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Mental Health Check


BSB Model
BSB Model
Jun 11, 2019
Reaction score
Hey all! Cody here! I hope everyone is enjoying their holidays! I do apologise if I have been as active in the forum, I had to take a what I refer to as a "mental break". It seems like in December myself, my family, and my friends struggle a little more than usual to keep a positive mindset. The holidays can be tough! That being said I woke up today and tried to get caught up on all that I have missed. You guys truly are the best fans in the world and I have really grown attached to this site and it's followers. When I need a pick me up I often type my name into the search bar and smile at all the intelligent, thoughtful, and sometimes hilarious commentary you guys come up with. I would like this thread to be helpful to all that may need a little extra help smiling today and the days to come. Speaking of funnys, you guys won't believe the Fortune cookie I got last night IMG_20191219_194439_01.jpg

I also noticed my model rating has gone up significantly! I thank you all so much and I will try to get better every day! P.S. here's a progress picture for those of you not on Twitter IMG_-kh0k4z.jpg
I love me some Cody Smith. If only I were 20-25 years younger and had a vagina.
It is always so sweet of you to check in with us. My Holiday wish this year is that we see more and more of you in 2020, and I hope the Holidays bring lots of joy and happiness to you this year. Much Love xoxo
Cody you are sizzling in this pic. Like Jay I hope to see more of you in 2020. Have a fantastic holiday and I too wish you joy and happiness in the coming year x
I love me some Cody Smith. If only I were 20-25 years younger and had a vagina.
It is always so sweet of you to check in with us. My Holiday wish this year is that we see more and more of you in 2020, and I hope the Holidays bring lots of joy and happiness to you this year. Much Love xoxo
Hummmmmmmmm, Jay with a vagina? Well, talk about ending my fantasy with Jay.

That said, Cody, we all go thru the holiday's blues, So happy you reached out to us, but more importantly, did you play the lotto Numbers? If you decide to play it, let us know about all your winnings.

I know that this is a time of joy. However, the death of my mother during this holiday season makes it difficult to focus on the joy of the occasion. I struggle with the effort to not affect the the joy others feel at this time of year.
I wish everyone a happy holiday season, even if I have to lock myself away from others for a few weeks.
The support of family and friends and their understanding makes the occasional slip into depression less severe.
Always be open with those who you can trust.
Stay strong, Cory!
I know that this is a time of joy. However, the death of my mother during this holiday season makes it difficult to focus on the joy of the occasion. I struggle with the effort to not affect the the joy others feel at this time of year.
I wish everyone a happy holiday season, even if I have to lock myself away from others for a few weeks.
The support of family and friends and their understanding makes the occasional slip into depression less severe.
Always be open with those who you can trust.
Stay strong, Cory!
I am very sorry to hear about your loss another1, especially at this time of the year. You have my deepest condolences.
Hey all! Cody here! I hope everyone is enjoying their holidays! I do apologise if I have been as active in the forum, I had to take a what I refer to as a "mental break". It seems like in December myself, my family, and my friends struggle a little more than usual to keep a positive mindset. The holidays can be tough! That being said I woke up today and tried to get caught up on all that I have missed. You guys truly are the best fans in the world and I have really grown attached to this site and it's followers. When I need a pick me up I often type my name into the search bar and smile at all the intelligent, thoughtful, and sometimes hilarious commentary you guys come up with. I would like this thread to be helpful to all that may need a little extra help smiling today and the days to come. Speaking of funnys, you guys won't believe the Fortune cookie I got last night View attachment 21586

I also noticed my model rating has gone up significantly! I thank you all so much and I will try to get better every day! P.S. here's a progress picture for those of you not on Twitter View attachment 21587

Very accurate fortune cookie!
I love me some Cody Smith. If only I were 20-25 years younger and had a vagina.
It is always so sweet of you to check in with us. My Holiday wish this year is that we see more and more of you in 2020, and I hope the Holidays bring lots of joy and happiness to you this year. Much Love xoxo

Jay I think your dick would be just fine. I’m pretty sure Cody is up for both.
Hay Cody! I do follow you on twitter and J4F. Love the work on your body and wishing you the best for the new year. If I were younger like Jay said, I’d be after your ass for real instead of in cyber space. Keep up the good work! I’m also jealous as hell about your perpetually hard dick. I think that used to be me but I can’t hardly remember. Lol.

Merry Christmas!
I am very sorry to hear about your loss another1, especially at this time of the year. You have my deepest condolences.

Please accept my condolences also, Another1. I'm so sorry you are going through this right now. I'm gad you have a support system at home. Of course we are always here for you if you want to talk.
Hey all! Cody here! I hope everyone is enjoying their holidays! I do apologise if I have been as active in the forum, I had to take a what I refer to as a "mental break". It seems like in December myself, my family, and my friends struggle a little more than usual to keep a positive mindset. The holidays can be tough! That being said I woke up today and tried to get caught up on all that I have missed. You guys truly are the best fans in the world and I have really grown attached to this site and it's followers. When I need a pick me up I often type my name into the search bar and smile at all the intelligent, thoughtful, and sometimes hilarious commentary you guys come up with. I would like this thread to be helpful to all that may need a little extra help smiling today and the days to come. Speaking of funnys, you guys won't believe the Fortune cookie I got last night.

I also noticed my model rating has gone up significantly! I thank you all so much and I will try to get better every day! P.S. here's a progress picture for those of you not on Twitter

Dear Cody,

Thank you so much for stopping in to chat with us. I'm sorry you and yours are going through a rough time. Depression runs strongly in my family too. We seem to have a genetic predisposition to it. I know it can be tougher during the winter months and especially when the holiday season implies that everyone should be extra joyful and happy, even when not all of us are honestly feeling it on the inside.

But please don't despair. You will get through this time of year. The warm spring and sunshine will return. You even have strangers to you in here who know of your existence now and who already have concern and love for you as a fellow human being. And that is regardless of how you are doing in ratings numbers. lol

I'm very pleased though that your high ratings are a source of pride and happiness for you. I congratulate you on the work you've been doing in the gym. It is paying off and you are looking great. I enjoyed the fortune cookie message too. haha

Please feel free to drop in whenever Cody. You don't need the excuse of a new scene, or any special reason to come in and say hi, or to let us know how you are doing at any given time. I do sincerely wish you a very Merry Christmas and certainly a Happy New Year.

Big Hugs! xo
I know that this is a time of joy. However, the death of my mother during this holiday season makes it difficult to focus on the joy of the occasion. I struggle with the effort to not affect the the joy others feel at this time of year.
I wish everyone a happy holiday season, even if I have to lock myself away from others for a few weeks.
The support of family and friends and their understanding makes the occasional slip into depression less severe.
Always be open with those who you can trust.
Stay strong, Cory!

I so agree with your comments here and am sorry to hear of your loss. My family also seems to be hit by tragedy at this time of year. My Grandmother died on 23 December when I was 15 and can remember how solomn Christmas was that year. A few years later a friend of mine committed suicide over problems with money and that happened on New Years Eve, what made this worse for me was that I was the one that found the body so I nearly had a nervous breakdown over this in 1992 and every year at this time a sadness still descends on me over the Christmas time. They say that time is a great healer, I am not sure that is true I think you learn to cope better as the years progress. For anyone that is going through a tough time at this time of year I send out to you in my thoughts and prayers much love and support. As another1 says stay strong .
while not the same another, I can TOTALLY relate, MYSELF, as 2 years ago Christmas eve, (while I was back visiting with the family in So Cal), I had suffered 'outta the blue', (no symptoms/warning signs leading up), similar to a stroke, and while not NEARLY as severe as the one I had when I was in the 11th grade, I was in ICU, on a ventilator for 2 days, coherent(as can be expected), when I told my parents, and medical staff to take me off the ventilator. I had been on it previously, and after getting well from that episode, I told them my wishes of not wanting to be 'trached again', nor put on a ventilator, and that if it was my time, it was my time. The techs/Dr.'s took me off the vent, and after a few hours of adjustment, my body 'kicked back into shape'. I was released on the 31st of Dec.

I know that this is a time of joy. However, the death of my mother during this holiday season makes it difficult to focus on the joy of the occasion. I struggle with the effort to not affect the the joy others feel at this time of year.
I wish everyone a happy holiday season, even if I have to lock myself away from others for a few weeks.
The support of family and friends and their understanding makes the occasional slip into depression less severe.
Always be open with those who you can trust.
Stay strong, Cory!
(And I KNOW this is a HELLA lot easier said than done, but either/or/both: seek help, or be near family/friends)

I so agree with your comments here and am sorry to hear of your loss. My family also seems to be hit by tragedy at this time of year. My Grandmother died on 23 December when I was 15 and can remember how solomn Christmas was that year. A few years later a friend of mine committed suicide over problems with money and that happened on New Years Eve, what made this worse for me was that I was the one that found the body so I nearly had a nervous breakdown over this in 1992 and every year at this time a sadness still descends on me over the Christmas time. They say that time is a great healer, I am not sure that is true I think you learn to cope better as the years progress. For anyone that is going through a tough time at this time of year I send out to you in my thoughts and prayers much love and support. As another1 says stay strong .
while not the same another, I can TOTALLY relate, MYSELF, as 2 years ago Christmas eve, (while I was back visiting with the family in So Cal), I had suffered 'outta the blue', (no symptoms/warning signs leading up), similar to a stroke, and while not NEARLY as severe as the one I had when I was in the 11th grade, I was in ICU, on a ventilator for 2 days, coherent(as can be expected), when I told my parents, and medical staff to take me off the ventilator. I had been on it previously, and after getting well from that episode, I told them my wishes of not wanting to be 'trached again', nor put on a ventilator, and that if it was my time, it was my time. The techs/Dr.'s took me off the vent, and after a few hours of adjustment, my body 'kicked back into shape'. I was released on the 31st of Dec.
I had no idea Bob how close you came to dying just two years ago. God bless you for pulling through and we should all be appreciative for every day we have on this earth, as we never know when it will be our last one. I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and especially Healthy New Year. And of course that goes for all my fellow participants on the forum and to all the models and staff of Broke Straight Boys as well.
I had no idea Bob how close you came to dying just two years ago. God bless you for pulling through and we should all be appreciative for every day we have on this earth, as we never know when it will be our last one. I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and especially Healthy New Year. And of course that goes for all my fellow participants on the forum and to all the models and staff of Broke Straight Boys as well.

Likewise Bob!
Hi Cody! Glad your enjoying the holidays!! Your hot and awesome! Love the fortune you got!!! Nice to see this post!