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Major League Baseball New Uniforms -“See through Pants”


Long time forumite
Oct 24, 2008
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Brooklyn New York
The newly designed MLB uniforms are the talk of baseball with what is being called, “see through pants”. From what I’ve seen is that you can see the underwear outline in the front and back, but I thought that dick outlines were clear. I haven’t seen any “Swimmer bulges” but if anyone finds better pics, please share them here.

I’ve marveled for years at Speedos, wrestling singlets and even NFL unis that clearly show dicks, balls and asses, but there is outrage now from baseball players and media about this new phenomenon. My guess is old style uniforms will be made quickly before Opening Day in late March.

When I spoke of NFL player uniform pants, I was thinking about former New York Giants wide receiver, Odell Beckham Junior. My eyes would always wander to his crotch during games. :drool:

Think if they do this they going more TV views if they do this for baseball they need to do it for football also 🤔