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Mike and Anthony


New Member
Jan 4, 2009
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When are we gonna get the hot cousins back to fuck. I saw Anthony on another site doing bareback. Do you think him and his cousin would do it for you?
At the moment we want all our models to wear condoms regardless if they are cousins or whatever. Barebacking is a very touchy subject and we feel at this time, its not important to film barebacking scenes. This is a subject we need to explore some more within our organization.

I know we have barebacking on this site in the past..only a few scenes...but amongst our staff and the other models, and members and others involved, this is something we need to figure out if we are going to do BB scenes again or for any future episodes.
At the moment we want all our models to wear condoms regardless if they are cousins or whatever. Barebacking is a very touchy subject and we feel at this time, its not important to film barebacking scenes. This is a subject we need to explore some more within our organization.

I know we have barebacking on this site in the past..only a few scenes...but amongst our staff and the other models, and members and others involved, this is something we need to figure out if we are going to do BB scenes again or for any future episodes.

David I would bet big money to say that most if not everyone here would overwhelmingly support your stand on safety first. Anything less would be a giant step backwards in the evolution of our well being. I must however ask you to entertain the Anthony part of diounsus question. I know that Michael is still in the stable but has Anthony jumped the fence?
Many Thanks for your vision.
David I would bet big money to say that most if not everyone here would overwhelmingly support your stand on safety first. Anything less would be a giant step backwards in the evolution of our well being. I must however ask you to entertain the Anthony part of diounsus question. I know that Michael is still in the stable but has Anthony jumped the fence?
Many Thanks for your vision.

Agree Denny, however, if Ant has done bb the Broke Straight Boys need to be doubly sure he is clean. It is a very touchy subject and, as we all know, you're only as safe as your last bb fuck. I too think Ant is hot as do the members, check out the top episodes - most of them Ant plays a part. More Ant but get the checks done first. xx
David I am asking you to please stay away from BB it is very dangerous as you very well know and I would not like to think you models are being put to that kind of risk. I think if Anhony is now into the bb scene he is not a peson you are going to want to have with your guys The risk is too great
David, please stick with safe sex. It's a very powerful message. You may not realize it, but there are people who look at porn as a sort of guideline for their sexual habits. In my line of work, I sometimes want to put a whole pack of condoms on, regardless of monogamous/clean statuses. If a model chooses bb on another site, that is their business. Broke Straight Boys, however, is your business. :) Thanks for everything and keep up your hot work!
I'm not aware that Anthony has filmed a BB scene with another studio. I know when Anthony does film with our studio he gets tested every 30 days. I don't think Anthony wants to place himself at risk. He has a wife and a 4 year old son...no kidding either...I mean that seriously.

As for the BB issue, this is a subject that can be debated over and over again....I can't say in my time in porn, we never filmed BB scenes before. Just on this site alone we have *I* think about 2 episodes that have BB on them and our D&E Production line of DVD videos we have filmed barebackin brothers and we film a lot of BB DVDs for another studio called Seymore Dicks. So I'm not innocent here or standing on a "soapbox" preaching purity. What I can tell you that when WE filmed BB scenes, we took all safety measurements and test the boys several times before actually placing them together...I know in my heart I can sleep at night. To this day, I'm very proud that nobody from our studio in the 9 years we have been filming porn and models coming and going, we never had any issues with STDs or HIV.

With this being said, we found that it doesn't make any difference if the boys are wearing a condom or not. Broke Straight Boys site proved that in many ways. Back in the old days, if you wanted to make money, you had to film condomless scenes...but that is not the case. Because of the Broke Straight Boys site and its popularity we don't need to film BB scenes and the same goes for our other sites. Financially, filming BB scenes or not hasn't become an issue with our studio. I rather play safe and be on the safe end of the spectrum and have all the models wear a condom before they film any anal scenes. I haven't filmed a BB scene in years and although its much easier to film because the guys can stay harder and perform better...its just not worth the risk! I rather take a few more mins. and make sure that all our models leave D&E/BluMedia safe not sorry. Plus, we need them to come back and do more scenes...LOL!

As for Anthony, I will speak to him and find out what the deal is. We still have more Anthony and Mike in the can/vault and more cousin episodes coming out in the new year.
David, I'm in full agreement with you on the issue of safety and being able to sleep at night. Going bb can send a dangerous message to the younger members who did not live through the 80s. One can only imagine how many lives have been saved by condums. Keep up the good work.
I have been wanting to bring something up about this topic ever since I noticed a bio-hazard tattoo on Drew. Its my understanding that a bio-hazard tattoo symbolizes someone who is into the "bug" chasing scene or has tested positive for HIV.

Images in the following segment are graphic and may upset some viewers

Sexually Transmitted Diseases go hand in hand with Sex. I don't think it's fair to hold D&E responsible for what the random, amateur protagonists of their videos may be up to off camera: a bunch of guys at a point in their lives when hormones rage and experimentation is the only way to identify and come to terms with their own sexual identity.

David and crew can make sure the guys are tested every 30 days for HIV for all the good that does, but with a high percentage of Americans running around with genital herpes simplex, it seems like hypocrisy to claim that the studio has never had issues with STDs. Depending on what you call "issues".

Maverick, in this photo from an Straight Boys Jerk Off shoot (which looks more like a grisly image from a medical text than the kind of porn we're used to on Broke Straight Boys) obviously has a painful case of something on his dick, prolly, well, almost certainly, herpes. How many times have Dave and Eddie been confronted with situations like this and had to decide whether to go ahead with the shoot or wait for the outbreak to die down before filming? I think the show, in most cases, just has to go on. That's just a dumb guess on my part. But I'm also guessing that once you've opted to be a porn producer you have to face this sort of stuff on a daily basis, and it would be naive and unreasonable for consumers of the product to hold the manufacturers responsible for the microbes the guys on the futon bring with them to the studio, or even pick up there. Sorry, just my jaded opinion.


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Wow, thats some scary stuff.. I thought that other thing was just a tattoo, guess I wasn't looking very well.

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As a young guy in the same age group as many of the guys displayed on this site I would be kind of disappointed in Broke Str8 Boys if they started with bareback scenes. I think they show respoinsibility by always making sure safe sex is practiced.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases go hand in hand with Sex. I don't think it's fair to hold D&E responsible for what the random, amateur protagonists of their videos may be up to off camera: a bunch of guys at a point in their lives when hormones rage and experimentation is the only way to identify and come to terms with their own sexual identity.

David and crew can make sure the guys are tested every 30 days for HIV for all the good that does, but with a high percentage of Americans running around with genital herpes simplex, it seems like hypocrisy to claim that the studio has never had issues with STDs. Depending on what you call "issues".

Maverick, in this photo from an Straight Boys Jerk Off shoot (which looks more like a grisly image from a medical text than the kind of porn we're used to on Broke Straight Boys) obviously has a painful case of something on his dick, prolly, well, almost certainly, herpes. How many times have Dave and Eddie been confronted with situations like this and had to decide whether to go ahead with the shoot or wait for the outbreak to die down before filming? I think the show, in most cases, just has to go on. That's just a dumb guess on my part. But I'm also guessing that once you've opted to be a porn producer you have to face this sort of stuff on a daily basis, and it would be naive and unreasonable for consumers of the product to hold the manufacturers responsible for the microbes the guys on the futon bring with them to the studio, or even pick up there. Sorry, just my jaded opinion.

Wow, Slim thank you for the sex ed lesson. How do we know that is an STD like Herpes? I don't want to start any false rumors.
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Hey guys...lets not blow this out of context with starting or spreading rumors and making false suggestions. I can't speak for Maverick when he filmed for Straight Boys Jerk Off we at D&E Productions did not film any content for that site so I can't make any assumptions regarding the above picture. What that looks like is that Maverick shaved some of his pubic hair and he got razor bumps and it also looks like he's in the shower...in no way or form that picture shows anything to do with herpes and any suggestion of that is just unfounded and just speculation.

When we filmed Maverick....he did not have any scars, he didn't have outbreaks of any kind. Now I'm not a doctor (I just play one on College Boy Physicals site) and I don't know what type of diseases any these boys can carry, however I can tell you that nobody that had sex with Maverick ever complained afterward s that they came down with some kind of STD/VD of any kind. If any of the models over the years that has had sex in our studio has contracted anything, we would be the first to know.

Having sex regardless if you do porn or not, WE are all at risk regardless if your gay, straight or bi or whatever. A model can come here and do a few scenes...go home have sex with there girlfriends or boyfriends or whatever, and then that person can get some kind of STD from the girlfriend and not from other models filming porn. We are not responsible for models once they leave our production studio and we just hope they do the right thing when they are not filming.

As for the comment one member posted about the tattoo being a sign of being a "bug chaser"...LOL. The reason why he likes that tattoo is because he's into sci-fi movies and reading books about sci-fi and that is a symbol from a sci-fi movie he likes...so to make an assumption that he's been marked as a "chaser" is the most irresponsible statement that I have ever read. When the model got that tattoo, at the time, he didn't realize that is what the tattoo stands for and I didn't either until I just did some research regarding that symbol on some gay guys.

This is why I hate responding to posts like this or getting involved because everyone has there own opinion about sex and diseases and then everyone becomes "expert/doctor" and then the crazy remarks and statements starts up and then we will start having members posting pictures of models if they have a birth mark stating that this is a sign of HIV or make some crazy remark to start shit on this thread. The bottom line is that YOUR not a doctor, WE are not a doctor and we can only take the best possible way to protect our models and that is to wear a condom and do our best to film safe gay porn and hope for the best.

I see were this thread is starting to head...so I said my peace and I'm no longer getting involved with this thread.

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Hey guys...lets not blow this out of context with starting or spreading rumors and making false suggestions. I can't speak for Maverick when he filmed for Straight Boys Jerk Off we at D&E Productions did not film any content for that site so I can't make any assumptions regarding the above picture. What that looks like is that Maverick shaved some of his pubic hair and he got razor bumps and it also looks like he's in the shower...in no way or form that picture shows anything to do with herpes and any suggestion of that is just unfounded and just speculation.

When we filmed Maverick....he did not have any scars, he didn't have outbreaks of any kind. Now I'm not a doctor (I just play one on College Boy Physicals site) and I don't know what type of diseases any these boys can carry, however I can tell you that nobody that had sex with Maverick ever complained afterward s that they came down with some kind of STD/VD of any kind. If any of the models over the years that has had sex in our studio has contracted anything, we would be the first to know.

Having sex regardless if you do porn or not, WE are all at risk regardless if your gay, straight or bi or whatever. A model can come here and do a few scenes...go home have sex with there girlfriends or boyfriends or whatever, and then that person can get some kind of STD from the girlfriend and not from other models filming porn. We are not responsible for models once they leave our production studio and we just hope they do the right thing when they are not filming.

As for the comment one member posted about the tattoo being a sign of being a "bug chaser"...LOL. The reason why he likes that tattoo is because he's into sci-fi movies and reading books about sci-fi and that is a symbol from a sci-fi movie he likes...so to make an assumption that he's been marked as a "chaser" is the most irresponsible statement that I have ever read. When the model got that tattoo, at the time, he didn't realize that is what the tattoo stands for and I didn't either until I just did some research regarding that symbol on some gay guys.

This is why I hate responding to posts like this or getting involved because everyone has there own opinion about sex and diseases and then everyone becomes "expert/doctor" and then the crazy remarks and statements starts up and then we will start having members posting pictures of models if they have a birth mark stating that this is a sign of HIV or make some crazy remark to start shit on this thread. The bottom line is that YOUR not a doctor, WE are not a doctor and we can only take the best possible way to protect our models and that is to wear a condom and do our best to film safe gay porn and hope for the best.

I see were this thread is starting to head...so I said my peace and I'm no longer getting involved with this thread.


David, I know you're not going to comment again, but what you say here is exactly what I was saying.

The only disagreement is in how we interpret Maverick's pic from the Straight Boys Jerk Off site. It's true that he's got rid of his pubic hair and also that the photo was taken of him in the shower (an after-sex cleanup , a much used final scene in a lot of this kind of porn). What's clear to me is that on the left of his dick shaft, toward the base, there is a big sore, with some more irritation and bumps on the skin a little closer to the middle. If a considerable percentage of all sexually active Americans of about his age also have attacks of genital herpes (estimates vary: I just checked and 1 in 5 kept coming up, but that's for both simplex I and II), and if what he's got looks like the photos that anyone can research on the internet depicting herpes simplex II (I just did, and they do), then I don't consider it's wild speculation to suggest it's what he might have. He certainly has something troubling his willy in that photo, and herpes is the most probable and least serious of any of the choices out there. I wouldn't have said what I did nor posted Maverick's photo if I weren't convinced. It certainly wasn't to stir up trouble.

Please, and I say this as a friend addressing friends, don't anyone get on a high horse with me suggesting in any way that I'm attacking D&E by what I posted earlier. David has enumerated several times in statements on the board the many reasons why filming porn is hard work. It strikes me that having to time the shoot at a juncture when neither (or none) of the straighties up for the scene is dealing with any kind of health issues is just one more of those reasons. I say hats off.
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Hi Slim,
I think that the forum is for discussion so I don't know why there would have been a problem. I think people get disgusted with half the stuff that I post but, I just don't know much about this stuff and so I ask lots of questions..about everything. I also have to say that you are one of the most helpfull guys that post on the forum. You have answered lots of questions that I was kinda scared to ask so I do appreciate you. I also appreciate the fact that you have always tried to assist me when I have asked you things. Alot of guys here think I'm a total idiot and full of shit but, Most of them are Gay and I'm not and they just seem to think that everyone should already know everything about it. It amazes me that some will watch a guy on video being fucked for the first time and just enjoy it and get mad and think David should take them out if they won't go further and further. Why does everyone else have to go as far as they might be willing to go before its enough...What about the person on the video itself... Why do they feel they have the right to determine how much is enough. Do they ever consider how much of a struggle the guys may have went through in there own life because they was doing something they may not have really wanted to do but needed the money so bad that there wasn't any other options. ( How many of you guys right now are thinking that..."Well they didn't have to do it"....I think people who think that must be really sad people anyway)..yeah..whatever Or maybe those people just don't care so long as they get there little thrill out of the way. Maybe some people are just so convinced that everyone in the world is really gay and just waiting for them to turn them on to it that they just don't give a shit about the person in question. Maybe everyone to them is just a piece of meat that they can just demand be prepared rare,, medium, or well done like a steak. (you know whats really sad is that most the people that read this post are going to think...well it wasn't really there first time..or well I can tell that they've done that before, or I can tell they really liked it, or I could tell that they were really gay but didn't know it). They would only know anything so far as they accept it within themselves and could not possibly know the thoughts and feelings of others who may have there own standards for themselves. Its kinda like the person who posted the thread asking "Where's the Color"...Why does anyone feel that they have the right to decide what another may like or dislike. Who are they to even consider they have that kind of authority.. I don't care who they think they are because maybe there just not "thinking" at all.

The next thing people will probably mention is, "Well, Casper your paying for the porn in this place also so you are just as responsible as anybody else"...and that would be true. I am responsible for that and I know it. I did join this site because I had questions about myself and the fact that it was advertised as "Straight" guys doing it for the first time than well, I thought it would help me out in my own descisions ( I was after all straight as far as I know and I was really considering trying something like that..I still am considering it.)

There is no doubt whatsoever that I love Tyler and Logan because apparently I see something in them that either I want to see in myself or its there and I just don't realize it. I do want more Tyler videos to be on this site because I would almost guarantee that it was a person seeing Tyler "perform" in the videos that brought them here to join the site. I know for a fact that it was Tyler that brought me in here. The only reason someone may not want more Tyler videos is that they already got him to do pretty much all they wanted him too and maybe they think they can move on now to there next project. (THEIR next project) I fell in love with Tyler not because he did all that stuff on the videos but, because I just liked him for himself. I feel the same about Logan....I also feel the same about David (Dande01)..I haven't met David in real life myself but for the month that I've been here so far, there is only one time that he said something that really kind of hurt me and it was actually on this thread. Everytime I get a chance I tell David that I love him and I do....Of course I wear my heart on my sleaves and everything like that (not a bad thing) so I may be a little more compassionate or loving than some on here...(I'm like that in real life too so you know I have had my share of hurt feelings before.

I'm still begging for more Tyler videos to be put up so I guess I don't change very much. haha but they don't either because they havent posted any updates yet.


P. S. if anyone gets mad at this post than you can just send me a dirty message..as I really don't want to be humiliated all the time that I'm here.

Love ya


P. S. S. I re-read my message and if your wondering "What the hell does this have to do with this particular thread".....I haven't a clue...just noticed that myself oh yeah a forum for discussion...that is what brought this chapter on.
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