Does anyone else use their iPhone to access Broke Straight Boys forum, and is anyone else having weirdness? Joninliverton's avatar is my avatar, jon's avatar shows up on grace's posts and the formatting is wonky.
It sounds like an LSD trip from back in my college days.Does anyone else use their iPhone to access Broke Straight Boys forum, and is anyone else having weirdness? Joninliverton's avatar is my avatar, jon's avatar shows up on grace's posts and the formatting is wonky.
It sounds like an LSD trip from back in my college days.
Are you sure that someone did not "dose" your coffee this morning?
It actually reminds me of a song.
I'm sorry for being silly. I hope your problem is corrected soon.
LL - I'm not going to reply to your thread because none of you girls are getting involved with my music game thread lol....
LL - I'm not going to reply to your thread because none of you girls are getting involved with my music game thread lol....
So there xxx hissy fit.. xxx
LL - I'm not going to reply to your thread because none of you girls are getting involved with my music game thread lol....
So there xxx hissy fit.. xxx.
Hmmm...LL, now we're playing the game with Jon (even though I have no idea what the darn rules are), his avatar is back to behaving itself...a miracle, or something far more sinister...
Hmmm...LL, now we're playing the game with Jon (even though I have no idea what the darn rules are), his avatar is back to behaving itself...a miracle, or something far more sinister...