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losing Trayvon, Zimmerman's secret and Prosecution lack of insight


Well-known Member
Jun 13, 2011
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The true pity is that Trayon was a hottie who would have looked really getting plowed by Paul or Adam or Blake and now, sadly, we will never know.
The killer Zimmerman is fugly and looks like an epsilon semi-moron half-wit, which means he should get the death penalty for murdering someone who rejected his sexual come-ons. Zimmerman was stalking a Trayvon for a hook-up. Zimmerman shot Trayvon to keep him from outting Z's closeted ass.
The proseution did a crappy job by not even considering the "troll hitting up a cute boy for sex" angle.
How on earth do you know all this? Trayon was a known gang member, and according to witnesses, he attacked Zimmerman. Under Florida law, what Zimmerman did was self-defense and legal. This is why he was found not guilty. Black people in certain neighborhoods scream bloody murder when the gangs kill an innocent black person, and they demand justice. But when it's the other way around, they march in the streets.
Nobody knows exactly what happened that night except Zimmerman. He was found not guilty because the jurors felt there was not enough evidence to convict him.
The true pity is that Trayon was a hottie who would have looked really getting plowed by Paul or Adam or Blake and now, sadly, we will never know.
The killer Zimmerman is fugly and looks like an epsilon semi-moron half-wit, which means he should get the death penalty for murdering someone who rejected his sexual come-ons. Zimmerman was stalking a Trayvon for a hook-up. Zimmerman shot Trayvon to keep him from outting Z's closeted ass.
The proseution did a crappy job by not even considering the "troll hitting up a cute boy for sex" angle.

There is absolutely NO evidence to support that Trayvon's death had anything to do with a pick up gone wrong, and you suggesting so minimizes the problem here. A 17 year old kid died because some fuckwit decided he looked "shady". Why you would bring sex into the equation is beyond me, but your insight just sounds like the fantastical musings of a young man who's just assuming that everyone is a closet gay looking for sex from men trolling the streets at night. Of course the prosecution gave no credence to the thought that maybe Zimmerman was looking for sex from Trayvon, especially since the kid was talking to his GIRLFRIEND when he got shot. I get that you're angry because he got off scot free but use your head, dude. Rationalize the situation and think about what you're saying before you actually say it because you sound slightly off kilter here.
Trayvon was not a gang member get your facts straight before posting. Trayvon got suspended from school but no one has proof of gang involvement that was put out by a klansmen who hacked his social media, but it only showed he was going to take the SAT for college so he could study aeronautics. Sound like any gang member you know.
The trial is over the jury came to a conclusion under Florida Laws. Now the talk of Federal charges on the same case. "a do-over" when "they" don't get their way. Enough of all the media attention and marches. Get over it! Fix the gun laws. Fix the "stand your ground" laws. Forget Zimmerman already!