Merry Christmas to the staff and forum buddies at Broke Straight Boys! ( look back earlier on this thread to see some hot pictures Mark Posted last year. Perhaps there will be an update? )
I wish all my forum friends from Christmas Past, Christmas Present and hopefully Christmas Future a very Merry Christmas.
But I would be remiss if I didn't mention someone who is not here this Christmas, my dear sweet friend Johnny from San Francisco. I taught him how to post youtube videos many times, but he said he would rather have me post them for him, and every Christmas he asked me to post his favorite Christmas song and it had to be this version. So one more time for Johnny, Merry Christmas! I will always love you sweet man!
Merry Christmas everyone. Sorry I haven't posted I visited my Mom and got very sick. I'll see if I can find some for you guys when I feel better. Thanks for being a member of Broke Straight Boys
Thanks Rep! Seeing that pretty face after a day in the office and a subway ride home, warms the cockles of my heart and speaking about "cock", I'd love to warm Jake's pretty young one.......LOL
Merry Christmas everyone. Sorry I haven't posted I visited my Mom and got very sick. I'll see if I can find some for you guys when I feel better. Thanks for being a member of Broke Straight Boys
Here's some oldies but goodies.