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My name is Bob...


BSB Addict
Jan 9, 2009
Reaction score
Castle Rock, CO
I am REALLY excited this was brought to the forum, only I am kicking myself in the ass because I did not think of it first! LOL j/k

Well for those of you who so not already know about me, and my idiosyncrises enjoy....for those of you that this is a repeat, ENJOY!! :001_tt2:

Well, (at present), I am 42 years old, have been in ONE hetero LTR while dorming in college, with a woman about 15 yrs my senior. Why you ask? Because we BOTH shared the same passion, that is, the love of Foreign Language. I met her when I was auditing a graduate level Spanish class one semester, and subsequently found out that she was living in the dorms as well. (Fast Forward) We became romantically involved, never sexual, though. I was okay with this. Then outta the blue during her last year there she becaame 'distant' so I asked, "what's going on, is it something I did?" To which she replied, "No, I just cannot handle the age difference". (Again those that know me 'personally, this next part will make more sense, than thoise that do not).....the right side of my brain was saying"Well then WHY THE HELL did you lead me on all this time?", meantime the lwft side was trying to rationalize it out!
Actually, I hold no ill-will toward her, because it just made me come to realize WHO I REALLY AM, as well WHAT really makes me happy.
Enough about that! I also speak German, Italian, SEE Sign Language(I know American Sign, however, while I can appreciate it, I cannot say I agree with it, for use with children....this gives them a (YET ANOTHER) BIG disadvantage, they sign 'concepts', vs using words such a "a/an/the" or even linking verbs, "is/am/are/was, etc", thus not giving them a fair shot in 'mainstream' America. Yes, I can say this, for 2 reasons: 1. I used to teach, and tutor deaf students when the sub did not know any Sign Language, and 2. I, in fact, was called into a Hospital ER when a deaf patient was brought in as a result, and NO ONE in the hospital knew Sign Language, (I got a call at 2am from Mommy who worked nites in IMCU, 'asking' if U could come into the ER, and translate, and that DAD was on the way to pick me up. "Why SURE Mom!", "I wasnt warm and SLEEPING", LOL(j/k, I didn't say that). It ended up being someone that went to MY OWN HIGH SCHOOL! When he saw me, he smiled(he knew I knew Sign Language). I was still pissed he got me outta bed, (after seeing/knowing-confirming w/ the Doc's that he was going to be okay), but nonetheless, went over and reassured him that all was going to be okay, and then translated for the Social Worker.
I am an AVID 'people-watcher....pre9/11, I would go to the international terminal of the airport, and go to arrivals, and just sit and watch all the different cultures, as they arrived...NOT to 'gauk'(sp?), but just to see the differences, and still would today, if I could. My goal/aspiration, is to visit all 7 continents, as well go to New Zealand!, 2 down(North America, and Europe), 5 to go.....YES I even wanna go to Antarctica!!
Good luck with Antarctica, Bob! LOL! I loved your intro! I'm going to send you a friend request to get to know you better. Hope you'll accept!
Welcome to Broke Straight Boys and all its forums. I also like to watch people and learn something about their language, culture, religion, etc. I like weighing their differences and similiarities. But most of all I like to listen to what they have to say about their people and especially about themselves. Learning about others helps me understand myself and how I think.
That so what I like doing, in a way. I am more of a "I want/ask YOUR opinion", "I have MY opinion", then I ponder them BOTH together, finally making my decision

Welcome to Broke Straight Boys and all its forums. I also like to watch people and learn something about their language, culture, religion, etc. I like weighing their differences and similiarities. But most of all I like to listen to what they have to say about their people and especially about themselves. Learning about others helps me understand myself and how I think.