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Marriage Equality Decision - 3 More Days


Ye Olde Curmudgeon
May 28, 2011
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Pittsburgh PA
The Supreme Court announced that it has added two non-argument sessions for the announcement of Opinions to its calendar. They are Thursday, 6/25 and Friday, 6/26. These are in addition to its regularly scheduled orders and opinion day on Monday, 6/29. All sessions will begin at 10 am EDT. On one of these days, the Court will announce its decision on marriage equality. The two most significant decisions left to be announced are the marriage equality case and the Obamacare case.

I'm guessing the Obamacare decision will be announced first. While it does affect millions of people, it does not have the kind of constitutional and societal significance on the country as a whole as does the marriage equality decision. And the Court usually likes to save that kind of decision to its last. But whether it announces it on the 26th or 29th, how ironic and truly fitting because it is the anniversary of the Stonewall rebellion.

I am a "hope for the best/prepare for the worse" person. That instinct has served me well both in my personal life and business career. Here's what I hope: a 9-0 decision affirming that same sex marriage is a right protected by the 14th Amendment of the Constitution. Well, we know that's not going to happen. No way Scalia and Thomas would ever vote that. Now in the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education case nobody thought that would ever be 9-0 either, but it was. The primary reason for that was Chief Justice Earl Warren's intense behind the scenes lobbying of the reluctant Justices. We don't have that in this case. Even if the Chief were to support marriage equality he would not have the sway to convince the likes of Scalia or Thomas. I envision two possible scenarios:

1. If the vote is 5-4 that means Kennedy stuck with his record of support for gay rights and voted with Breyer, Kagan, Ginsburg, and Sottomayer. And he writes the main opinion. The question is does his opinion go the whole way and affirm constitutional protection for same sex marriage? This is where my pessimistic side comes in. Reading the transcripts and listening to the audio of the case being argued before the Court in April, I just have a nagging feeling that Kennedy will stop short of saying it is a constitutional right. I hope I'm wrong because if it is found to be a constitutional right, that would obviate a lot of legislative and legal maneuvering which would occur to get around a decision which finds it legal but not constitutionally protected.

2. The vote is 6-3 with Roberts joining the aforementioned 5. I would love this outcome if it would mean that Roberts has seen the light and supports marriage equality as constitutionally protected. In a case where the Chief is in the majority, he assigns the Justice who writes the main decision and he can assign it to himself. And that's what I fear. He writes a decision that limits as strictly as possible the circumstances where same sex marriage is legal but not protected by the 14th amendment. That type of decision would create chaos among the citizenry and a field day for legislators and lawyers.

The one scenario which I don't anticipate is that the court would find 5-4 that same sex marriage is not protected by the 14th amendment and should be left up to the states; or worse that it is illegal. That would mean that Kennedy breaks from his longtime support of gay rights cases and I just can't see him doing that. While I think our side during argument of the case was superior to the opponents, we should have had better representation. Nothing against the lawyer who argued for us, but she had never argued before the court before. I had advocated Boies & Olsen who have argued before the court several times including the Prop 8 case. There were a few instances where Kennedy asked questions and I got the impression he wasn't all that satisfied with our answers. I don't think to the point of voting against us, but maybe enough to stop short of granting full protection of the 14th amendment to same sex marriage. Time will tell.

If the case is decided in our favor, i.e. that same sex marriage is a legal civil right protected by the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and the decision is announced on the 26th or 29th what a fitting tribute to the Drag Queens and others who stood their ground and said enough is enough and sparked a revolution. If the decision is anything less, then all of us have a responsibility to those people to continue the struggle until our civil rights are fully realized.
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Thank you Stowe for a very well thought out summation of where things stand. I agree with your logic that we should probably get an answer on gay marriage either Thursday or Monday. The Obamacare rulings and the gay marriage decision have the potential to be generationally defining moments for the country if they are both approved by SCOTUS. I admit that I have been checking my computer and phone to check for any surprise updates. Ideally I would like to be in front of a tv screen when we get the very first official word on the decisions. It's been on my mind all week. And last week... haha
Putting some good thoughts out unto the universe.
after 50 years of following the court, I have learned you can never know the decision, until it is announced from the bench.
I join stowe in hoping for the best.
the court could hold that marriage is a contract. that states can define the element of contracts. that the rights and responsibilities of the parties to a contract follow the parties. that the full faith and credit clause applies to marriage contracts. or that there is a federal constitutional right to marry. or not.
not long ago, we were being arrested for associating with each other. now we pray the court grant us the right to marry. welcome to the 21st century!
not long ago, we were being arrested for associating with each other. now we pray the court grant us the right to marry. welcome to the 21st century!

I just hope the youth who follow us will realize the blood, sweat and tears that have been shed and the many lives and livelihoods lost senselessly for us to arrive at this crossroads in our culture and society. They must know of Stonewall, the government witch-hunts, the dishonorable discharges from the military, the constant raiding of gay clubs by the police, the constant living in fear and looking over your shoulder walking in and out of gay clubs. May we remember the suicides of our youth who felt they had no place in this society if their families ever found out their secret. May we remember Matthew Shepard and all the other victims of homophobia (including transphobia) who we have lost and are still losing throughout the world.

Regardless of the ruling coming out soon, this is the 21st century U.S.A. I've dreamed of all my adult life but didn't think possible as little as 15-20 years ago.
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I just hope the youth who follow us will realize the blood, sweat and tears that have been shed and the many lives and livelihoods lost senselessly for us to arrive at this crossroads in our culture and society. They must know of Stonewall, the government witch-hunts, the dishonorable discharges from the military, the constant raiding of gay clubs by the police, the constant living in fear and looking over your shoulder walking in and out of gay clubs. May we remember the suicides of our youth who felt they had no place in this society if their families ever found out their secret. May we remember Matthew Shepard and all the other victims of homophobia (including transphobia) who we have lost and are still losing throughout the world.

Regardless of the ruling coming out soon, this is the 21st century U.S.A. I've dreamed of all my adult life but didn't think possible as little as 15-20 years ago.

Having lived through everything you mentioned in your post, this is a very important milestone for our country and society. Without intending to make this a political discussion, I give a lot of credit to our current Administration for opening the door to where we are now having public and open discussions on our segment of culture. Gays and Lesbians (including known celebrities, politicians, athletes) have been coming out of the closet without fear of criticism and presenting themselves as proud people of our society. Laverne Cox (transgender) is currently making the rounds on popular talk shows promoting the new season of the show she stars in Orange Is The New Black. Caitlin Jenner, what courage she has had to come out and also share her story publicly with her transition and relation with her family. Don't forget our Dimitri who had the courage to come back to the forum and explain why he had not returned to Broke Straight Boys She even shared photos with us of her new self.

I am 69 years old and have struggled all my life with these issues. As Tampa said, I too never dreamed I would see the day when equality for all of us would be addressed. In the history of our wonderful country we have dwelt with Gender Equality, Race Equality and much more. Today it is about Identity Equality.

The first three words of our Constitution says, 'WE THE PEOPLE..."

Well, it's 10:16 am, 6/25, as I type this and I've just come from SCOTUSBlog. The Court has finished issuing opinions today and the most significant was the Obamacare case. By a 6-3 vote with the Chief writing the opinion, the Court upheld that people getting insurance through the Federal exchange ARE entitled to receive subsidies towards their premiums. This is a victory for the people, for Obamacare, and for the President.

There are five decisions left to be announced, the most significant of course being the Marriage Equality case. Two decision days left. Friday and next Monday. SCOTUSBlog believes that the Court will not issue five opinions in one day. Therefore, the cases will be split over the two remaining days.

Given that opinion from people in the know, I believe the the marriage equality case will be announced on Monday.

I'll update as I get any further info.
May I be the first to say It is now the Law of the Land. SAME SEX MARRIAGE IS LEGAL! They Must not only accept but they MUST perform them in their States.
Oops! I apologize I did not see your post before I started a new thread, huge news for this country. It seems that Dignity is the key word in this decision.
Yes, it is official. I've been on the phone with friends. Came down today, bit of a surprise given tradition. But one thing I learned last night, the other two significant gay rights cases, Lawrence and Windsor, were also announced on June 26. Kennedy does have a sense of history. Tonight marks the beginning of Stonewall 46 years ago. I would love to be there and in NYC for Pride this weekend. Going to be one hell of a party!!!

To any one and every one on the forum who can now get married if they wish, congratulations.
A great day for equality...and love!
Have been watching it since the news broke on MSNBC.
People at St. Pete Pride this weekend will be going nuts. haha

I'm not going to be online much of the rest of the day. I'll be watching the news and preparing to go out and celebrate tonight. :)
I am an avid watcher of the news every morning, both local and national. As a result of today's Supreme Court decision, I have spent quite a few hours today reading the Constitution, the Articles, Amendments and the Bill of Rights. I also read up on the purpose and function of the Supreme Court to refresh my high school memory when we studied this. Not only has this been a celebratory day for me but also a very educational one.
