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  • Kissing

    Votes: 13 31.0%
  • Rimming

    Votes: 11 26.2%
  • Toys

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • 69

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • Flip Flop

    Votes: 10 23.8%
  • Group Sex

    Votes: 4 9.5%

  • Total voters
What's wrong with the model selection? Ohhh... you'd want to try out the mattresses with some of them...

Most models would welcome a woman on set, standing next to the cameraman, massaging her
naked breasts...
Hey, lay off the British bands, they're mind lol.

I love how you tweet these things but I am just sitting here like HA I know Zayn and my friend used to date Harry Styles so there LOL
What's that pic from? I swear it looks like the guys from the group One Direction ... if it is, I'd like to know what's going on!

It's Harry and Liam from One direction fooling around. Harry is a big womaniser and I guess its a good stunt to get the gay audience thinking about his sexuality - just as we're doing.

They are all like it they are always touching each other and kissing on the cheeks Louis Tomlinson is the gayest of all of them

Hey, lay off the British bands, they're mine lol.

I love how you tweet these things but I am just sitting here like HA I know Zayn and my friend used to date Harry Styles so there LOL

There's no shortage of provocative pics of the One Direction guys to keep everyone guessing and talking. haha

Here's the 2 lovebirds shirtless. As you can see Harry is much less modest and inhibited than Liam. Though who knows what happens after the bedroom door closes? haha


  • one-direction-harry-styles-and-liam-payne-crotch-grab.jpg
    86.9 KB · Views: 30
  • one-direction-ass-grope-gay1.jpg
    84.4 KB · Views: 28
  • liam-payne-one-direction-.jpg
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  • Harry Styles.jpg
    Harry Styles.jpg
    78.4 KB · Views: 28
Perhaps some good old fashioned milking such as in these pictures if I can load them correctly(am technologically challenged)

Here's the tutorial that Scorpio made for us. Keep in mind that you have to save the photo(s) to your computer before doing this. It has to be saved in your Pictures section to be able to post them to the forum.

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://members.Broke Straight Boys.com/jwplayer/swfobject.js"></script><div id="mediaspace">This text will be replaced</div><script type="text/javascript">var so = new SWFObject("http://members.Broke Straight Boys.com/jwplayer/player.swf","mpl","640","504","9"); so.addParam("allowfullscreen","true"); so.addParam("allowscriptaccess","always"); so.addParam("wmode","opaque"); so.addVariable("file","http://members.Broke Straight Boys.com/howto/How-to-attach-a-picture.mp4"); so.addVariable("image","http://members.Broke Straight Boys.com/howto/How-to-attach-a-picture.gif"); so.write("mediaspace");</script>

If this video link does not play properly the original video can can be found at the top of the New Member Introductions section of the forum. :)
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i don't see my choice on the list.
i want to see one straight boy who just wants a hole to his rod in.
no kissing, no making nice.
just keep me hard and make me cum.
at least three a month shouldn't be too much.

I'd like to see more nipple play and instead of having an empty hand have the boys play with each others balls while they suck each other.
Thank you JLipps for stating the truth about swallowing cum, and you are right, if it were as dangerous as accepting cum from anal sex, many of us, including myself would have been long gone.

Jlipps/Mike You are so right. The truth is that I always swallow. To me it seem disresptful to spit it out. It's like telling your partner that they are not good enough for you. The exception is cum swapping. In that case you are both sharing an intimate moment with each other. :001_tt2:
sounds good. I 100% agree!!!
dont think its disrespectful but do think it isnt the way to have sex.
Jlipps/Mike You are so right. The truth is that I always swallow. To me it seem disresptful to spit it out. It's like telling your partner that they are not good enough for you. The exception is cum swapping. In that case you are both sharing an intimate moment with each other. :001_tt2:
I love how you tweet these things but I am just sitting here like HA I know Zayn and my friend used to date Harry Styles so there LOL

Do tell SC! So does Harry or Liam ever play on our team or not? Not that you only play on our team SC. I know you seem to like the best of both worlds. :biggrin:

:hijacked2: Sorry...

Feel free to bring it back on topic whenever you guys wish. :)
Do tell SC! So does Harry or Liam ever play on our team or not? Not that you only play on our team SC. I know you seem to like the best of both worlds. :biggrin:

:hijacked2: Sorry...

Feel free to bring it back on topic whenever you guys wish. :)

The lads just have a bromance that is on another level but they kiss each other on the cheek all the time lol.
Zayn is straight for sure
Harry is just a kidder but known as the player of the group
Louis, I can honestly say I think he is gay he is a totally pretty boy
Liam is a tad shy and won't talk to ppl unless they talk to him first but when you get talking to him, he is such an awesome lad
Then you have Nial who is just random as heck lol
I know Zayn the most I have known him for about 4 years the rest I have only met a couple of times
The lads just have a bromance that is on another level but they kiss each other on the cheek all the time lol.
Zayn is straight for sure
Harry is just a kidder but known as the player of the group
Louis, I can honestly say I think he is gay he is a totally pretty boy
Liam is a tad shy and won't talk to ppl unless they talk to him first but when you get talking to him, he is such an awesome lad
Then you have Nial who is just random as heck lol
I know Zayn the most I have known him for about 4 years the rest I have only met a couple of times

Thanks for the reply SC. :) I realize it would only be an opinion and speculation on your part. But do you think that Harry and Liam have ever gotten off together in any way?

I had thought about matching some more online photos to the names you gave. Because I don't know the group very well. The problem is that they look so young and underage in so many of the photos that it kind of creeped me out. Unless the rest of you have photos where they all look like they are legal to drive and vote...I'll stick with just Liam and Harry for a while. haha
Thanks for the reply SC. :) I realize it would only be an opinion and speculation on your part. But do you think that Harry and Liam have ever gotten off together in any way?

I had thought about matching some more online photos to the names you gave. Because I don't know the group very well. The problem is that they look so young and underage in so many of the photos that it kind of creeped me out. Unless the rest of you have photos where they all look like they are legal to drive and vote...I'll stick with just Liam and Harry for a while. haha

Don't worry m8t they are all 18 and over :)
WOW! Okay that is a question that is literally like asking if I ever think my two of my guy friends have ever gotten off together, ermm well if I have to be honest no I think Liam plays the role of being shy and nervous in such a way that he is straight I couldn't believe him ever getting with Harry. With Harry dating one of my friends in the past I don't think he would of ever gone down on another lad haha. Nevertheless I do think Liam and Nial may have gotten together in the past.
If you are suddenly becoming a directioner look at my friends tumblr lol http://1d-bieber-support.tumblr.com/ there is hardly any Bieber on there (THANK FUCK) I really dislike Justin Biber so much so it is a hate whenever he is on the TV or radio I switch over instantly.
I am not a directioner lol I just know them so give them support :)