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Logan and Fernando

Denny Bear

Well-known Member
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
Sioux City, IA
David did you have trouble filming this scene.? With all that tension in the air that Is. LOL This shoot is just to cool and you could cut the tension with a knife as they say. That had to have been a wild experience for both of them, Logan for being freaked out and Fernando from getting to get it on with the likes of Logan after seeing him on line and in school. Logan is also SUPER HOT in this one, I know it is an older shoot but he looks more buff here then he does in some of his recent work. Isn't about time for Logan to get to experience a full Blowjob like Shane has now? That would be HOT. Thanks David another Hot one for sure.
Loved this shoot. Was awesome that there was a bit of back story to it as well about how Fernando saw Logan online and then noticed him at school.

Logan as always looks HOT AS. Fernando is a bit of a hotty too. Would love to see Logan do a little more now, you know kind of like Diesal...haha moving onto the kissing and intimacy side of things. Totally appreciate that these guys are not overly keen on that but I think after a certain amount of time they should just go for it.

Great work on this one David, I liked the little bit of tension in the air it added to it.:tongue_smilie:
Very hot scene!

I love the reality of this scene, and if the back story is accurate, that makes what happened even hotter. I am reminded of several members of the forum, as elyot1 has told us that he and his friend Remi have encountered a guy on their college campus who looks like Logan. Perhaps if it was the real Logan, something similar may have happened.

And there have been two or three good looking young guys on the forum, who have expressed interest in doing a scene on the futon with their favorite models. Dave has actually invited at least one, (RunningScorpio) to his studios but the member declined. With Fernando being a fan of the site, and actually getting to perform naked side by side with Logan must have been like a dream come true. In the final jerk off scene, I loved it when Fernando was jerking off, and first touched Logan's inner thigh and then his cock, as he looked up at Logan's face. I can just imagine that he was thinking how he had previously jerked off to Logan's image on the computer screen, and now he was jerking off side by side with the real Logan. Pretty heady stuff to a fan of Broke Straight Boys

Logan is always a pleasure to watch. He is so handsome and has such a cool laid back personality, and Fernando is a fine looking young College Dudes, who had an experience he will never forget. I enjoyed this episode very much. Thanks guys.
I can just imagine that he was thinking how he had previously jerked off to Logan's image on the computer screen, and now he was jerking off side by side with the real Logan. Pretty heady stuff to a fan of Broke Straight Boys


Mikeyank, Your discription of the fantacy is almost as hot as the video was. I think I need a cigerette if I only smoked.....:masterbate:
I agree with you Denny. Mike's description is right on. I kept thinking what a sexual fantasy come true that it was for Fernando. He recognizes a total hottie on his campus from a favorite site of his. He approaches the guy on campus and the model freaks out at being discovered. So all is lost. But wait! His every fantasy is fulfilled when he actually gets to touch that amazing body and have sex with the straight guy.

I really enjoyed the part where Fernando was jacking off but decided he wasn't done touching Logan's body yet. When he started jacking off and then he took Logan's dick in his other hand I was so happy for him. Because I knew how happy it was making him. Even though this an older shoot Logan seemed even less inhibited about moaning and groaning and tossing his head back whenever something felt especially good. Which seemed to happen to him often in this scene. haha
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Logan is a real star, he could have been so freaked by the whole situation, but no he just got on with the job in hand ( LOL ) a great job, well done all.
But the star of the whole show for me was Fernando, i could have cried when he said am i doing it o k. Bless him.
Fernando was in overload, here he is with the guy he has seen on the site and now he gets to see him naked, you could almost read his mind.
And Logan allowed him his fantasy, well done.
Please say Fernando is going to come back?.
This was a true story...Logan actually got freaked out since many on his college campus did recognize him so fast. I personally didn't think Logan would have been so popular and having his friends find out so fast. Apparently there are a lot of college students, especially girls that watch the Broke Straight Boys site. I'm speaking to a 19 year old female college student and every Thursday, a few girls get together and have a Broke Straight Boys dorm party and watch the latest updates and the guys that appear on the site. It seems we are a big hit on many college campuses.

My Niece that goes to college in central Florida knows many guys and girls that follow the Broke Straight Boys site. Some may not afford a membership but watch it on Xtube but it seems many are very aware of the Broke Straight Boys site...and I'm also surprised that many are aware of College Boy Physicals.com site as well.
Thanks for telling us about all that David. It's really fascinating to me that so many women enjoy watching guys do it. But then again the straight guys have been transfixed by lesbian porn for a long time. I guess women are just becoming less apologetic or secretive about their desire to watch two guys get it on.

I really don't know how the more popular models deal with all the attention when they are recognized in their alter ego lives. It must be stressful at times. You can't just give a speech to a small group of people saying: "I'm only gay for pay. It's a side job to make some money. I'm not gay. Don't ask me for sex. You won't get any. Don't try to befriend me with the intention of eventually getting sex. Etc, etc..." Because new people are approaching you or recognizing you often. I guess that's one of the downsides to internet porn stardom. I hope that Logan has found the right words and methods to cope with different scenarios.
This was a true story...Logan actually got freaked out since many on his college campus did recognize him so fast. I personally didn't think Logan would have been so popular and having his friends find out so fast. Apparently there are a lot of college students, especially girls that watch the Broke Straight Boys site. I'm speaking to a 19 year old female college student and every Thursday, a few girls get together and have a Broke Straight Boys dorm party and watch the latest updates and the guys that appear on the site. It seems we are a big hit on many college campuses.

My Niece that goes to college in central Florida knows many guys and girls that follow the Broke Straight Boys site. Some may not afford a membership but watch it on Xtube but it seems many are very aware of the Broke Straight Boys site...and I'm also surprised that many are aware of College Boy Physicals.com site as well.
David. Tampa just broached the same subject that I wanted to bring up when I read your post. Is it perhaps a hindrance to Broke Straight Boys that you have become such a popular site? Would a straight college kid not want to appear, because the site is so popular, as opposed to doing a scene for some obscure studio?

When the question came up for RunningScorpio to appear in a scene, he said that his career comes first, and he doesn't want internet porn interfering with his career. Logan seems so bright and charming. I hope that his dalliance into gay porn does not affect his future in any negative way.
I actually think that society is constantly changing and the so called "stigma" that was once attached to porn isn't quite so prolific as it used to be. I think as we become more open to sexual experimentation and much less prudish in relation to other people's preferences then I think to have had a dalliance in with the porn industry is not perceived in the way it once was.

In the case of Scorpio i think that he has his place within his work and his niche within his social circle so to now take a trip into the fun world of Broke Straight Boys; perhaps it is his own thoughts on how others may change their perception of him that holds him back. Those around him have an expectation based on what they know about him.
Where as with Logan, youth is on his side and he can claim experimentation and finding himself as he grows that last few steps into adult hood.

Before anyone bites my head off as well these are just my opinions and how I relate to the thoughts that have been posted and I hope that I don't cause offence by passing on my opinions.

I am also surprised at how women love the site. You are so right though David. I had a couple of female friends that were over at mine when we had a bit of a party and the subject got onto gay porn...lol...and why wouldn't it. One of the girls said she had never seen any and so I logged on and put up one of the vids, I went with a Logan vid as I thought they would like him and boy did they lol!!!!
Then I left them to it and I found them surfing away checking out some of the others. They said it was very hot. They particularly liked the Diesal and jimmy vids. Haha it was actually the kissing that really got them intrigued and that they thought was the hottest. Well you know what girls are like....haha they like all that kind if stuff.
Well maybe I am a girl because so do I....see I can even sneak kissing in here too!! Ok I will be patient and wait for more kissing.

I digress anyway so back to the thoughts of the thread; are we going to see more of Fernando? and if we are will he be with Logan?.
I think it would be so cool to let this lad live out his complete fantasy. They should go the whole way and do a flip flop I think. For Fernando to have Logan dominate him would surely be a huge thing for him but for Fernando to be able to have his way with Logan now that would just make his year surely.
Great shoot. Logan I hope it wasn't too uncomfortable. Fernando got to experience his first guy on guy sex and he got to do it with a guy as hot as you. You all handled it pretty well on camera.

Logan would you care to share if you guys became better friends after that shoot? I am not talking bed budy friends as much as good friends.

Even though their appeared to be some discomfort in the begining you two really seemed to work well together.:thumbup:
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Jayman, you hit the nail on the head there. Logan did handle this well and there must have been a little weirdness....I think this just emulates the thoughts that we all have about how nice a guy Logan really is.
Jayman, you hit the nail on the head there. Logan did handle this well and there must have been a little weirdness....I think this just emulates the thoughts that we all have about how nice a guy Logan really is.

Yeah, how about that.:sneaky2:
Logan look-a-like at my school

This was a true story...Logan actually got freaked out since many on his college campus did recognize him so fast. I personally didn't think Logan would have been so popular and having his friends find out so fast. Apparently there are a lot of college students, especially girls that watch the Broke Straight Boys site. I'm speaking to a 19 year old female college student and every Thursday, a few girls get together and have a Broke Straight Boys dorm party and watch the latest updates and the guys that appear on the site. It seems we are a big hit on many college campuses.

My Niece that goes to college in central Florida knows many guys and girls that follow the Broke Straight Boys site. Some may not afford a membership but watch it on Xtube but it seems many are very aware of the Broke Straight Boys site...and I'm also surprised that many are aware of College Boy Physicals.com site as well.

Remi, Nick and I thought we were the only Broke Straight Boys subscribers on campus until Aaron (Logan look-a-like) showed up. He and I have become early morning gym buddys. Him telling me that there were guys calling him Logan made me first realize that we were not the lone Broke Straight Boys subscribers on campus. I told the story in a thread way back when the semester started and because of that have found out there are a lot of guys and girls here who are familiar with Broke Straight Boys There is even a group of women who have invited Arron to a Watch Logan Videos at their house. He has declined the invitation......so far. Aaron has become kind of an underground star on campus and tho he was embarrassed by it at first is now getting comfortable with it. I keep telling him that I invited him to watch Logan Videos with me first. Won't say anymore on the Forum because a lot of people read it.

My point is that Broke Straight Boys has a fo9llowing on this campus.
Aaron has become kind of an underground star on campus and tho he was embarrassed by it at first is now getting comfortable with it. I keep telling him that I invited him to watch Logan Videos with me first. Won't say anymore on the Forum because a lot of people read it.

My point is that Broke Straight Boys has a fo9llowing on this campus.

Ok so he is getting more comfertable with it. Let me ask this, is he.... broke? Can you imagine a scene with two Logans? Please be still my heart! :w00t: