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Menschen sind nur so merkwürdig/les humains sont juste bizarre


Well-known Member
Jun 13, 2011
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so what does one see that runs stright to the top of the "wtf"-shitpile?
1)the whiney white south african blades-for-lowerlegs runner has been arrested for the murder of his model girlfriend in their trendy gated community in pretoria...wonder why- did the state-of-the-art Dildo-attachments no longer give her the shivers or did the live-in Xhosa houseboy rock her world better?

2)Republican senator rubio, the miami cubano, had the honor of delivering the republican fantasy rebuttal to President Obama's state of the union address. did anyone notice that every point this guy made about what he claimed Obama had not addressed in the speech was actually addressed in the speech, which makes the republican rebuttal seem really like a dry-drunk (a la ex-prez-w-bush) slurring his words but in this case just a string of words told by an idiot signifying nothing....real. (with apologies to Faulkner for using portions of Sound and the Fury). One constantly gets the idea that the Republicans are trying to make the President's last name "Obama" sound truly exotic and slightly primitive as if his name is what an African from an old 1930's/40's/50's warner bros. cartoon - the ones still in re-run from bugs bunny episodes where the big-lipped slope eyed superdark African says "Unga-bunga" > not quite "Obama" but the Republicans ran a campaign that all but said "Come on White Americans we can beat this Ni---Obam er because we dont have that bitch Palin on the ticket we have a hot young wisconsin Whiteboy instead and Romney's kids have bizarre names - y'know like white Shaniquahs - Tagg and Dagg and Ragg etc...

3)The Pope actually resigned proving that being considered infallible is neither a necessary nro sufficient reason to remain at a job one no longer enjoys.... NOW will the Roman Catholic Church choose someone who believes that molesting boys not boyz is wrong and punishable by excommunication and exorcism....

4)Why has no one had the balls to come out on ESPN or any other sports show and ask why is Kobe Bryant, a rapist and an adulterer, still having his jersey sold and why are idiot parents still buying these jerseys for their sons and daughters when the message it sends is definitely anti-women and anti-human...and most of all Why do the Lakers still pay this guy to play given this....The same questions need to be asked of the saintly and responsible Rooney family who own the Steelers and why they have kept and shielded Big Bully Ben(trap petit women in toilets with bodyguards on door so I can rape her) Roethlisberger....

5)Why is Tom Brady never given hell for knocking up a "B" list Hollywood star and not marrying her then going on to marry the top "A" list supermodel and knocking her up 2x now....why is he considered still responsible while other athletes catch hell for the same....the exception that is sickening being LeBron James who was given kudos for gatting engaged to the chick he knocked up twice while he was in high school....

6)who would have thought that the USA would actually elect a half-Kenyan-Black and half-American-White, a mulatto, to be the Prez of the USA? was it the Mormon thing because this is a religion that did not officially believe that Blacks could enter heaven until the 1980's....What a nation, eh....
maybe i am becoming use to too many things, but i think i understand your points!
better moved to the general forum!
If you type "People are just so weird" into Google translate, you get this weird German grammar sentence: "Menschen sind nur so merkwürdig". The correct translation is: "Die Menschen sind so komisch".

Why pretend to speak German KRU?
If you type "People are just so weird" into Google translate, you get this weird German grammar sentence: "Menschen sind nur so merkwürdig". The correct translation is: "Die Menschen sind so komisch".

Why pretend to speak German KRU?
Good detective work, Robert.

With all of the diverse and educated people on this forum, it is almost impossible to try to be someone your not. That includes forumites, and models. The truth always seems to surface.
Good detective work, Robert.

With all of the diverse and educated people on this forum, it is almost impossible to try to be someone your not. That includes forumites, and models. The truth always seems to surface.

In Holland we count only 16 million souls. We can't expect others to learn our language. Located between Germany and Great-Britain, we learn their languages at school by default.

Et je ne parle pas bien Français. My French sucks... pardon my French.

PS: Yet I did manage to meet up with some hot French guys that spoke no other languages, but French and body language. : -)
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