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Lack of Behind the Scenes and Suggestions

Hey Vulcan,

I'm sorry you ever felt the need to self-censor just because you were new in here. By all means everybody should be able to speak their minds. Just because it may seem that a majority of people posting at any given time have an opinion one way or another, doesn't mean that they have it right and the minority have it wrong. Or that the opinion of a majority is the final say. :)

Hey Tampa,

Thank you so much for saying that. Most kind. I'm beginning to feel that way as I become more comfortable.
I was talking to a forum member here, who has now been here for about two years, and he told me that when he first starting posting, he felt like he was always being "shot down" by us long time members, who said things like, "We've already talked about that" or "That's not the way it went down", etc. That made me feel badly, as do your comments Vulcan. We long time forumites have to allow newbies to express their opinions and not be in any way dismissive towards your comments. We were all newbies once, and the only way for this forum to thrive and remain relevant is to have a constant influx of new members with their own unique and fresh perspectives. If I was ever dismissive in any way to you Vulcan, or to any other newbies here, I apologize. I very much want an influx of new voices to be heard!
I was talking to a forum member here, who has now been here for about two years, and he told me that when he first starting posting, he felt like he was always being "shot down" by us long time members, who said things like, "We've already talked about that" or "That's not the way it went down", etc. That made me feel badly, as do your comments Vulcan. We long time forumites have to allow newbies to express their opinions and not be in any way dismissive towards your comments. We were all newbies once, and the only way for this forum to thrive and remain relevant is to have a constant influx of new members with their own unique and fresh perspectives. If I was ever dismissive in any way to you Vulcan, or to any other newbies here, I apologize. I very much want an influx of new voices to be heard!

Thanks for articulating that so well Mikey! I agree!

If I was ever dismissive of Vulcan or anyone else, (especially newbies to the forum) then I apologize also. Sometimes we may say something like, "No. It didn't go down that way." If we do ever say something to that effect I hope that we will be reasonably polite about it, and also share the information we have which gives us a different opinion. Of course as happens all the time in life, various people look at the same set of supposed "facts", interpret them differently, and reach different conclusions from them. Sounds pretty normal to me. haha
Thanks for articulating that so well Mikey! I agree!

If I was ever dismissive of Vulcan or anyone else, (especially newbies to the forum) then I apologize also. Sometimes we may say something like, "No. It didn't go down that way." If we do ever say something to that effect I hope that we will be reasonably polite about it, and also share the information we have which gives us a different opinion. Of course as happens all the time in life, various people look at the same set of supposed "facts", interpret them differently, and reach different conclusions from them. Sounds pretty normal to me. haha

Now I'm confused. Are we saying that Vulcan is a long time member. He only joined on Oct 31 last year and has 27 posts.
Now I'm confused. Are we saying that Vulcan is a long time member. He only joined on Oct 31 last year and has 27 posts.
Not at all Jon. Re-read the last few posts by Vulcan, Tampa and I, Jon. We are talking about long time forumites possibly not making newbies to the forum feel as welcome as we should.
I was a member for a few months before anyone quoted what I had to say, well it was Rifle/Aquarius but still it made me feel welcomed lol All you other longtime members were so stuck in your little "queer clicks" that I just wouldn't even try and join a thread. Apology excepted guys xoxoxoxo
That has always been one of the fucked up things about society Jon, that we send our young boys off to die. Check out ton's of Bob Dylan, Phil Ochs, Peter Paul and Mary, Pete Seeger songs and many more on the subject.

But boys of that age are at their physical peak, so they make fine soldiers, as well as professional athletes and porn stars too, but it doesn't make them mature adults, although they think they are.

I would tend to agree with Mike's post....In my mind they are mature physically, but they are missing the maturity that only life's experiences can give you.....Wisdom comes with age.....some of us become fine wine....and In my case vinegar....LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL....
I would tend to agree with Mike's post....In my mind they are mature physically, but they are missing the maturity that only life's experiences can give you.....Wisdom comes with age.....some of us become fine wine....and In my case vinegar....LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL....
Thanks Rafe. I ran a warehouse and hired the help for over 30 years and the majority of my boys were the same ages as the models, and many of them had a lot of growing up to do, and a few thanked me after they left for being there for them, (no not that way lol).

And Rafe, I'm sure you are like a fine vintage wine, not vinegar....:001_cool:
I was a member for a few months before anyone quoted what I had to say, well it was Rifle/Aquarius but still it made me feel welcomed lol All you other longtime members were so stuck in your little "queer clicks" that I just wouldn't even try and join a thread. Apology excepted guys xoxoxoxo
And now you are a major yenta in the queer clique. lol
I like that !!!!.....Fits him to a TTTTTTTTTT.......

Ok quickly ,,, whats a Yenta ???? lololololol :001_huh:
According to Wikipedia it is "Yenta or Yente is a Yiddish female name which is used generically for an old gossip." If you remember the old Bewitched TV show, the next door neighbor Gladys Kravitz was a yenta.

I now have Peter and Johnny in my Broke Straight Boys Yenta club. lol
