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May 15, 2010
Reaction score
Has anyone else had trouble cancelling their membership?
It seems blumedia.com (and all the other sites) have no record of my membership, however I can log in here quite easily.
They also claim to operate a 24/7 customer service centre, but no phone number, just an email address or box... neither of which gets any sort of response.
I've contacted my bank to cancel any future transactions, just so I'm not ripped off and hit with unwanted and unauthorised recurring subscription fees.
Hi pananiapoof, welcome to the site and forum! click on the support on the top right of the page and they should be able to help.
or you can click on members top center. then click on Broke Straight Boys. that is Mark the site owner send him a message and he will help you.
yes that's what ive been trying to do.. it leads me to sites (blumedia.com) that dont recognise my details.
A google search comes up with a swag of comments from disatisfied customers, who've all been ripped off... I'm trying to pre-empt that happening to me.
They will because its a fraudelent transaction.
I've tried your suggestion (again), with no success
They will because its a fraudelent transaction.
I've tried your suggestion (again), with no success
You seem to be a real twit. Why are you bashing this company and calling them fraudulent? I've been a member for a number of years and they have always assisted me with any problem I have had. And there have been ton's of posts from others saying what an honest, class act that they are.

You seem to have an ax to grind, but I'm not sure why. What is in any way fraudulent about Broke Straight Boys?
Agreed. (Maybe he isnt getting any/(his bf broke up w/ him for watching the site, and he needs to take it out on 'someone else'?)) I have had an incident ONCE, a LONG, LONG time ago, where my ORIGINAL sn/pw combo stopped working, but then when Mark et al addressed the issue, I have not had a problem since! I NEVER 'stooped' to WHINING/BASHING....haven't ya heard the expression 'you catch MORE bees w/ honey", bud? WELLLLLLLLL?

You seem to be a real twit. Why are you bashing this company and calling them fraudulent? I've been a member for a number of years and they have always assisted me with any problem I have had. And there have been ton's of posts from others saying what an honest, class act that they are.

You seem to have an ax to grind, but I'm not sure why. What is in any way fraudulent about Broke Straight Boys?
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keep kool and try again

I have always found this site always helpful. I think if you contact Mark, he will be more than willing to help. Sorry that you feel that you have been harmed, but I do not believe that it was anything illegal.
Hope you get it resolved!
At one point I was watching this site on a series of trial memberships and I never had any difficulty in canceling them.
Well it is possible that the billing is not being done by BluMedia. Sometimes it goes through another billing house, like epoch or something like that. I have canceled other memberships before and there are usually several options.

Good luck.
This member has never contacted me. We have many billers. BluMedia.com is for one biller and people are only directed there that joined through that biller. I don't quite understand all the drama here when we have member support and you could of even sent me a pm. Our main billers page is at http://blumedia.com/custserv/contact/cancelpage.php which has support phone numbers. It is easy to get to just click support and then click here to cancel your membership at the top. There is quite a few billers so that is why we have good member support via email. You can email me at [email protected] and I will take care of you.

Honestly he has never contacted us, I have no records in my emails of with our customer service reps.

Should anyone have issues we are always available, not sure what his problem is, if you dont like it here you can cancel and go elsewhere.

I think that Jon kind of hit the nail on the head on a different thread that this person is probably a competitor trying to stir up drama. But 99.9% of the people on the forum are here because we like the site, so this tomfoolery isn't going to get us to cancel our membership just to see if it is as hard as it says. Silly goose!
yeah a troll, a real one that should post on http://slashdot.org/

By the way I always try to cancel my subscription and they never answer me.
Hu what ? you did not receive a mail ? perhaps it is because I did not send any mail :001_rolleyes::001_rolleyes: