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Mitt Romney


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Feb 21, 2012
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Whats going to happen if he wins...... how far will we be set back for equal rights in this country..

Sorry for all your "Traditionalists" but we need to move forward.. not BACK! being a traditionalist is just another way of saying "I like the life we have now, FUCK anyone else whos life sucks because ours is good." Selfish.

Just because your life is "GOOD" doesnt mean everyone else is. and if you believe the world is perfect the way it is..

Well, for lack of a better phrase, Burn in the fires from which you created on Earth.

Gay people are still killed without trial in 3 major countries and was almost found to be illegal in africa by the Pope.

If you can argue this statement... Would LOVE to hear it.
As I stated on another thread there is more to voting a person in rather than gay issues. The problem with America is that you vote for an individual whereas the UK you vote for a party. We are not perfect but you should consider all the persons or parties political promises or stances and not just the gay issue.
I don't think Romney is an evil man. But I shudder to think of what happens if the Republicans win the presidency and keep control of the Congress. After all, it worked out so well when that happened during the first years of the Bush administration. The country was successfully attacked by foreign terrorists on Bush's and the Republicans' watch. The federal budget went from a surplus to a huge deficit. We got dragged into a protracted bloody war in Iraq on the pretense of weapons of mass destruction that weren't there. Where we once had the Taliban defeated and on the run, the Republicans let the distraction of Iraq allow the Taliban to regroup. The financial markets became so corrupt and were allowed to run amok because of a conservative desire for lack of regulation...that they nearly dragged the U.S. and the entire western world into another Great Depression. Right on the end of Bush's 8 year watch. And who can forget Hurricane Katrina?

Yet some people will blindly follow Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Riley and others off a cliff once more. Why? Because the Republicans still beat the drum of being the party that is strong on defense. The party that is strong on "security". Never mind 9/11. Never mind the war we are still losing in Afghanistan since about 2004. Never mind that "victory" in the war in Iraq was supposed to also help us get cheap oil. The Republican party is one that is strong on fiscal discipline. Never mind the trillions of dollars they added to the deficit on their watch. Never mind the billion dollar "bridge to nowhere" in northern Alaska, pushed for so hard by Republicans. They are for limited government and keeping government out of our lives. Never mind that our bedrooms and women's bodies are fair game. Never mind the laws in Republican led states requiring that women must have ultrasounds with the screens facing them before being allowed to get an abortion. Never mind that some other states with Republican led governments are requiring women to have a scope pushed up their vaginal openings before being allowed to get abortions. Never mind that they push federal laws aimed at denying same sex marriage rights to consenting adult taxpayers.

They have yet to show me why I should trust them now. I see them as little more than angry, self-serving hypocrites who don't yet deserve another chance. At least not yet. Fool me once, shame on them. Fool me twice, shame on me. Of course I didn't vote for them in 2000 or 2004...or 2008. haha
I've just read an article in the New York Times about Mrs Romney stealing the show in the Republicans official unveiling of Mitt as their main running candidate for the US election. The British press have Mitt just a few poll points behind Obama.

So what has Obama done wrong in the last 4 years ? Let's not forget it's been a tough time economical for us all.
MItt Romney is most importantly a Mormon, the one US made relision that was founded in romantic frontier idealism in that it allowed men to have multiple wives, a harem. The members of the harem were never to complain lest they be corrected with the rod or shunned on the house. This mentality dominates in that Romney believes he is one of the Elect sent by God and his 5 sons prove that his wofe is fertile and a real woman who understands her place is yen steps behind her man as all of the rest of us ought to be. Never mind that Romney has zero integrity because as a dedicated son of a billlionaire, Romney's daddy was that and a Gov of Michigan, his top pursuit as a capitalist was profit over people. The rule sof that game when deregulated allow for all types of legal flummoxing/swindling of investors for shortterm gain that is unethical and harms people. Bush another son of a billionaire was the same way in his out of touch with average Americans whose biggest investments are their houses and their cars and their educations. Remember for Bus running any deficit to shift surpus money that actually allowed more Americans to live in financial secuirty represented an untapped reserve of capital that could be shifted from public hands into private hands for profit. Remember Halliburton was run by Cheney and here was the perfect synergy of a private corporation in the VP seat literally doling out the cash- the American people died and were maimed baed upon a convenient superhero lie called Weapons of Mass Destruction- that is a sci-fi terminology masquerading as real national security policy. Bush became the superhero Captain America in costume on the ship declaring mission accomplished while Cheney ived in bunker chortling about the success of the ruse. Now big banks and capital are demanding their money because this is a new revenue stream based upon auusterity measures designed to starve people of social services such as healthcare and education and retirement benefits that could really improve their lives. Romney wants to be the Nero and fiddle while his sons whom he has set up in businesses designed to profit from the transfer of public moneys to private hands for profit are poised to make daddy proud and starve you and then tell you to pull yourself up by your bootsraps when you will have no boots.
The Rebublician Party platform is a nightmare for most thinking people. We're in this economic mess because of the policies of the Bush administration . President Obama was obstructed at every turn by the Republicans in congress when trying to tackle these problems. I can understand people agreeing with the GOP on economic issues but their policies concerning gays, women, the poor and healthcare are simply unacceptable.
Many of the American people are fickle...

The general public at large do not have the kind of patience it takes to seriously follow US politics. They constantly lack the commitment to see any party truly succeeds. They have short attention spans like some learning disabled child. Instead, they rather mix things up blindly and take a gamble while thinking it will all work out in the end. They are so suceptible to "sound bites" and "half-truths" because they are too lazy to stay informed and refuse to learn our history. They would rather be informed on sports and leave politics to the "Professionals", all the while complaining about professional politicians.

They are like spoiled children who think they can turn over all the decision making blindly to some "objective party" and by some miracle everything will work out alright. This is lazy thinking and if Romney actually gets elected, then we truly deserve what we get, a further reduction in the middle class, more pandering to the super-rich, further watering down our national health-care plan and any "safety net" we have left like Social Security. Unlike years ago, very few people today actually have a employer-sponsored retirement system at work that they can count on when they get older. I think the long-range future prospects for America are very grim and holds a future existence where most people are only barely getting by with substandard incomes, little surplus income to devote to savings, and no other supporting benefits to get them by. America is fooling itself by running on "fumes only" and it soon to become one of the largest banana-republics where only the super-rich have ALL the opportunities to live a good life. Somehow, I never thought the "American Dream" only applied to the super-rich!

I still want to believe Americans will not be so stupid as to actually elect someone who won't even explain his plans for the future, like Romney! Talk about being evasive, Romney fits the bill perfectly. His wife is lovely but she has MS and she won't be the one in power. Actually, she at least has a heart and, if Republicans have to win this time, I'd feel much better with her as president that Mitt.

I feel Obama will pull it together and win finally, but if so, it will only be by the skin of his teeth. If the Senate actually becomes primarily Republican (like our House of Representatives), then very little will get accomplished in Obama's second term.

The Republican party consists of a sizeable number of racist people who formerly voted Democratic, many still living in the Old South. As the song goes, thinking nostalgically of slavery days in the Land of Dixie..."old times there are not forgotten"! They are not the majority of Republicans, but their numbers are noticeable anyway. They are the hard-core conservatives who resist any modifications of our rights as citizens, such as gay rights or gay marriage. Their arrogance leads them to want to see all of our governmental institutions overtaken by religious idology, not having even enough forethought that, ultimately, this would lead to a country without "Freedom of Religion". They are always looking for new schemes to deny people the right to vote justifying their actions to correct a problem that doesn't really exist in reality. Many are even blacks who would have fought on the side of the Confederacy during the Civil War protecting the system of slavery. Figure that one out???? The Evangelical extreme right are slaves to their religion and imposing their strict belief-system on others against their wishes. I guess they look at it that if they have to live dull and miserable lives, then why shouldn't everyone else have to be subjected to the same thing!

Sobering isn't it!!!


MItt Romney is most importantly a Mormon, the one US made relision that was founded in romantic frontier idealism in that it allowed men to have multiple wives, a harem. The members of the harem were never to complain lest they be corrected with the rod or shunned on the house. This mentality dominates in that Romney believes he is one of the Elect sent by God and his 5 sons prove that his wofe is fertile and a real woman who understands her place is yen steps behind her man as all of the rest of us ought to be. Never mind that Romney has zero integrity because as a dedicated son of a billlionaire, Romney's daddy was that and a Gov of Michigan, his top pursuit as a capitalist was profit over people. The rule sof that game when deregulated allow for all types of legal flummoxing/swindling of investors for shortterm gain that is unethical and harms people. Bush another son of a billionaire was the same way in his out of touch with average Americans whose biggest investments are their houses and their cars and their educations. Remember for Bus running any deficit to shift surpus money that actually allowed more Americans to live in financial secuirty represented an untapped reserve of capital that could be shifted from public hands into private hands for profit. Remember Halliburton was run by Cheney and here was the perfect synergy of a private corporation in the VP seat literally doling out the cash- the American people died and were maimed baed upon a convenient superhero lie called Weapons of Mass Destruction- that is a sci-fi terminology masquerading as real national security policy. Bush became the superhero Captain America in costume on the ship declaring mission accomplished while Cheney ived in bunker chortling about the success of the ruse. Now big banks and capital are demanding their money because this is a new revenue stream based upon auusterity measures designed to starve people of social services such as healthcare and education and retirement benefits that could really improve their lives. Romney wants to be the Nero and fiddle while his sons whom he has set up in businesses designed to profit from the transfer of public moneys to private hands for profit are poised to make daddy proud and starve you and then tell you to pull yourself up by your bootsraps when you will have no boots.

I am not a republican, a Romney fan, or a Mormon..........But the Mormon church outlawed polygamy by 1890. I am positive that that was long before Romney, and his father were involved.

There are many, many Mormon females in my workplace. Everyone of them either always worked, or went to work by the time their youngest child started school. They were all educated, as well as their husbands, and none of their families are wealthy.

No one attacks Catholic candidates, because they belong to a church that has such a bad reputation................

This country was founded on freedom of religion. Is that now outdated or irrelevant?
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The general public at large do not have the kind of patience it takes to seriously follow US politics. They constantly lack the commitment to see any party truly succeeds. They have short attention spans like some learning disabled child. Instead, they rather mix things up blindly and take a gamble while thinking it will all work out in the end. They are so suceptible to "sound bites" and "half-truths" because they are too lazy to stay informed and refuse to learn our history. They would rather be informed on sports and leave politics to the "Professionals", all the while complaining about professional politicians.

They are like spoiled children who think they can turn over all the decision making blindly to some "objective party" and by some miracle everything will work out alright. This is lazy thinking and if Romney actually gets elected, then we truly deserve what we get, a further reduction in the middle class, more pandering to the super-rich, further watering down our national health-care plan and any "safety net" we have left like Social Security. Unlike years ago, very few people today actually have a employer-sponsored retirement system at work that they can count on when they get older. I think the long-range future prospects for America are very grim and holds a future existence where most people are only barely getting by with substandard incomes, little surplus income to devote to savings, and no other supporting benefits to get them by. America is fooling itself by running on "fumes only" and it soon to become one of the largest banana-republics where only the super-rich have ALL the opportunities to live a good life. Somehow, I never thought the "American Dream" only applied to the super-rich!

I still want to believe Americans will not be so stupid as to actually elect someone who won't even explain his plans for the future, like Romney! Talk about being evasive, Romney fits the bill perfectly. His wife is lovely but she has MS and she won't be the one in power. Actually, she at least has a heart and, if Republicans have to win this time, I'd feel much better with her as president that Mitt.

I feel Obama will pull it together and win finally, but if so, it will only be by the skin of his teeth. If the Senate actually becomes primarily Republican (like our House of Representatives), then very little will get accomplished in Obama's second term.

The Republican party consists of a sizeable number of racist people who formerly voted Democratic, many still living in the Old South. As the song goes, thinking nostalgically of slavery days in the Land of Dixie..."old times there are not forgotten"! They are not the majority of Republicans, but their numbers are noticeable anyway. They are the hard-core conservatives who resist any modifications of our rights as citizens, such as gay rights or gay marriage. Their arrogance leads them to want to see all of our governmental institutions overtaken by religious idology, not having even enough forethought that, ultimately, this would lead to a country without "Freedom of Religion". They are always looking for new schemes to deny people the right to vote justifying their actions to correct a problem that doesn't really exist in reality. Many are even blacks who would have fought on the side of the Confederacy during the Civil War protecting the system of slavery. Figure that one out???? The Evangelical extreme right are slaves to their religion and imposing their strict belief-system on others against their wishes. I guess they look at it that if they have to live dull and miserable lives, then why shouldn't everyone else have to be subjected to the same thing!

Sobering isn't it!!!



Super post Stimpy and it's such a shame you have so many dumb assess that vote the same as their cotton picking mothers or by the local gutter press. It's the same over here but not quite as bad - just read the Honey Boo Boo child thread - I think that sums them all up.

But the problem you will never get away with is that if Obama get's in for a second term (I hope he does), then he certainly needs the backing of the Senate and the House of Reps to get his ideas through. British politics is not good but at a general election we vote for the party and not the leader.
the gains made in the last 70 years, in term of social progress, will be set back with a victory by willard mitt romney and his party.
as a party they have never been friends of the causes like social security and medicare and fair wages and affortable education.

the person holding the office of president of the united states has the ability to go directly to the people and call for their support over the actions or lack of actions by congress. the people's chief executive officer has many inherent executive powers.

jon, in voting for a party, don't you know that party's leader? don't they form the new government?
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jon, in voting for a party, don't you know that party's leader? don't they form the new government?

Of course there is a party leader and if he wins the election he becomes prime minister, e.g david cameron, tony blair etc etc.

But at election time we don't vote for the individual we vote for the party's policies, unless of course there happens to be a great leader such as Winston Churchill or Maggie Thatcher. The public voted both them in, but it was their parties that ousted them as leaders mid term.
Mitt's a grim guy for the LGBT, for woman's rights, and he'll just help his Rich buddies ship even more jobs over seas, and sock the middle class with 2 percentiers fair share of taxes to steal from the poorer to give to rich aka RomneyHood
Are you fucking kidding me? He wants us DEAD!

Like it or not, he's probably the most moderate Republican of the field. Ryan...not so much. Who thinks we would have been better off if the Republicans had elected Michelle Bachman or Rick Santorum? Even Newt Gingrich? Rick Santorum in the White House would be an absolute nightmare.

Romney's done alot of evil things with Bain Capital. His multi-millionaire status came from inheritance form his father and also with Bain. It was a corporate raider kindof scheme. Buying struggling but still profitable companies, selling off their assets and shipping the jobs overseas. He'll just say that none of that was illegal. Which of course it wasn't. (Even though it should be.) But much of his wealth was derived from turning middle class workers into poor people. Now he gets up there and preaches how as a successful businessman he's the best one to trust to create jobs, jobs, jobs. Because he has such vast private sector experience in creating jobs here in the U.S.

As governor of Massachusetts he endorsed and signed off on a universal healthcare plan for state residents. It even includes a provision financially penalizing people if they opt out of the program. Now that he runs for president he says that healthcare reform under Obamacare is all wrong and that the individual mandate with financial penalty is completely unconstitutional in the whole country...except for Massachusetts under the law he signed. He will do or say anything necessary to get elected.
Im not as worried about Romney as I am about his crazy Repulicans in and out of the tae party. He will enable them to do anything. A Democratic President can threaten to veto or actually veto crazy laws they will create. Romney even if he disagrees with them will sign the bills they create. I think that is the danger if he God Forbid gets elected.
Im not as worried about Romney as I am about his crazy Republicans in and out of the tea party. He will enable them to do anything. A Democratic President can threaten to veto or actually veto crazy laws they will create. Romney even if he disagrees with them will sign the bills they create. I think that is the danger if he God Forbid gets elected.

Yep. Just as Bush never vetoed a single spending bill sent to him by a Republican dominated Congress in his first term...Romney will sign anything a Republican majority of votes sends him. Even if he disagrees with them. And we know how crazy the teabaggers are. As the old saying goes, "Democrats want to fall in love. [With their candidate] Republicans want to fall in line."
As I stated on another thread there is more to voting a person in rather than gay issues. The problem with America is that you vote for an individual whereas the UK you vote for a party. We are not perfect but you should consider all the persons or parties political promises or stances and not just the gay issue.
Yes there are more than GAY issues. I will not vote the Republican ticket for their stand on abortion, for the Supreme Court Justices they inflict on America, their denial of global warming, for their economic and taxation policies that totally favor the rich over the poor and working classes, their endless desire tp start wars everywhere, their opposition for heath care for all and oh yeah as a GAY man who is 60 years old- their four decade record of hatered and hostilty to the Gay community.
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Yes there are more than GAY issues. I will not vote the Republican ticket for their stand on abortion, for the Supreme Court Justices they inflict on America, their denial of global warming, for their economic and taxation policies that totally favor the rich over the poor and working classes, their endless desire tp start wars everywhere, their opposition for heath care for all and oh yeah as a GAY man who is 60 years old- their four decade record of hatered and hostilty to the Gay community.

I think you are describing most govts on those issues.