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More Jason, please!!!!!!


Long time forumite
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Brooklyn New York
On Buckeye1's thread "The Bitchin' Post" several forumites have been bitchin' about how long it's been since we've seen Jason in a new Broke Straight Boys episode. I decided to copy two of the more eloquent member's on this subject and give it it's own thread.

((((((((((((( JASON )))))))))))))))))!!!!

Hmmm - I guess it is a constant feature of erotic video sites that they require NOVELTY. I can't criticize that, because it's a fact. I have known of a few models who go out and start their own sites, but they usually fold, because people want more new faces; so, I guess you are correct about that, Jason. . . .

I would even go so far as to guess that there are TWO KINDS of fan. (I would be interested to know what others think, about this???) Fan type #1 loves and requires NEW FACES and looks, constantly - and quickly gets bored with a site, if they see the same model, "too frequently".

Fan type #2 (like me) is dedicated to JUST A FEW favorite models, and will travel to the ends of the earth, and back (and sign up with multiple sites) just to enjoy scenes with their few ULTIMATELY favorite ones.

This latter model is certainly true of ME. I'd pay good money to watch JASON read the telephone book, in sweat-pants, a T-shirt, and nerd-glasses ;-)))

I guess most sites have to strike a BALANCE, to please both groups. But, JASON, you are in the incredible prime of your beauty: I will NEVER, EVER tire of your gorgeousness, charm, and expertise in the bedroom. . . and, so, I hope that the scheduling issues will be resolved, SOON.

I note, also, JASON, that you have a full ONE-THIRD of all the Members' favorite videos, on the Broke Straight Boys front page. . . and I think that merits comment ;-))) You are one of the top (perhaps THE TOP - pun intended???) model of my lifetime: and I came back to Broke Straight Boys JUST for YOU.

So I am hoping this scheduling thing gets worked out, but QUICK ;-)))

Your fan for GOOD and ALL,

Broke Straight Boys does not sell porn movies, they sell you a dream. Get in contact with the actual models... by chat and since Blake posted his famous film today, even a real videoblog. If I wanted to watch porn movies.... hundreds or more lay waiting unsorted on a hard disk.

The Internet is full of free porn. No I come here because I buy in to broke-straight-boys experience. The movie archive is important, but it's the few stars on this forum that make me subscribe.

Soon somebody at Broke Straight Boys might read this and say: yes I hear you! Automatically more video's will follow from our most favorite boys.
I couldn't agree more with Robert, Ambivalent and all the others who need our fix of Jason on Broke Straight Boys Please being Jason back sooner rather then later. As Robert said, there is a ton of free internet porn available, but we are loyal members here because of the special bond we have with models that we become attached to, and if Jason is available to appear with some of the newbies, I would be thrilled, as would so many other fans.
On Buckeye1's thread "The Bitchin' Post" several forumites have been bitchin' about how long it's been since we've seen Jason in a new Broke Straight Boys episode. I decided to copy two of the more eloquent member's on this subject and give it it's own thread.

I couldn't agree more with Robert, Ambivalent and all the others who need our fix of Jason on Broke Straight Boys Please being Jason back sooner rather then later. As Robert said, there is a ton of free internet porn available, but we are loyal members here because of the special bond we have with models that we become attached to, and if Jason is available to appear with some of the newbies, I would be thrilled, as would so many other fans.

Good idea, Mike....mine was getting buried on the Bitchin' Post. Maybe management might be persuaded to check out the ones on the Bitchin' Post also to find out the other models MIA. What have we started, a revolution?
What's wrong?

Is it so wrong of us that we prefer to see Jason, Blake, Colin, Spencer...

These boys have changed over the months. They are no longer the same guys as when they first walked in. It is special to read their posts and thoughts, see the photo's and now today, Blake introduced the videoblog!

Mark: a videoblog like Blake's would be an asset for the BrokestraightboysTV.com participants! Our Scorpio, Steve, who edits the Behind the Scenes video's, could give these boys some video editing training.

Really hope that Blake upped the ante, and more guys start to make their own videoblog here. What a powerful weapon.

Blake took the trouble answering all my impertinent questions... watching in the lens, so we could read his eyes as a book. "How do you feel that we perverts watch you" was one of the questions. The next time Blake stares in the lens of Clay's camera, I will get the feeling he is looking at me.

The models on the forum are here, as promised. Why must we wait four weeks? Clay must have a busy schedule, but somebody that is always busy, should improve on planning. Leave some holes open... move over some appointments.

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Mike -

I am COMPLETELY with you, on this. I came to this site for Jason, came BACK to this site, for Jason, and I WANT HIM BACK, too! INCREDIBLY MUCH!!!!

I love Jason Matthews and having Broke Straight Boys without JASON is like "A DAY WITHOUT SUNSHINE"!

I was so elated to see Jason:angel: on the forum again yesterday. In his absence from Broke Straight Boys updates, I just can't imagine Broke Straight Boys without having Jason more frequently appearing in both BTS or current updates as well. Jason is a timeless classic, has a wonderful personality, a great sense of humor, and is what every Broke Straight Boys model should ever hope to "becum".:001_tt2:

With the many solos that we have been seeing lately, I keep on thinking with each new face, Jason should be "just the man" to "show these Str8 bois them ropes everyone talks about so much", if you will!. He is as sexy as always, beautiful to look at from any angle, has a personable persona great for both updates and outside events, all the while enjoying his beautiful silky-smooth body I would so enjoy giving him "a single touch".

When I think of Jason today, he is our current reincarnation of the legendary "Logan" and Jason's considerable talents need to be more frequently exercised, so that all can fully enjoy his many gifts!!! Obviously, Logan is never returning as a model for Broke Straight Boys, so why shouldn't both Mark and Clay decide to strike while the iron is still HOT and seize this opportunity! When members have bemoaned the fact that other "model greats from the past" have left with no apparent forwarding address or contact number, all I ask as a loyal Broke Straight Boys member is that management doesn't allow Jason to slip through their fingers like too many others in the past!

Missed opportunities no less is how I view this staffing issue, when we have access to people with high ratings, a proven trackrecord, and a sense of belonging and loyalty among the Broke Straight Boys family! Surely, that has to count for something??? He has always given us his ALL in any of his updates! Jason is far, far away too young to being placed "out-to-pasture" when he continues being such a great asset to Broke Straight Boys and members alike. He definitely has not suddenly become obsolete or lost any of his sex appeal.

I stand by my earlier statement that goes as follows:

Having Broke Straight Boys without Jason Matthews is like...



Stimpy :angeldevil:
On Buckeye1's thread "The Bitchin' Post" several forumites have been bitchin' about how long it's been since we've seen Jason in a new Broke Straight Boys episode. I decided to copy two of the more eloquent member's on this subject and give it it's own thread.

I couldn't agree more with Robert, Ambivalent and all the others who need our fix of Jason on Broke Straight Boys Please being Jason back sooner rather then later. As Robert said, there is a ton of free internet porn available, but we are loyal members here because of the special bond we have with models that we become attached to, and if Jason is available to appear with some of the newbies, I would be thrilled, as would so many other fans.

I agree !
Its always great to recieve praise from many different sources for all of my hard work and dedication. It makes me glow to be reassured that I am a valued asset to the fans, who without... I would not be here ! Thanks so much for your continued support!
Jason,, It is sooooooo good to see you back on the forum. Like so many, I too miss seeing you in scenes. Hopefully, this message will get through loud and clear to those who make up the schedule. We all wish you the very best and rest assured that the expressions of support are as honest and genuine as you are. Hope to see you again soon.
Well, Jason's name has been mentioned by many different people in several threads spread across the forum at the moment, so if the appropriate Men in Blu don't get the message (as much as I hate to say it) they're obviously not paying enough attention to the members.

The message is very clear: while fresh faces are necessary to prevent boredom and potential over exposure, their introduction shouldn't be at the expense of Jason and other well known models.
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Jason - you make me glow, too: your videos, and your conversation, are so wondrous! XOXOXOXOXO

Grace, the one thing I will say about the managers of BluMedia, they always seem to be very generous to members, and responsive to their interests. And I have confidence in their care for the members!

Now, I'd better go post on another subject, or Beth is going to think I am TRULY INSANE - LOL! (Which, of course I am, but I hope in a NICE way????)

Its always great to recieve praise from many different sources for all of my hard work and dedication. It makes me glow to be reassured that I am a valued asset to the fans, who without... I would not be here ! Thanks so much for your continued support!

Jason my friend. Although we agree to disagree a lot on the other side of the site, you are still one of my fav Broke Straight Boys models and if I was over there almost certainly boyfriend material. Well to be honest it would between you and Max Flint but there again I am honest xx
Jason & Damien

Maybe Jason could do a scene with JASON and DAMIEN:001_wub:........

What a great suggestion! And Jason should top, he is an amazing top!

What Jason brings to movies is chemistry... his boyish charisma, call it the X-factor... Somehow Jason changes fucking into amazing loving. Where some straight guys don't care who they fuck, or are sintered in the partners name. Jason is the opposite, and the beauty of the Broke Straight Boys is harmony and contrast...

Would that be a surprise movie Jon? JASON tops DAMIEN! Broke Straight Boys should not feed Damien to a ruthless power fucker like Spencer, but to Jason!

PS: Imagine Damien looking for a bromance... meeting Jason...
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