The general public at large do not have the kind of patience it takes to seriously follow US politics. They constantly lack the commitment to see any party truly succeeds. They have short attention spans like some learning disabled child. Instead, they rather mix things up blindly and take a gamble while thinking it will all work out in the end. They are so suceptible to "sound bites" and "half-truths" because they are too lazy to stay informed and refuse to learn our history. They would rather be informed on sports and leave politics to the "Professionals", all the while complaining about professional politicians.
They are like spoiled children who think they can turn over all the decision making blindly to some "objective party" and by some miracle everything will work out alright. This is lazy thinking and if Romney actually gets elected, then we truly deserve what we get, a further reduction in the middle class, more pandering to the super-rich, further watering down our national health-care plan and any "safety net" we have left like Social Security. Unlike years ago, very few people today actually have a employer-sponsored retirement system at work that they can count on when they get older. I think the long-range future prospects for America are very grim and holds a future existence where most people are only barely getting by with substandard incomes, little surplus income to devote to savings, and no other supporting benefits to get them by. America is fooling itself by running on "fumes only" and it soon to become one of the largest banana-republics where only the super-rich have ALL the opportunities to live a good life. Somehow, I never thought the "American Dream" only applied to the super-rich!
I still want to believe Americans will not be so stupid as to actually elect someone who won't even explain his plans for the future, like Romney! Talk about being evasive, Romney fits the bill perfectly. His wife is lovely but she has MS and she won't be the one in power. Actually, she at least has a heart and, if Republicans have to win this time, I'd feel much better with her as president that Mitt.
I feel Obama will pull it together and win finally, but if so, it will only be by the skin of his teeth. If the Senate actually becomes primarily Republican (like our House of Representatives), then very little will get accomplished in Obama's second term.
The Republican party consists of a sizeable number of racist people who formerly voted Democratic, many still living in the Old South. As the song goes, thinking nostalgically of slavery days in the Land of Dixie..."old times there are not forgotten"! They are not the majority of Republicans, but their numbers are noticeable anyway. They are the hard-core conservatives who resist any modifications of our rights as citizens, such as gay rights or gay marriage. Their arrogance leads them to want to see all of our governmental institutions overtaken by religious idology, not having even enough forethought that, ultimately, this would lead to a country without "Freedom of Religion". They are always looking for new schemes to deny people the right to vote justifying their actions to correct a problem that doesn't really exist in reality. Many are even blacks who would have fought on the side of the Confederacy during the Civil War protecting the system of slavery. Figure that one out???? The Evangelical extreme right are slaves to their religion and imposing their strict belief-system on others against their wishes. I guess they look at it that if they have to live dull and miserable lives, then why shouldn't everyone else have to be subjected to the same thing!
Sobering isn't it!!!