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Mike should start bottoming


Sep 3, 2010
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
I think Mike is sexy. Not very many models can come like this guy can, but yes i know... there are a few that can. I just think it would be really nice to see him get fucked. It would be HOT to see him shoot that load while somone like Shane is fucking him. Idk, What do you guys think?
Yes it would be nice to see Mike get screwed blued and tatood. Lets hope he does it. Hes got to be better than Damien(skinny) He doesnt make any noise when he gets fucked like he practices with flashlights or something.
I hate to be the one to burst your bubble guys but there are a couple of reasons why you won't see Mike bottom, at least not on Broke Straight Boys*:-
1. He has stated after his one & only attempt that he would not be doing that again
2. He no longer is with Broke Straight Boys

PS *I am not suggesting he has gone to another producer
Like Elvis, MikeR ..."has left the building"

Yes it would be nice to see Mike get screwed blued and tatood. Lets hope he does it. Hes got to be better than Damien(skinny) He doesnt make any noise when he gets fucked like he practices with flashlights or something.

Dear Virgin34,

MikeR (Mike Robbins) has abandoned the Broke Straight Boys family because he precisely was afraid that in realizing your stated fantasy (having already been liberally tatooed), he feared most of all "getting screwed and blued". Blued for his tatoos was perfectly okay with MikeR. His Big Virginal BUTT was the deal-breaker. Evidently MkeR was real attached to his cherry, unnaturally so that he was diagnosed as "Cherryphobic". It just about got popped once and his virginal boo boo yelled out a cry for help upon the initial probing! His cherry siimply got slightly touched in other words. Now hysterical, MikeR demanded his ass totally be left out of this equasion, blued or otherwise.

In as much as he didn't hesitate sticking it to others, I was afraid he feared "equal treatment" and/or "payback" from the possible penetrator(s). Either way I find his behavior "cowardly". I didn't feel that MikeR's purported "arrogance" (especially towards the end of his Broke Straight Boys career) was that out-of-line with any other person his age receiving the limitless adulation coming from horny fuckers like me. All I regret was this royal treatment from fans went to his real head and made it easier for him to become insensitive to the actual pain and not pleasure he was causing his anal victims.

My basic rule on sex is IT SHOULD BE PLEASUREABLE FOR ALL PARTIES ABOVE ALL. OTHERWISE, DON'T TAKE OUT YOUR MISPLACED ANGER, INSECURITIES, AND FRUSTRATION ON SOMEONE HAVING NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ONES INNERMOST NEGATIVE FEELINGS AND/OR SELF-DOUBTS! Unfortunately, MikeR seemed to loose his perspective as he related to most other models (except Jordan). Other forumites have expressed that MikeR's ego got in the way. Thusly, he appeared arrogant to the members.

MikeR's last participation in a 3-way scene (with one of the two remaining in the scene being a personal friend of his) was ruined and David was criticized strongly for having added MikeR at the last minute. The look of disappointment and resentment on the faces of the other two were too telling. MikeR's part was blamed for ruining what had the makings of a really good and passionate episode otherwise.

Thus concludes the lecture on "MikeR - 101: Arrogance has its costs". Thank you for your cooperation and please fill out the class survey before leaving!
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David needs to cease his chatter before and after the encounter of the performers!

Some members engage in sexual fantasies during the encounters between the performer; but, it is rather difficult when David chats with the performers, especially when the action starts. Nothing kills an erotic sensation like the performers being talked to and their laughing among themselves. The performers should know what to "do" when the scene opens; too, they should know the amount of money they will receive. I like David; but, his talking harms my ejaculation.
Some members engage in sexual fantasies during the encounters between the performer; but, it is rather difficult when David chats with the performers, especially when the action starts. Nothing kills an erotic sensation like the performers being talked to and their laughing among themselves. The performers should know what to "do" when the scene opens; too, they should know the amount of money they will receive. I like David; but, his talking harms my ejaculation.
May I respectfully suggest you hit the mute button on your volume control, once the action starts and you begin to get into your own personal sexual zone?

This seems like a simple solution for you to be able cum in peace, and for those of us who enjoy the conversation, as well. :001_smile:
May I respectfully suggest you hit the mute button on your volume control, once the action starts and you begin to get into your own personal sexual zone?

This seems like a simple solution for you to be able cum in peace, and for those of us who enjoy the conversation, as well. :001_smile:

Agreed, Mike. David is the visionary and leader of the site. Some people (especially newer members) may find his interviews and demeanor offputting at first. Many will come to appreciate his personality. As I have... There are always going to be those of us who like the interviews and some chatter. While others will consider them a total buzzkill. But David is not going to tamper with a format that has brought the site incredible success in an intensely competitive business. I would be afraid to see him try.

So for those who don't like to hear him chatter with the models...about the only advice I can offer is Mike's. Either mute it or fast forward through it until you get to the parts that most interest you.
In as much as he didn't hesitate sticking it to others, I was afraid he feared "equal treatment" and/or "payback" from the possible penetrator(s). Either way I find his behavior "cowardly". I didn't feel that MikeR's purported "arrogance" (especially towards the end of his Broke Straight Boys career) was that out-of-line with any other person his age receiving the limitless adulation coming from horny fuckers like me. All I regret was this royal treatment from fans went to his real head and made it easier for him to become insensitive to the actual pain and not pleasure he was causing his anal victims.

My basic rule on sex is IT SHOULD BE PLEASUREABLE FOR ALL PARTIES ABOVE ALL. OTHERWISE, DON'T TAKE OUT YOUR MISPLACED ANGER, INSECURITIES, AND FRUSTRATION ON SOMEONE HAVING NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ONES INNERMOST NEGATIVE FEELINGS AND/OR SELF-DOUBTS! Unfortunately, MikeR seemed to loose his perspective as he related to most other models (except Jordan). Other forumites have expressed that MikeR's ego got in the way. Thusly, he appeared arrogant to the members.

Thus concludes the lecture on "MikeR - 101: Arrogance has its costs". Thank you for your cooperation and please fill out the class survey before leaving!

Class Survey Submission:

Wow! Yikes.

I had never heard this matter articulated in quite this way. Plenty of food for thought there. I would give the professor high marks for an incisive and largely accurate (IMHO) explanation of what we have seen play out so far.

My only caveat is that the lecture was a bit too visceral in its excoriating treatment of said model. Mike R is a fine young man who has been exceedingly kind to many of us members in the past. Is he perfect? Of course not. We have all made mistakes. And will continue to do so. Albeit hopefully less frequently.

It is easy enough to point out flaws in a young man in his early 20's. Especially as to how he chooses to react to the highly charged inner conflicts of his sexual identity. Add to that a large portion of public adulation for his physical attributes and sexual prowess.

Mix and stir. It's not always a pretty sight.

He also confided to us in posts here that he suffered from anger issues and a specific type of attention deficit disorder. Both of which he said that he had sought professional treatment for in the past. Will he look back on this stage of his life and have regrets? Obviously he will. But many of us also got a glimpse of a beautiful person (on the inside) who was just very young and struggling to find his way in life. Many of us can relate to that.

Therefore I'm willing to cut him a whole lot more slack. That's not to say that I will like all of his remaining scenes...or even that I disagree with the lecture above. Just that with Mike R there is little that is black and white. But merely several shades of gray. I think he is decent man who is trying to do the best he can in life with the hand that he was dealt.
MikeR has a most forgiving smile...

Class Survey Submission:

Wow! Yikes.

I had never heard this matter articulated in quite this way. Plenty of food for thought there. I would give the professor high marks for an incisive and largely accurate (IMHO) explanation of what we have seen play out so far.

My only caveat is that the lecture was a bit too visceral in its excoriating treatment of said model. Mike R is a fine young man who has been exceedingly kind to many of us members in the past. Is he perfect? Of course not. We have all made mistakes. And will continue to do so. Albeit hopefully less frequently.

It is easy enough to point out flaws in a young man in his early 20's. Especially as to how he chooses to react to the highly charged inner conflicts of his sexual identity. Add to that a large portion of public adulation for his physical attributes and sexual prowess.

Mix and stir. It's not always a pretty sight.

He also confided to us in posts here that he suffered from anger issues and a specific type of attention deficit disorder. Both of which he said that he had sought professional treatment for in the past. Will he look back on this stage of his life and have regrets? Obviously he will. But many of us also got a glimpse of a beautiful person (on the inside) who was just very young and struggling to find his way in life. Many of us can relate to that.

Therefore I'm willing to cut him a whole lot more slack. That's not to say that I will like all of his remaining scenes...or even that I disagree with the lecture above. Just that with Mike R there is little that is black and white. But merely several shades of gray. I think he is decent man who is trying to do the best he can in life with the hand that he was dealt.

Dear tampa24,

I was totally enamored of MikeR's charms, sassiness, tatooed, and all. I feel I am more than willing to give someone the benefit of the doubt and I did thusly for a long, long time. MikeR had the double edge gift/curse of a truly
spectacular cock and an even more spectacular 4th of July fireworks cum shot. Naturally this would feed any young male's ego and to the max.

To my amazement I began hearing cries of MikeR's "arrogance" long before I too became a believer. As one of his former adoring fans, I worshiped the ground covered by his never-ending cum shots. If I could have licked it up, I would have gladly! Please don't assume that I despised MikeR from the first. Not so! You can check my supportive posts for MikeR, if you would like.

At some point when my feelings turned polar opposites, some defining and essential line got crossed and, in this case, irretrievably. FOR THE RECORD, I HATE TO BE SO NEGATIVE AND TURN AWAY FROM SOMEONE I SO ADMIRED. i HAVE LIMITS JUST LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE. My faithful friendship went to its eternal reward alongside the Titanic when MikeR began fucking with such abandon, roughness, and uncaring that I could not bare to watch the carnage anymore. As other had already stated, I began to see that his ego was super-inflated to the breaking point.

This arrogance was displayed with his long-time friend he fucked and in another later 4-way scene including Leon, Kevin, and a nameless newbie that was MikeR's latest victim. His fucking style displayed so much hostility and rage that I feel it was a manifestation of displaced anger due to all the external pressure to fuck more guys. People crying out in pain is not entertainment to me and my dick goes south as it should.

This may be "a bit too visceral in its excoriating treatment of said model" but it did happen.
My only caveat is that the lecture was a bit too visceral in its excoriating treatment of said model. Mike R is a fine young man who has been exceedingly kind to many of us members in the past. Is he perfect? Of course not. We have all made mistakes. And will continue to do so. Albeit hopefully less frequently.

It is easy enough to point out flaws in a young man in his early 20's. Especially as to how he chooses to react to the highly charged inner conflicts of his sexual identity. Add to that a large portion of public adulation for his physical attributes and sexual prowess.

Mix and stir. It's not always a pretty sight.

He also confided to us in posts here that he suffered from anger issues and a specific type of attention deficit disorder. Both of which he said that he had sought professional treatment for in the past. Will he look back on this stage of his life and have regrets? Obviously he will. But many of us also got a glimpse of a beautiful person (on the inside) who was just very young and struggling to find his way in life. Many of us can relate to that.

Therefore I'm willing to cut him a whole lot more slack. That's not to say that I will like all of his remaining scenes...or even that I disagree with the lecture above. Just that with Mike R there is little that is black and white. But merely several shades of gray. I think he is decent man who is trying to do the best he can in life with the hand that he was dealt.
I've commented on the MikeR situation over and over, and keep thinking that I've said all I have to say on the subject, but Tampa points out some things that I had almost forgotten.

Mike was the most active poster on the forum, among the straight boys. And keep in mind that he was posting until the last day of his career at D&E. The Mike that posted here was the real guy, not the "character" that he played in the scenes. To the very end, he was always polite, and respectful to all of us gay guys, (and female fans), who wrote to him with questions and who expressed our adoration to him. He answered our questions about his personal sex life, including an episode he had with a gay friend. He answered all of our questions about his not being comfortable kissing guys, or getting fucked. He shared with us the death of a close friend, and as Tampa has pointed out, his own personal physiological issues. As I now recall, he appeared at a Broke Straight Boys event, possibly at Johnny's in Fort Lauderdale, (a bar I've spent lot's of time at, in the past). Mike explained how he got drunk, and perhaps went overboard at that appearance, and did apologize for it.

In short, he is the friendliest, most open straight model, to have ever shared with us, his fans, (and apparently former fans) who wrote to him here. As I recall, if he hadn't checked in on the forum for a period of time, he always acknowledged each of us by our screen names, who wrote to him. He was a very sweet kid, right until he got his "dismissal" notice from David. And that time frame, included the scenes that we are now watching, where some have characterized him as being an egomaniac, and being "cruel" in his fucking style on set.

I certainly defend everyone's right to characterize any model on this site, anyway one chooses, but I equally have the right to express my opinion. I really truly believe with all my heart, that Mike was playing the character that he had assumed in his scenes. If he fucked aggressively, he thought that was what his fans here wanted to see.

Again, I feel the need to state that all his scenes were shot in a totally controlled environment, and at any time David could have stopped the scene, and told Mike off camera to "cool it", if he thought that any fucking scene was too aggressive or "over the top", so obviously David and his crew on the set, (Eddie and Tyler, that I know of) never objected to his style on camera. David has often encouraged the tops to fuck harder. This is a porn site, and some folks enjoy aggressive sex, while other's prefer loving passionate sex, but it is all out there for us to watch.

I NEVER take the "back story" or the amount of money paid to tops and bottoms during the scenes too seriously, as these are fantasy scenes staged by D&E for our sexual pleasure, and not a documentary. But the MikeR who openly and honestly posted on the forum was the real guy who played the egotistical slightly aggressive character in the scenes. And while I enjoyed both Mike's, the real kid on the forum, was a total sweetheart, and a kid that I'm sure was a hell of a nice kid. I really wish him well, and hope that he has found some peace and contentment in life after his services were terminated by the production company that creates the product seen on this web site.
Dear tampa24,

I was totally enamored of MikeR's charms, sassiness, tatooed, and all. I feel I am more than willing to give someone the benefit of the doubt and I did thusly for a long, long time. MikeR had the double edge gift/curse of a truly
spectacular cock and an even more spectacular 4th of July fireworks cum shot. Naturally this would feed any young male's ego and to the max.

To my amazement I began hearing cries of MikeR's "arrogance" long before I too became a believer. As one of his former adoring fans, I worshiped the ground covered by his never-ending cum shots. If I could have licked it up, I would have gladly! Please don't assume that I despised MikeR from the first. Not so! You can check my supportive posts for MikeR, if you would like.

Dear Cumrag27,

Perhaps I resorted to a bit of hyperbole in my defense of MikeR. I know that you are a longtime member who knows most of his story already. Also many of us went through the same process of total adoration to disappointment that you did. It's just that I wanted newer members to know that there are many good sides to the man in real life. Because he took the time to let us see him in a more 3 dimensional way.

I happen to agree with all of the points you made about his more recent performances onscreen. I would NEVER want to bottom for him. And I'm sure there will be more scenes of him in which he does things that I will not like. Hopefully there will be a few more scenes in which he impresses me.

I merely wish to state that the onscreen persona he developed into lately was a nearly polar opposite of the person we saw posting in the forum. He is a young man who is conflicted over many choices he has made in his life. The person we saw posting in here was kind, generous and actually quite humble. Even self deprecating. The character of MikeR onscreen has morphed into something quite different.

So I guess all that I am asking is for people to take a more balanced view of him as a human being. He's not perfect. But I do believe that he is trying to cope and do his best with what he has been given to work with. I think he will have regrets over past mistakes. As all of us do.