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Ms K. Want Mercedes Benz song from Janice Joplin from You Tube.


Well-known Member
Jan 5, 2009
Reaction score
Ms K,

Get me the this Janice Joplin song from You Tube. Then tell me how you did it. I will reward you.
Oh Lord won't you by me a Mercedes Benz

Dear Tim,

I know you were asking this favor from Ms. Kianna. I felt in her absence I could help you out. The clip you were requesting is:


To locate clips on YouTube, simply write in the Artist, music title, movie associated with, or perhaps the event associated with it.

I entered Janis Joplin and it immediately listed the titles of her songs. I clicked on the correct title and it gave me many tracts to select from. I look for the oldest track that came from her original album. Once it starts playing, look for the "share" box below the video and when you click it, it displays in large letters the link you see above. Copy the link by right clicking your mouse and then "paste" the link to your intended post. I hope this is helpful for you.



I did all of that shit. And got nowhere. You must be better hung than me when it comes to the internet. I attended Woodstock in 1969. At the time it was not Woodstock, it became that later. I do love Janice Joplin singing. And yes I am getting older.
Ms K, you are good. I love Janice. Thanks for the links.

I did all of that shit. And got nowhere. You must be better hung than me when it comes to the internet. I attended Woodstock in 1969. At the time it was not Woodstock, it became that later. I do love Janice Joplin singing. And yes I am getting older.
I checked out the official name, and it was called, "Woodstock Music & Art Fair".

A bunch of guys from my summer job were heading there that weekend. Initially, I was sorry that I didn't go, but during the weekend when all the news reports came out of the traffic jams on the NYS Thruway, and the gates being crashed down to make it in effect a free concert, and the lack of food, and of course the rain storm and the mud, I was glad I didn't go.

Of course in retrospect, it was the "place to be" for that era. I've seen the movie countless times, and it was a cultural phenomenon. Did you have fun there Tim? The news media focused a lot on the naked girls, but I was more interested in the naked boys. :blush:
I was at Woodstock for a day and a half. I went with my roommate in his car. We got separated at some point and I forgot where we had parked, so I had no transportation. We both bought tickets for $20 and then found out it had become a free concert. I had money, but there was nothing to buy. Local people gave out water and food. Spent one night tending a fire and ended up sleeping in a field. Then I hitched a ride to my father's place. My roommate came to my father's place and wanted to go back. I passed and he went back with my younger brother.
I was at Woodstock for a day and a half. I went with my roommate in his car. We got separated at some point and I forgot where we had parked, so I had no transportation. We both bought tickets for $20 and then found out it had become a free concert. I had money, but there was nothing to buy. Local people gave out water and food. Spent one night tending a fire and ended up sleeping in a field. Then I hitched a ride to my father's place. My roommate came to my father's place and wanted to go back. I passed and he went back with my younger brother.
Here is a two and a half minute montage of images from that magical weekend in August of 1969.


How about some Santana live at Woodstock?


But most important of all, Tim, Did you see any naked hippies there, or perhaps you may have been one of them yourself??? :001_rolleyes:
I was never nude and saw no nudity. I also went to the centennial for the Statue of Liberty. This was also unplanned. I decided to go at the last minute. Took the train from New Brunswick to Newark and a bus to Liberty State Park. Found out from a State Trooper that there had been a lottery for the best seats. Then the Trooper just told me to go on in. I got the stand next to the Boston Pops Orchester. It was awesome. When I went to go to the train station, there were like five buses there and tens of thousands of people were all heading for them. I didn't get home until four in the morning, but it was worth it. I think the evacuation from Saigon went more smoothly. Watched the event on cable when I got back and found that tv can't come close to actually being there.