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My First Video!

Blake, Welcome to the site and the forum. You are a wonderful addition to both. I'm not sure if it was the number of viewers or what, but the day your first scene hit the site, the site crashed. I was unable to access it for about 2 hours. It was, however, worth the wait.You did an awesome job and have so much to offer. If you were my server, there would definitely be an extra generous tip. You have a marvelous personality and smile and your body is simply perfect. Seeing you in your boxers was really hot. I kept thinking that if you had been wearing something that fit snug, you'd have a bulge to die for. Many thanks for your participation on the forum and, by the response, you hit a home run with your scene and with members. Congratulations and job well done.

That's strange. Where are you located?
LOL Beth. And as a teacher I'm sure you would patiently practice with him over and over and over until he got it right. :biggrin:

Oh yes Tampa, I would be soo patient and very hands on because as he mentioned, if bored, he can cum three times a day, and it's important not to rush such learning. I could also show him my favorite magic trick, "see the dick, now you don't!"...I'm just talented that way...:w00t:
Post Post Script:
Height: 5'11"
weight: 150lbs
Age: 22
Location: Texas Y'all! <):D
Job: Server
Likes/Interests: I am going to school to study, Meteorology, Astronomy, Geology, Volcanology, Pyrotechnic, Lights Tech, and STORM CHASING!!!

Well pardner, you got some fellow Texans on this site. Some that live there now and some like me that have been transplanted, I'm from Temple.

Keep you powder day, put out your boots at night, hang up your hat and have a fucking good time here at Broke Straight Boys and this great forum.

"Love Ya Man!"

(Ted to you.)
Oh Man, Once again, I am smiling cheek to cheek! Thank you all so much for all of this positive feed back! I will Most defiantly be filming with all these guys again, I had a blast getting to know some of the models that were there, and just had so much fun. Yeah my video was shoot right after my 6am flight, 48 hours of deprived sleep.. :( But, all this positive feed back is making me blush, I would consider myself to be a Very open minded person. And with the service industry being a little dry this time of year, little extra cash is fun, especially if I'm having "fun" in the process! :D LOL

Im going to be honest, I went to sleep last night really nervous on what people are going to say about me. And y'all made it all worth it. Thanks!

P.S. Ask me questions if you like, get to know me. :P Saw me play with my cock, might as well know what my favorite things are. :P and I am having a lot of fun actually interacting with Broke Straight Boys fan base.

Post Post Script:
Height: 5'11"
weight: 150lbs
Age: 22
Location: Texas Y'all! <):D
Job: Server
Likes/Interests: I am going to school to study, Meteorology, Astronomy, Geology, Volcanology, Pyrotechnic, Lights Tech, and STORM CHASING!!!

What? What is that fucking noise?!...is that a stampede of people to Texas? As a fellow Texan Blake, I think you have just spurred on another mass relocation of Broke Straight Boys forumites! With me up in Dallas, Tequilla in Austin and Lipps down in south Texas, it's only a matter of time until we "rope ya in, son!"


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LOL we can post pictures up too?! lol i still have a whole lot to learn about this messaging thing, so i do apologize if i do not get to respond to peoples questions promptly. still learning the Ropes! lol
Likes/Interests: I am going to school to study, Meteorology, Astronomy, Geology, Volcanology, Pyrotechnic, Lights Tech, and STORM CHASING!!!

Maybe you should get used to not sleeping much Blake. LOL

Some questions. Since you asked (haha) :

What were your impressions like of Florida?

Did you enjoy coming here?

Did you get to do many fun things outside of the studio?

Do any of your friends or family know you have started doing this video work? If so, how have they reacted to the news?
OH.. an I just figured out how i was suppose to respond to messages... dang it..

Don't beat yourself up Blake. Learning all the technical aspects of forum posting can be a new hobby of sorts. It takes time to figure out some of the basic mechanics of it. I was here for 2 years before I learned how to post a picture. haha I'm still learning and teaching myself fun new features on here all the time.

Plus, it's still not too late to go back and respond to any posts in particular that you might like to.
Maybe you should get used to not sleeping much Blake. LOL

Some questions. Since you asked (haha) :

What were your impressions like of Florida?

Did you enjoy coming here?

Did you get to do many fun things outside of the studio?

Do any of your friends or family know you have started doing this video work? If so, how have they reacted to the news?

These guys know how to be really great hosts. took care of everything for me, and took me out to eat at all of these really cool restaurants! And with the models that were there at the time I was, i feel like i had bonded with them, they were just really cool dudes like my friends back home.
Majority of the time that i was there, i actually talked a whole lot.. lol there is so much to talk about when it comes to all my interests! The owner and I talked for almost 12 hours one night about space, storms, relationships, and just site seeing. The Broke Straight Boys family is an amazing group of people with rules and guidelines that i would expect. :D i had a really great time hanging out with them all. and the day that i left, i cooked them my signature bbq crusted steaks! They loved them, left a lasting impression i hope.

Family: I kept them out of the loop and will remain too, my mom and dad arnt exactly open minded people. Im what most people like to call a free thinker, that anything is possible. :) my mom and dad were raised Mormon, so you can imagine my hesitation. :smiley-sex020:
Don't beat yourself up Blake. Learning all the technical aspects of forum posting can be a new hobby of sorts. It takes time to figure out some of the basic mechanics of it. I was here for 2 years before I learned how to post a picture. haha I'm still learning and teaching myself fun new features on here all the time.

Plus, it's still not too late to go back and respond to any posts in particular that you might like to.

This is true! SEE I now know how to respond properly! :w00t:
Thanks so much Blake for being so open with us. :001_smile:

Are most of your friends straight? What do they think about what you're doing? Did they think you were crazy? haha Did they try to talk you out of it? I can't imagine how that conversation with your employer went. haha Do they know that it's gay for pay work or do they think it's straight video work?

So what were some of the more interesting questions and conversations you had when you got home and everyone (who knew) asked what it was like?

For instance I'm sure you had at least one friend who ignored all subtlety and decorum. Who just cut to the chase and asked you if you had bottomed...and if it had hurt or felt good. haha Did you get questions like that in regards to the sexual acts themselves?
Thanks so much Blake for being so open with us. :001_smile:

Are most of your friends straight? What do they think about what you're doing? Did they think you were crazy? haha Did they try to talk you out of it? I can't imagine how that conversation with your employer went. haha Do they know that it's gay for pay work or do they think it's straight video work?

So what were some of the more interesting questions and conversations you had when you got home and everyone (who knew) asked what it was like?

For instance I'm sure you had at least one friend who ignored all subtlety and decorum. Who just cut to the chase and asked you if you had bottomed...and if it had hurt or felt good. haha Did you get questions like that in regards to the sexual acts themselves?

Alright! a loaded post! lol lets see.. hm..

Yes majority of my friends are stright, i think i only have one gay friend and hes cool as hell.

I only have open minded friends so all of them except maybe my roommate were all cool with it. They didn't think i was crazy when i came home and showed them my pay for the week! lol actually some of them joked around and said, where do i sign! lol All my friends are really cool about it, but i did come home and i was excited about telling everyone about this awesome trip. i mean you gotta look at it as Gay for Pay being a job, but it was so much more than that with this group of people, they treated me like one of their own right off the bat, teasing me and rippin on me every second of the day, they called it a "personality test.":smiley-sex020:

Needless to say, my gay friend was really excited when i told him i was doing this, im pretty sure he bought a membership just to "make fun of me." lol
so he says. lol:w00t:
These guys know how to be really great hosts. took care of everything for me, and took me out to eat at all of these really cool restaurants! And with the models that were there at the time I was, i feel like i had bonded with them, they were just really cool dudes like my friends back home.

The Broke Straight Boys family is an amazing group of people with rules and guidelines that i would expect. :D i had a really great time hanging out with them all. and the day that i left, i cooked them my signature bbq crusted steaks! They loved them, left a lasting impression i hope.

Alright! a loaded post! lol lets see.. hm..

Yes majority of my friends are stright, i think i only have one gay friend and hes cool as hell.

...i mean you gotta look at it as Gay for Pay being a job, but it was so much more than that with this group of people, they treated me like one of their own right off the bat, teasing me and rippin on me every second of the day, they called it a "personality test.":smiley-sex020:

Needless to say, my gay friend was really excited when i told him i was doing this, im pretty sure he bought a membership just to "make fun of me." lol
so he says. lol:w00t:

Well...after answering questions on masturbation habits and orgasms on the other thread, I thought my questions were pretty tame. LMAO

Of course what I really wanted to find out here without asking you directly and influencing your response...was to make sure that you were well treated while you were a guest of Broke Straight Boys in the Sunshine State. I'm happy to see that Broke Straight Boys's great reputation stays very strong in its treatment of models. As porn sites go in general and gay for pay sites in particular...you picked a very good one to work for. Mark and his whole Broke Straight Boys staff set a very high standard that many other sites do not reach. Over the years we have heard some real horror stories of some of the things that go on on other sites.

What we hear from Broke Straight Boys models is that they are always treated respectfully. On set and off. They are fed very well while they are down here in filming. They are taken to restaurants once in a while in addition to being provided good food back at the place of lodging. People tell us that the accommodations are always nice. Perhaps most importantly while they are visitors to a strange city far from home...the models feel safe. Obviously there is structure and a support system in place for those visitors who don't know the area at all. I'm very pleased that you had such a nice visit and quite possibly made some new friends.

And P.S.

I envy your gay friend just because he's lucky enough to know you personally. :biggrin:
Well...after answering questions on masturbation habits and orgasms on the other thread, I thought my questions were pretty tame. LMAO

Of course what I really wanted to find out here without asking you directly and influencing your response...was to make sure that you were well treated while you were a guest of Broke Straight Boys in the Sunshine State. I'm happy to see that Broke Straight Boys's great reputation stays very strong in its treatment of models. As porn sites go in general and gay for pay sites in particular...you picked a very good one to work for. Mark and his whole Broke Straight Boys staff set a very high standard that many other sites do not reach. Over the years we have heard some real horror stories of some of the things that go on on other sites.

What we hear from Broke Straight Boys models is that they are always treated respectfully. On set and off. They are fed very well while they are down here in filming. They are taken to restaurants once in a while in addition to being provided good food back at the place of lodging. People tell us that the accommodations are always nice. Perhaps most importantly while they are visitors to a strange city far from home...the models feel safe. Obviously there is structure and a support system in place for those visitors who don't know the area at all. I'm very pleased that you had such a nice visit and quite possibly made some new friends.

And P.S.

I envy your gay friend just because he's lucky enough to know you personally. :biggrin:

LOL:closedeyes: Thanks. It was the best vacation I had ever been on.. and I have been to Europe and i go on cruises with friends a whole lot. they defiantly treated me as one of their own. I had so much fun, I had almost forgot about money entirely, well, besides the one hour a day when i had to focus on money. lol
Alright Blake, I will ask you the question that everyone expects from me........ Just how wonderful and amazing are CHAD and MARK?
Alright Blake, I will ask you the question that everyone expects from me........ Just how wonderful and amazing are CHAD and MARK?

Chad was literally my mentor through all of this, very mature guy, and very cool. He made me feel welcome from the moment they picked me up from the air port by the small gesture of letting me ride shot gun in the car. Very cool guy.

Mark is the most amazing and most unbelievable person i think that i have ever met. I didn't even know that people could be so caring and professional at the same time. We stayed up one night talking from 10pm to 9am about science, relationships, and just all around life! I had no idea what to expect when I got into this, and i couldnt be happier that i did so. Many new friends, I text mark everyday, and we talk about the weather where we are and how we envy those who get to see the northern lights during this solar storm. :Banane48:
That's true. There's not to many posts that she does that doesn't involve chad in some form. That's means we have some scenes with chad and you on the way and that's exciting.
OH man! you are Ms. K!!! Chad and Mark talked a whole lot about you! Chad said that you are his biggest fan! talked about how if i got you in my fan base that i was good. lol:tongue:

I think I will be a fan of yours Blake, but my heart belongs to my CHAD:001_wub:.i