What seems less “real” (not all the time, but often) is the sex as it unfolds onscreen.

The claims that models are brand new to this or that aspect of gay sex – this area’s where I think the truth gets stretched/embellished or just ignored. And I’m actually fine with that. In the end, all I really feel that’s owed us is hot porn that we can enjoy with the knowledge that the models and support staff involved in its creation are there voluntarily and safely.

That’s the biggest truth I see. Broke Straight Boys models are very well-taken care of; they’re having fun more often than they’re not and making some dough to explore new things, feel deliciously transgressive, pay off their sometimes alarming (Tyler B!) debts, and more. When they feel it’s time to leave the industry, most won’t be in any worse shape than they were when they arrived and many will likely realize they’ve experienced some positive growth along the way due to the professionalism and care with which BluMedia seems to operate.

Now, what do I think of my favorite Boys? Well, here’s where it gets fun. I know that we see what they (with the producers’ input) have decided their porn personas should be. But I've still formed impressions of what these young gents might be like off camera. I’m at the age where I’d be a young, hip-ish auntie to these guys. For fun, I've speculated about how I could see my favorites fitting into my life, should any of ‘em move in down the street from me some fine day.

Boy I’d like to have give grandma her meds – Graham. During his short but fruitful time posting, he mentioned he was working on a nursing certificate. With his beautiful smile and gift for gab, he’d be a ray of sunshine on any geriatric ward. He might even find himself remembered in a few wills when his patients’ eventually expired of natural causes. Runner up: Griffin. He just seems to steady and amiable. I’m sure he’d never drop anyone off a gurney.

Boy I’d invite to my family’s reunion potluck – Paul
. I just know he’d be the type to walk around the table, trying each and every dish and moaning with pleasure. He’d make us all feel great about our own cooking and then he’d get everyone to play volleyball. Runner up: Johnny. Because I can tell he’s the kind of guy who’d let all the little kids dog pile on him to wrestle. And just when the kids were sure they had him pinned, he’d get up and nonchalantly walk off with the children still clinging to his legs and arms and neck.

Boy I’d like to give me a tour of a national monument or historic site. Blake. Just have a feeling he could wedge a LOT of information into his spiel and make it informative and interesting. Runner up: Denver, although I’d be a little suspicious the whole time that he was just making up facts as he took us along.

Boy I’d like best to be sitting next to on a transcon flight when the entertainment system went down – Jason. Hands down, would have to be Jason, aka Mr. Charisma. The star of Broke Straight Boys’s best behind-the-scenes features, he’s shown that he can talk on just about any topic but also that he also knows how to be a good listener. He’s a bit of an old soul which would help bridge our age gap. Runner up: This is absolutely a wild-card choice for me, based on postings and watching him in BTS features but, Liam.

Boys I’d have over to dinner, which I’d also make them help fix – my lads, Adam and Ian, natch. Adam I’d have do the chopping; Ian could fold napkins while drinking something large from Starbucks.

Boy I’d (age-appropriateness and other issues aside) actually consider inviting to spend the night at Casa Declyn. Colin. And I’d have him bring his wife too. Runner up – Diesal. Men with dimples just slay me. I really find Diesal beautiful – he looks like Diego Rivera ought to have painted him – sharp in a double-breasted suit and with a stacked blonde dame on his arm - into a mural in the 1930s.

Well, Mikeyank, you hoped I’d write this and I just did! What about the rest of you forumers? Which Boys would you fit into your lives and why? I may think of more I need to add later on…
It is great to have you here and hear your comments and suggestions. I would also check out the behind the scenes where we capture the guys hanging out at the house etc. It shows off each of the guys personalities in them. We will have more behind the scenes soon. I really like the behind the scenes with Graham, he is super funny. Thanks for your post and for being a member of Broke Straight Boys :)

Declyn, I am surprised that with all that analysis and comparisons you did between Broke Straight Boys 1 and where we are now, that you failed to comment on the bareback sex that is now seen as the norm.

After the new member spent how long writing this post and complementing Broke Straight Boys and mentioning all the things they enjoyed and the models they like, you have to bring the whole tread down with a completely pointless comment that has nothing to due with what he wrote.
After the new member spent how long writing this post and complementing Broke Straight Boys and mentioning all the things they enjoyed and the models they like, you have to bring the whole tread down with a completely pointless comment that has nothing to due with what he wrote.

First of all the new member is a she, just goes to show how observant you are.. Of course it has something to do with what she wrote.. because she went quite in depth in comparing the former site to the new. I just observed what she missed out - but maybe you are just here to start a fight like you did with your other stupid remark on Ian Dempsey's thread.
Thank you, Declyn, for taking the time to write such an interesting post. I like to think I could also be a 'young hip-ish auntie to these guys' (love that phrase), or in my more baser dreams just young and hip to them...lol

As far as fitting models into my a fantasy life, well, I need to think on that a bit before I commit myself to a specific line up...hmmm, lots of naughty food for thought...:tongue:
Well, Mikeyank, you hoped I’d write this and I just did! What about the rest of you forumers? Which Boys would you fit into your lives and why? I may think of more I need to add later on…
You sure did a fantastic job Declyn! I see that you are just as diligent in completing your "homework" assignment, as your student Ian was in writing his "essay" that you assigned to him.

I would have to do a lot more thinking to come up with such a thoughtful list as you did, but off the top of my head the models past and present that I'd most like to meet and spend some time with, (excluding Blake, Jason, Denver and Cole Gartner from College Dudes, as I actually did meet those four), I'd have to start with one who is impossible to meet again, the late great Mike Robbins. Besides being physically the kind of guy that I am most attracted to, his personality turned me on as well. I loved his spontaneity, his grin, his subtle sense of humor, his laugh all made him someone I would have loved to be able to hang out with. His charisma came right through to me from my computer screen. Mike was terrific and it still saddens me to think that he is gone. I also would love to know Logan, for his intelligence as well as his smile and sense of humor and great looks as well.

On BSB2, Jimmy Johnson is the one I'd most like to get to meet. I truly believe that he was totally misjudged by his detractors on the forum. Jimmy is charismatic and a natural leader, as could be seen in all of his scenes, as his wry sense of humor was always on display and all of his scene partners, (except Jason) seemed to really get along well with him, with lot's of laughter and banter throughout his scenes. I was also so pleased to see how polite and respectful Jimmy was to the gay guys who came up to meet him in the BTS from his many, many Pride events that he attended with Sha, Rob and the crew.

Jimmy so reminds me of a guy that I will call Don, who came to work for me at age 19, as a brash wisecracking "tough" guy who excelled in sports and at getting all the pretty girls with his good looks and personality, and he became a leader among his fellow employees. Don gave me a very hard time as his immediate supervisor, but I came to respect him and he remained with my company for almost ten years, and came back to visit until the demise of the company. Jimmy has so many similar traits to my former employee and I'd love to hang out with Jimmy, drink some beers and watch a ball game.

And also from BSB2, someone who I am not exceptionally attracted to from hs sex scenes, but who I really like is Johnny. I love your observation about how he would playfully play with all the kids as a gentle giant. Johnny's BTS made me see him as an "overgrown" little boy, with a cute smile and a fun personality. And I certainly would be charmed to meet Paul, who I also feel is intelligent and witty besides being as hot as he is.

Two other things Declyn. I love your observation regarding BSB1, "the onscreen machinations – the giggling, chatting, stops and starts, grimaces and winces that slowly changed to confused expressions of pleasure – seemed very real and I can see why many long time BSBers miss them".

Also I would like you to go to the 10 random facts thread, as you are such an interesting, thoughtful person, that I would love to find out a bit more about the "young, hip-ish auntie" of the Broke Straight Boys forum. :thumbup1:
Thanks for sharing with us Declyn, your observations on the models you mentioned is how I picture them in real life. Your right about Diesal, that smile with his dimples can melt me everytime. Him along with my boy Shane, Mick and Damien would be the boys I'd be making breakfast for the next day ala Casa Pedro. I'm glad Mikey mentioned Mike Robbins because I too thought this boy lightened up a room with his personality. Jason would be my choice for a long distance trip with. I love the fact of being a tourist with Blake, as his childesh reaction to new things is so adorable.
Dear Declyn,

Thank you for that wonderful description of the site and the models. I loved it! I don't know that I can even do it justice at this time. Later this evening I'll try to give your post the time it deserves for a decent a response. This just made my day. Thank you for giving us something so uplifting to ponder as we start our day. :)
Dear Declyn:

I really enjoyed your "journey" as I saw it, and the way that you've come to appreciate the site and the models as a whole! I've spent a lot of time reviewing older Broke Straight Boys scenes and taking a look at various models and scenes that I glossed over as they initially didn't peak my interest. After doing so, I found little things about their experiences quite delightful. Also, I always had questions just like everyone else, Why Would a Straight Guy Do Gay Porn? When I watch some of the interactions, it's appears that, many of these guys do, for the most part seem to enjoy some aspect of the experience, some are really quite curious about their sexuality. They are taken very good care and there is a sense that they feel safe! At the end of the day for me, outside of my own "morbid curiosity" I come to enjoy their performance regardless of what their true sexuality is. I feel, their preference is "Their own business". I pay to see, attractive guys having what appears to be an enjoyable sexual experience with other attractive guys, or even, ordinary guys! The look of that pleasure on their faces or through their overall performance, is far more important and pleasurable for me to watch. I suppose that I've learned that my own "straight boy" fantasies are not so deeply rooted because, I do enjoy some of the "more organic passionate" scenes a great deal. As you also illustrated these guys become, "real people" and not just objects of lust (although, I won't stop lusting!) which is an amazing feature of this porn website for me.

Thank you for sharing, what I feel is a wonderful thread about your Broke Straight Boys experience. This is a refreshing point of view as, I tire of threads that seemingly smother everything with "taste specific" fantasy driven comments, while never mentioning the delicate nuances (models are real people too) like you have.
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Life is worth living!

Mike possessed the rarest of onscreen characteristics - those eyeballs of his actually twinkled when he was happy.

I did do a "10 Facts" post, Mike, in mid-August or so. Here, I'll find the link for you (finds link):http://tinyurl.com/mqe5tdb
Thank you Declyn for refreshing my memory with a reprise of your "10 Facts". Yes, I did read it when you posted it, but now that I've gotten to know you a bit, through your wonderful forum posts, re-reading it now paints a more complete picture of who you are, and you are someone special. I sure hope that you hang around here for a while. :angel:

And I'm glad that you too were enamored and charmed by Mike Robbins. He was a very special kid in so many ways.
Very pleased to let y'all know that Adam read my post here and told me that if he ever finds himself in Seattle, he'll absolutely look me up so we can cook together. I wrote in my "10 Things..." that I cooked for a frat for a year but what I don't think I mentioned (but which I'd previously told Adam via FB) is that I have an extensive background as a chef, including several years teaching college level culinary arts and I still do it part time.

So here's hoping this actually does occur someday when Adam's no longer a Broke Straight Boys and it's not against the rules. I LOVE cooking with/for other people! Sha, if you bring the Boys to Seattle for Pride next year, I'll fix you gents the picnic basket to end all picnic baskets. Seattle Pride weekends (late June) are always 78F and perfectly clear, FYI. It's state law.
Very pleased to let y'all know that Adam read my post here and told me that if he ever finds himself in Seattle, he'll absolutely look me up so we can cook together. I wrote in my "10 Things..." that I cooked for a frat for a year but what I don't think I mentioned (but which I'd previously told Adam via FB) is that I have an extensive background as a chef, including several years teaching college level culinary arts and I still do it part time.

So here's hoping this actually does occur someday when Adam's no longer a Broke Straight Boys and it's not against the rules. I LOVE cooking with/for other people! Sha, if you bring the Boys to Seattle for Pride next year, I'll fix you gents the picnic basket to end all picnic baskets. Seattle Pride weekends (late June) are always 78F and perfectly clear, FYI. It's state law.
Until Adam and the rest of boys arrive, we'll get together for some food my dear! I'll PM you...