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Merry Christmas!!!


Well-known Member
Mar 26, 2009
Reaction score
Northern Virginia
To all my my Broke Straight Boys pals out there..........HAPPY HOLIDAYS, MERRY CHRISTMAS, and all that!!!!!!!!!

i am, myself, an atheist......but i do love christmas! so whatever you celebrate, have a great holiday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for starting this thread you Tyghtiewhitie lovin' red headed cute assed atheist you! :grin::biggrin::001_smile:
Merry Christmas My best wishes for a warm, safe and peaceful Christmas
Happy Holidays to all our members! We thank you ALL for your great support that you have shown us in 2009 and we hope to see you guys and some girls back in 2010 and continue your great support of all our sites!

HERE at D&E/BluMedia WE wish everyone a healthy merry great Holiday Season!!!
Happy Holidays to all our members! We thank you ALL for your great support that you have shown us in 2009 and we hope to see you guys and some girls back in 2010 and continue your great support of all our sites!

HERE at D&E/BluMedia WE wish everyone a healthy merry great Holiday Season!!!

Thanks David and may I take this opportunity to thank your good self and the staff of D&E/BlueMedia for all the good work and to wish you all seasons greetings. Keep up the good work and we'll keep subscribing dude xx
Happy Holidays to all our members! We thank you ALL for your great support that you have shown us in 2009 and we hope to see you guys and some girls back in 2010 and continue your great support of all our sites!

HERE at D&E/BluMedia WE wish everyone a healthy merry great Holiday Season!!!

here's hoping for a lot of hot guys in tighty whities in 2010!!!! xoxoxo
May the New Year be as good for you or better than than the last.