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Mary, Joseph and Sweet Baby Jesus - this forum is worse that a re-run of Peyton Place


Well-known Member
Jul 12, 2014
Reaction score
I took a several week break from the forum to see if maybe it would improve or at least get a few non-complaining, non-whining and less sanctimonious members posting. Came back and found not much had changed. These comments are aimed at the forum in general and not directed at any specific member/model.

I swear, I get so sick and tired of the same old comments directed at the models - they are all gay, I don't like any of them, the site needs more straight boys, the models they are getting are - take your pick: (not sexy, not straight, not young enough, not hot enough, not pretty enough, don't keep a hard, don't have "chemistry" with scene partners, etc, etc, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.) It has BEEN SAID, SAYING IT OVER AND OVER DOES NOT MAKE IT NEW NEWS. Seriously, don't you think Management is aware of the redundant comments? Do you really think that if they could get more perfect models - which is a nonexistent thing - they would do so just to shut up some of the complaining?.

Then we have the model question again - should models be allowed on the forum. I thought we had come to a consensus on this weeks ago - I thought the general consensus was to let anyone come to the forum and let them say what they wanted, we are supposed to all be adults here and we decided those present could handle any comments made and could deal with the comments without having to tattle-tale to Management unless the comments were of a threatening nature. That didn't last long,.

Regarding Vadim Black - no, he does not owe the members an apology or an explanation for anything he said - if you don't like him, don't watch his scenes. Members did not hire him, nor do they have the authority to do so, he was hired by Management and the last I heard, they DID have the authority to do so. Some have forgotten this is a porn site, WE come here for the models, they DO NOT come here for us. I would venture to say that a good many of the members of the forum could leave without closing this site down but if the models left, and there are many less models than members, it would shut this site down. Some can't get past things the models have said in the past - get over it - again, OLD NEWS. If you don't want to know what models are saying - stay off their social media pages and stop playing "Inspector Gadget" to track them over the internet.

Some of us enjoy the fantasy of a new model, we should be able to without "Investigators" running down the lives of every model across the net just to salivate while they get to post "news" on the forum that this one or that one has done scenes in the past - let us that want to live in ignorance, we have Google, too and could track this information if we wanted to - it seems too many members want to look for the bad stuff on the models and not the good. If I want the behind the curtain version of the fantasy I will go find it for myself, thank you.

The older members are always talking about how the forum used to be so great, maybe some of them should stop spreading vitriol and complaining and try to improve the forum and the attitudes of the members thereon. To review a scene is great, and you can do so without insulting anyone members or models; if you can't this is a personal attack and not a review of the scene. There are so many comments (many nasty) about some models - well, let that member submit a nude photo of himself or a short video of his own sexual prowess for the membership to "review" and see how close you come to the same models you are talking about. That would be interesting.

The forum has the potential of be a safe gathering place or everyone, members, management and models, all it would take is for the minority of members to grow up, have a good day once in a while, and if you don't like someone,pretend their name taste like shit and keep it out of your mouth.

No, this is not all I want to say, but for now, it's enough. And so none of you could possible find fault or get mad, let me say: "But this is just me."
If you feel as you do, it seems to me that the simple solution is to not read the forum. Problem solved! lol
One more point, (although I may think of more later, hence my obscene number of 13,000+ posts) but I've been here since the forum began in October 2008, and by November 2008, folks had the same complaints about the models not really being straight, and the scenes not being as good as they used to be, and about the director and bla bla bla. It seems to be human nature to bitch and complain, but if you check any internet site, be it news, politics, sports or entertainment that has a "comment" section you will find similar "bitching" and "whining" as it is a part of human nature.

And I would imagine if we could go back in time to the original Roman Forum, where the name came from back in the 7th century BC, you might find similar bitching and complaining. lol

I love the freedom we have to bitch, whine and complain and without a free and open forum, I would no longer be a member of Broke Straight Boys, as to me it is far and away the best part of the site :thumbup: .........but that's just me!!! :lol



And as you say at the bottom of your posts, "- there is room in my world for opinions other than my own"
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And Peyton Place? Seriously? The movie is fifty years old and the series off the air for nearly forty. I agree with a lot of what was said but change a few details and you have a description of any forum about any topic but all I'm gonna remember is the beyond dated pop culture reference. A quick trip to Tv Guide's site would have yielded a less distracting and more timely reference. I would have gone with Pretty Little Liars myself...
I see we have a new opinion cop on the beat. Listen, like it or not, everyone is free to post what and as they like here. If it's too much for you to handle then don't bother with the forums. I've had issues, myself, but I've gotten over them. I realize we are living in New Amerika where only those who agree with the crowd are allowed freedom of speech, however, I say bullshit to that. I certainly do not agree with nor like every post and poster here, but as an adult I've learned to (mostly) play nice with others and act like an adult, and a part of that is not bitching and whining because I don't like what someone says. If I truly take umbrage with something I offer my own counter-opinion. And it gets heated and nasty at times, but at the end of the day no blood is spilled and (hopefully) no one is butthurt because we are all adults here. You have just posted a long diatribe about the very thing YOU are complaining about! Kettle? Black? You are as welcome here as anyone else. In the grand scheme of things I am a relative newbie by comparison to some of our elder statesmen like MikeY, Johnny, Stowe, and Peter, but good, bad, or otherwise, and whether anyone likes it or not, this IS a community and there is a lot of support and camaraderie between the posters (although a newbie or outsider might not see it at first glance!).

So yeah, to quote our Yenta-in-Chief, Mikeyank, "If you feel as you do, it seems to me that the simple solution is to not read the forum. Problem solved! lol." You are more than welcome here and to be a part of this dysfunctional family, but if other forumites incite such blood-pressure-raising ire in you perhaps this is not good for your health.
Yeah, leedwb, it's kind of like the diner where all the old guys (and not so old) get together over coffee every morning and kibbitz over the condition of the world, or in this case the forum. It's what adds to the familiarity of the place. You have every right to your opinion, and act accordingly. Considering what the other forumites have said, the only thing I can add is that there is nothing more for me to add.
I took a several week break from the forum to see if maybe it would improve or at least get a few non-complaining, non-whining and less sanctimonious members posting. Came back and found not much had changed. These comments are aimed at the forum in general and not directed at any specific member/model.

I swear, I get so sick and tired of the same old comments directed at the models - they are all gay, I don't like any of them, the site needs more straight boys, the models they are getting are - take your pick: (not sexy, not straight, not young enough, not hot enough, not pretty enough, don't keep a hard, don't have "chemistry" with scene partners, etc, etc, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.) It has BEEN SAID, SAYING IT OVER AND OVER DOES NOT MAKE IT NEW NEWS. Seriously, don't you think Management is aware of the redundant comments? Do you really think that if they could get more perfect models - which is a nonexistent thing - they would do so just to shut up some of the complaining?.

Then we have the model question again - should models be allowed on the forum. I thought we had come to a consensus on this weeks ago - I thought the general consensus was to let anyone come to the forum and let them say what they wanted, we are supposed to all be adults here and we decided those present could handle any comments made and could deal with the comments without having to tattle-tale to Management unless the comments were of a threatening nature. That didn't last long,.

Regarding Vadim Black - no, he does not owe the members an apology or an explanation for anything he said - if you don't like him, don't watch his scenes. Members did not hire him, nor do they have the authority to do so, he was hired by Management and the last I heard, they DID have the authority to do so. Some have forgotten this is a porn site, WE come here for the models, they DO NOT come here for us. I would venture to say that a good many of the members of the forum could leave without closing this site down but if the models left, and there are many less models than members, it would shut this site down. Some can't get past things the models have said in the past - get over it - again, OLD NEWS. If you don't want to know what models are saying - stay off their social media pages and stop playing "Inspector Gadget" to track them over the internet.

Some of us enjoy the fantasy of a new model, we should be able to without "Investigators" running down the lives of every model across the net just to salivate while they get to post "news" on the forum that this one or that one has done scenes in the past - let us that want to live in ignorance, we have Google, too and could track this information if we wanted to - it seems too many members want to look for the bad stuff on the models and not the good. If I want the behind the curtain version of the fantasy I will go find it for myself, thank you.

The older members are always talking about how the forum used to be so great, maybe some of them should stop spreading vitriol and complaining and try to improve the forum and the attitudes of the members thereon. To review a scene is great, and you can do so without insulting anyone members or models; if you can't this is a personal attack and not a review of the scene. There are so many comments (many nasty) about some models - well, let that member submit a nude photo of himself or a short video of his own sexual prowess for the membership to "review" and see how close you come to the same models you are talking about. That would be interesting.

The forum has the potential of be a safe gathering place or everyone, members, management and models, all it would take is for the minority of members to grow up, have a good day once in a while, and if you don't like someone,pretend their name taste like shit and keep it out of your mouth.

No, this is not all I want to say, but for now, it's enough. And so none of you could possible find fault or get mad, let me say: "But this is just me."

This is one of the best written summation of observations I've read on this forum in YEARS that I didn't write myself! LOL I may not have agreed with EVERY WORD but I certainly have felt almost every way described about what I read on this forum regularly! If you get to the point where you just want to Express in words a primal scream..........the patented response is : "If you don't like what you read, block" Don't read it....etc. Yeah, that's true! I've even shared my thoughts that: "If you are that unhappy with the content, there are many other options out there"...and the truth is....both of these suggestions work both ways! I certainly could block posters who's shared opinions I disagree with but, I too am a paying member and since the forum is included in my membership, then I feel I'm just as entitled to read it without altering my settings as someone who's posting what they feel which I may find negative or unnecessary! So it becomes a stale-mate!! I agree that there's a point where people need to be adult and start using the Adult tools they've acquired in life.
After all, this is a: Porn site, this is entertainment not life or death. This is a business for management, employment for the models and entertainment for the members.
And in my opinion: If this forum is a place where people "are free to voice their thoughts ideas and opinions"....providing they can do so respectfully, then posts like yours are just as relevant. People may not like it or agree with it but, that's where being an adult comes in handy, you read what you want, take from it what you need or want, and move on!
This is one of the best written summation of observations I've read on this forum in YEARS that I didn't write myself! LOL I may not have agreed with EVERY WORD but I certainly have felt almost every way described about what I read on this forum regularly! If you get to the point where you just want to Express in words a primal scream..........the patented response is : "If you don't like what you read, block" Don't read it....etc. Yeah, that's true! I've even shared my thoughts that: "If you are that unhappy with the content, there are many other options out there"...and the truth is....both of these suggestions work both ways! I certainly could block posters who's shared opinions I disagree with but, I too am a paying member and since the forum is included in my membership, then I feel I'm just as entitled to read it without altering my settings as someone who's posting what they feel which I may find negative or unnecessary! So it becomes a stale-mate!! I agree that there's a point where people need to be adult and start using the Adult tools they've acquired in life.
After all, this is a: Porn site, this is entertainment not life or death. This is a business for management, employment for the models and entertainment for the members.
And in my opinion: If this forum is a place where people "are free to voice their thoughts ideas and opinions"....providing they can do so respectfully, then posts like yours are just as relevant. People may not like it or agree with it but, that's where being an adult comes in handy, you read what you want, take from it what you need or want, and move on!

Well said, betu. This forum is a two way street.
Mike, probably your opinion means a lot to me than most others; you do always give good advice and I am not being sarcastic in any way. In this matter, again you give good advice, from which I along with several others might benefit. However, like those others I choose not to follow it and to stay here at least for now. I am rather surprised that you would invite or perhaps suggest is a better word, that I leave. I didn't see you do that when others have expressed their opinions. And even at the Forum, I'm sure they didn't repeat the same phrases each and every day and I'm sure no one was told to leave it they had a different opinion.

Scott, I guess you WOULD constitute the opinion police since you are entitled to yours but I am obviously not entitled to mine. But that's ok too.

Thank you betu, at least you walk the walk as well as talk the talk.

prodigal - that was just silly. Really, is that the best you could come up with? Thanks for the chuckle.

I find it amazing that most of the ones that got all offensive about my post are using a "right so say what they will" (paraphrasing) to justify why I should not post what I want. Interesting social commentary.
I see we have a new opinion cop on the beat. Listen, like it or not, everyone is free to post what and as they like here. If it's too much for you to handle then don't bother with the forums. I've had issues, myself, but I've gotten over them. I realize we are living in New Amerika where only those who agree with the crowd are allowed freedom of speech, however, I say bullshit to that. I certainly do not agree with nor like every post and poster here, but as an adult I've learned to (mostly) play nice with others and act like an adult, and a part of that is not bitching and whining because I don't like what someone says. If I truly take umbrage with something I offer my own counter-opinion. And it gets heated and nasty at times, but at the end of the day no blood is spilled and (hopefully) no one is butthurt because we are all adults here. You have just posted a long diatribe about the very thing YOU are complaining about! Kettle? Black? You are as welcome here as anyone else. In the grand scheme of things I am a relative newbie by comparison to some of our elder statesmen like MikeY, Johnny, Stowe, and Peter, but good, bad, or otherwise, and whether anyone likes it or not, this IS a community and there is a lot of support and camaraderie between the posters (although a newbie or outsider might not see it at first glance!).

So yeah, to quote our Yenta-in-Chief, Mikeyank, "If you feel as you do, it seems to me that the simple solution is to not read the forum. Problem solved! lol." You are more than welcome here and to be a part of this dysfunctional family, but if other forumites incite such blood-pressure-raising ire in you perhaps this is not good for your health.
Oh My..I have become a Elder Statesmen. I don't know if that is good or bad?
Well I guess it happens too us all sometime..At least I am in Good company. lol..:clown: I guess a Thank You is in order.
Yeah, leedwb, it's kind of like the diner where all the old guys (and not so old) get together over coffee every morning and kibbitz over the condition of the world, or in this case the forum. It's what adds to the familiarity of the place. You have every right to your opinion, and act accordingly. Considering what the other forumites have said, the only thing I can add is that there is nothing more for me to add.

Great description of the forum. I do agree with the original poster however in that certain individuals have a constant routine - slam model as being too gay or too straight [as in they don't want to bottom or they don't have the "right chemistry in their scenes."] I always love the comments where one model or another said something some viewer took as criticism or "homophobic". Ah well, I doubt a homophobe would be here sucking dick or taking it up the ass. Likewise it amuses me no end when someone launches into a diatribe about a model or another issue and then gets a diatribe back at them, resulting in a "I have a right to speak my opinion". Yes dearie, you do. But you do not have the right to say something and not expect those who disagree to do so loudly.

That said, I will be the grouchy p;d fuck in the corner occasionally offering my own opinions on some subject.
Great description of the forum. I do agree with the original poster however in that certain individuals have a constant routine - slam model as being too gay or too straight [as in they don't want to bottom or they don't have the "right chemistry in their scenes."] I always love the comments where one model or another said something some viewer took as criticism or "homophobic". Ah well, I doubt a homophobe would be here sucking dick or taking it up the ass. Likewise it amuses me no end when someone launches into a diatribe about a model or another issue and then gets a diatribe back at them, resulting in a "I have a right to speak my opinion". Yes dearie, you do. But you do not have the right to say something and not expect those who disagree to do so loudly.

That said, I will be the grouchy p;d fuck in the corner occasionally offering my own opinions on some subject.

Absolutely, jaunjo. But we all know people like that is some aspect of our lives. You can be talking with some people and someone starts to approach you, and everyone says (or at least thinks), "On no, here comes _________! Now we're going to hear all about _________! It's simply unavoidable. Eventually someone like the OP gets it off his chest and we bicker back and forth about it. Oh well, it is what it is (I know, I hate that saying too). But we just deal with it, do what we want and then go back to talking about dicks and asses, just as the Creator deemed it should be. Let's just be thankful that, unlike those conversations in person, we can't smell what everyone last ate on their breath.
Ah well, my sincere apologies, then. I guess as that guy says on that show about that thing, "the tribe has spoken."
prodigal - that was just silly. Really, is that the best you could come up with? Thanks for the chuckle.

Hey, you have an opinion about something there really isn't a wrong or right about (unless we're condemning abusive posts) so I couldn't touch that. Besides, it was Peyton Place in the thread title that got me checking out your post in the first place. Ooh, and I decided Gossip Girl was replacement!
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If you feel as you do, it seems to me that the simple solution is to not read the forum. Problem solved! lol

Mike, probably your opinion means a lot to me than most others; you do always give good advice and I am not being sarcastic in any way. In this matter, again you give good advice, from which I along with several others might benefit. However, like those others I choose not to follow it and to stay here at least for now. I am rather surprised that you would invite or perhaps suggest is a better word, that I leave. I didn't see you do that when others have expressed their opinions. And even at the Forum, I'm sure they didn't repeat the same phrases each and every day and I'm sure no one was told to leave it they had a different opinion.
I'm sorry if you misunderstood what I said, Leedwb. All I meant was that if you found reading the forum so upsetting, that perhaps you shouldn't read it. I NEVER said or even suggested that you should leave. I love the forum and want as many posters here as possible, but for your own mental health if you find something upsetting to read, there is a simple solution, but if you want to stay I'm even happier. :biggrin:


And I sincerely apologize if you took my response to your post the wrong way. It was not my intention in any way to be asking you to leave.
Ah well, my sincere apologies, then. I guess as that guy says on that show about that thing, "the tribe has spoken."

I personally love all you loud mouth opinionated bitchy queens!!!!
The whole point is to me that this is a fun place, as sometimes forumite danlee once famously said, "This is my fun place", and I agree. Life can be so fucking hard with all kinds of disappointments and frustrations, and this forum can be and should be an oasis away from the harsh realities of life. Yes I do sometimes take it seriously for half a second or more but then I realize it is all just silly escape from "real life".

I wish everyone could take it all light hardheartedly and just enjoy playing and dishing and having fun with our fellow devotees of sleazy, cheesy porn!!!! :001_smile:

I personally like the forum. There are so many sites that I wish I could say this or that was great and you guys should do more of this or that! Here we can. Sometimes I think management listens and actually tries to improve things! Who else out there does this? It's my understanding that many sites are huge corporate owned conglomerates that own straight gay and anything else they feel they can sell a membership to. If you want to find anything out about a model you have to do lots of research. We may not always get the "straight " story but at least there is some effort to personalize the models. I applaud management for even trying to do this! And really guys, Would you expect a large group of gay guys or any other fairly large group to agree with everything?