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"March For Our Lives"


BSB Addict
Mar 17, 2014
Reaction score
Florida, USA
Today was the March For Our Lives movement in our Country and globally. I cannot express enough the emotions and gratitude I felt during the three hour coverage of this event for our younger generation who took to the streets to demand a change following the Parkland Massacre. Yes, I am as passionate of this event as I have been following the Pulse Massacre and all the other senseless mass shootings throughout the world. We are a Nation of peace loving People, not a nation of murderers. I applaud our children for taking a stand and doing what we as adult Americans should have been doing all along.

"Pray for the Children, for they have been entrusted the future" (louis)

It was impressive and moving Louis. Will the change come? I'm not sure, but I am proud of the youth of America who showed up today for their passion and their commitment.
Today was the March For Our Lives movement in our Country and globally. I cannot express enough the emotions and gratitude I felt during the three hour coverage of this event for our younger generation who took to the streets to demand a change following the Parkland Massacre. Yes, I am as passionate of this event as I have been following the Pulse Massacre and all the other senseless mass shootings throughout the world. We are a Nation of peace loving People, not a nation of murderers. I applaud our children for taking a stand and doing what we as adult Americans should have been doing all along.

"Pray for the Children, for they have been entrusted the future" (louis)

I think things may change. “ And the Children Shall Lead,” God knows they have bigger balls than most of the political class. I hope this leads to a huge landslide at the ballot box. The dems can be pretty chicken when it comes to bucking the NRA also but I’m really hoping this time will mater.
I applaud these peaceful assemblies. I support the 1st Amendment. Just to make it clear, we are talking about the right to "peaceful assembly" not the usual riots and looting that occurs when our young people wish to express some point ( much like we often see in California, Baltimore, Missouri and other democratic control areas. I also strongly support the 2nd Amendment.
But these students are being misled and are just "tools". Yes we need to make sure background checks are done correctly. Let us not forget that all those gang members in our murder cities (I.e. Chicago, Baltimore, Los Angeles) do not go through the required background checks. Where are the nationwide protests and marches?
We need better mental health support for individuals. And laws to take action against those that make threatening statements on social media. Our young people have no problem using their phones to distribute nude photos and videos of school fights as well as heaving threats to other students. Let's pass laws that immediately arrest those that make threats and have them committed for 28 days of mental evaluation and then go before the courts and prove that they are not a threat. Of course that would mean taking away their weapons immediately.
Schools should be SAFE. They should be safe harbors for our children. Plain and simple.
I own guns and rifles and am highly educated and professional. I know this is not a simple solution but the liberal media is playing all those students for fools.
I am proud to see all the people gather in peaceful assembly just as our fore-fathers had hoped.
I am equally proud that I have the right to continue to carry my pistol lawfully (with my CCW) just as the writers of our U.S. constitution had hoped.
I applaud these peaceful assemblies. I support the 1st Amendment. Just to make it clear, we are talking about the right to "peaceful assembly" not the usual riots and looting that occurs when our young people wish to express some point ( much like we often see in California, Baltimore, Missouri and other democratic control areas. I also strongly support the 2nd Amendment.
But these students are being misled and are just "tools". Yes we need to make sure background checks are done correctly. Let us not forget that all those gang members in our murder cities (I.e. Chicago, Baltimore, Los Angeles) do not go through the required background checks. Where are the nationwide protests and marches?
We need better mental health support for individuals. And laws to take action against those that make threatening statements on social media. Our young people have no problem using their phones to distribute nude photos and videos of school fights as well as heaving threats to other students. Let's pass laws that immediately arrest those that make threats and have them committed for 28 days of mental evaluation and then go before the courts and prove that they are not a threat. Of course that would mean taking away their weapons immediately.
Schools should be SAFE. They should be safe harbors for our children. Plain and simple.
I own guns and rifles and am highly educated and professional. I know this is not a simple solution but the liberal media is playing all those students for fools.
I am proud to see all the people gather in peaceful assembly just as our fore-fathers had hoped.
I am equally proud that I have the right to continue to carry my pistol lawfully (with my CCW) just as the writers of our U.S. constitution had hoped.

Hi Observer,

I think you need to refine your arguments against the students as to why they are tools, and being used by the liberal media to further a liberal agenda. Yes. I admit that I am more liberal on social issues. Many people in my family and circle of friends own guns and I would never say they should given them up for hunting or for personal protection. We want thieves, rapists and murderers to have to wonder if maybe their would-be victims might turn the tables on them with a gun and provide some instant karma.

I watched much coverage of the march on Saturday. While school safety was and is a priority among the student protesters, there was also considerable attention being given to the gun violence of inner cities in the U.S. Not one speaker I heard said the government should take away anyone's guns. They did speak of universal background checks, banning the sale of military-grade assault rifles into the hands of civilians, as well as raising the age of purchasing guns to 21 years of age. Obviously all of those particular demands carry real world challenges that would have to be thought through and negotiated out, run through the courts, to be sure they were not unconstitutional. But they are a common sense point of starting a dialog and negotiation through the courts, with the gun lobby and the NRA being fully able to challenge anything they didn't like.

I agree with you that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to gun violence in our society. Some of the "bad guys" will always be able to get guns in the U.S. illegally. No background checks, ID's or proof of legal age required. It doesn't solve the gun violence of the inner cities. But... We can still cut down on unstable and or violent people being able to purchase guns legally. We won't catch every single one before they purchase a gun of course. You can't judge someone's mental health by looking at them. If they have a restraining orders against them or if they have been Baker Acted, have criminal records, mental health diagnoses and other red flags...then there is no justifiable moral reason why we should be legally selling them all the guns and ammo they want. We can't take away any guns they may already have. (Even though Trump suggested that.) But we can darn sure try to make it harder for them to purchase any more guns legally.

Is your solution to the gun violence in schools and elsewhere in the country to do nothing with existing laws and tow the NRA line of just putting bunches of more guns in the hands of the "good guys?" That line of thinking has gotten us to where we are today. And over decades it hasn't gotten us any closer to a solution. There is no one (or even five steps) society can take which would be a panacea for all gun murders and gun crimes committed in our communities and country as a whole. But something Does need to change.

At first glance of your argument though, your reasoning seems to be that since no one potential gun restriction (or even a combination of them) would solve every single facet of gun violence in the country...then none shouldn't be attempted at all.
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Hi Observer,

I think you need to refine your arguments against the students as to why they are tools, and being used by the liberal media to further a liberal agenda. Yes. I admit that I am more liberal on social issues. Many people in my family and circle of friends own guns and I would never say they should given them up for hunting or for personal protection. We want thieves, rapists and murderers to have to wonder if maybe their would-be victims might turn the tables on them with a gun and provide some instant karma.

I watched much coverage of the march on Saturday. While school safety was and is a priority among the student protesters, there was also considerable attention being given to the gun violence of inner cities in the U.S. Not one speaker I heard said the government should take away anyone's guns. They did speak of universal background checks, banning the sale of military-grade assault rifles into the hands of civilians, as well as raising the age of purchasing guns to 21 years of age. Obviously all of those particular demands carry real world challenges that would have to be thought through and negotiated out, run through the courts, to be sure they were not unconstitutional. But they are a common sense point of starting a dialog and negotiation through the courts, with the gun lobby and the NRA being fully able to challenge anything they didn't like.

I agree with you that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to gun violence in our society. Some of the "bad guys" will always be able to get guns in the U.S. illegally. No background checks, ID's or proof of legal age required. It doesn't solve the gun violence of the inner cities. But... We can still cut down on unstable and or violent people being able to purchase guns legally. We won't catch every single one before they purchase a gun of course. You can't judge someone's mental health by looking at them. If they have a restraining orders against them or if they have been Baker Acted, have criminal records, mental health diagnoses and other red flags...then there is no justifiable moral reason why we should be legally selling them all the guns and ammo they want. We can't take away any guns they may already have. (Even though Trump suggested that.) But we can darn sure try to make it harder for them to purchase any more guns legally.

Is your solution to the gun violence in schools and elsewhere in the country to do nothing with existing laws and tow the NRA line of just putting bunches of more guns in the hands of the "good guys?" That line of thinking has gotten us to where we are today. And over decades it hasn't gotten us any closer to a solution. There is no one (or even five steps) society can take which would be a panacea for all gun murders and gun crimes committed in our communities and country as a whole. But something Does need to change.

At first glance of your argument though, your reasoning seems to be that since no one potential gun restriction (or even a combination of them) would solve every single facet of gun violence in the country...then none shouldn't be attempted at all.

Well stated, Tampa.
These kids from Parkland who organized the march are true heroes in my eyes, and sure they had help getting the buses and in the organizational details of the massive demonstration, but it comes from their hearts and if you watched them speak or be interviewed you have to understand that this is real, and perhaps the youth of this generation will change the world. It has happened before and it can happen again. To borrow a colloquialism from my generation, I say Right On!!!!!! :thumbup1:
These kids from Parkland who organized the march are true heroes in my eyes, and sure they had help getting the buses and in the organizational details of the massive demonstration, but it comes from their hearts and if you watched them speak or be interviewed you have to understand that this is real, and perhaps the youth of this generation will change the world. It has happened before and it can happen again. To borrow a colloquialism from my generation, I say Right On!!!!!! :thumbup1:

Thank you all for your responses to my thread. However, the discussion does not end here. It is up to each of us to continue to carry our sentiments and messages outside of this little forum to our families, friends and beyond.

Those of you who know me know that after almost two years I continue to keep the memory of the Pulse massacre alive. This is the third incident of the same nature that has occurred here in Florida in less than two years. It is now time for all of us to prevent anyone from tucking these issues into a file cabinet to be forgotten. "Out of sight and out of mind" doesn't cut it anymore. It is shameful that our children have been forced to take on the role of "the adult" to demand change for the betterment and safety of our society. If a child fails in school, that child is then expelled. I say to the lawmakers and government officials that if they continue to fail on their jobs, then they too will be expelled.

We, as responsible adults, must not let the voices of the younger generation be silenced. It is our duty.

Louis (Father, Grand Father, God Father and Uncle to many Children)
These kids from Parkland who organized the march are true heroes in my eyes, and sure they had help getting the buses and in the organizational details of the massive demonstration, but it comes from their hearts and if you watched them speak or be interviewed you have to understand that this is real, and perhaps the youth of this generation will change the world. It has happened before and it can happen again. To borrow a colloquialism from my generation, I say Right On!!!!!! :thumbup1:

Thank all of you for responding to our misinformed Fox News junkie. I really really had to bite my lips.
I thought I did okay with typos, and then I realized I ended with an accidental double negative. lol It should have said this:

At first glance of your argument though, your reasoning seems to be that since no one potential gun restriction (or even a combination of them) would solve every single facet of gun violence in the country...then none should be attempted at all.

Observer has always been a great guy and an intelligent voice to have with us in here. I'm not going to get into name-calling or ad hominem attacks. I would never want him to leave or censor himself if he has something to say. I'd be happy to have a discussion or a debate of sorts among all of us over gun violence in the country. That's what democracy and a free society is all about. :)