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Lack of Behind the Scenes and Suggestions


Active Member
Oct 30, 2014
Reaction score
Hi Sha and Mike,

I know you fellas have your hands full with other, more pressing matters. But one thing that really drew me to Broke Straight Boys was the Behind the Scenes Videos. It was really great seeing the guys interact with each other, and the different formats that you all came up with, really great. If you all could have more, that would be great too.

Some suggestions:

You all usually have several boys there at the mansion at any given time, put them to work filming behind the scenes; after all; the Behind the Scenes are all about them. That would free Sha and Mike to focus on administrative work.

I personally couldn't get enough of seeing Ms. Sabrina picking up the nervous wreck boys from the airports, getting to the house, and being totally shocked to see a great house, and not a sleazy porn studio. And also seeing them squirm when they see that during their stay, they are going to be dealing with a House Mother who wasn't going to take no mess!

One behind the Scenes showed them going to eclectic Boulder. Well most big cities have eclectic areas were no one would bat an eye at a bunch of Butch guys wearing Broke Straight Boys shirts. I would recommend NoDa and Plaza-Midwood in Charlotte, if you come to the Pride event this Summer there. And I would strongly suggest you do; It drew a crowd of 90-100,000 people over a weekend last year. This was record breaking for a city of only 700,000 within its immediate borders. By Sunday, the news reported people who weren't participating in Pride were just staying home; traffic was snarled. Saying that to say, Broke Straight Boys would make a giant windfall, and Charlotte Pride would make a great Behind the Scenes. And also, check out other cities in the Southeast, They are growing as people from all over move down here--give the pride events more varieties in locations for Behind the scenes.

Now a comment. I know the TV show is now out. Please don't let that take the place of Behind the Scenes. The TV show isn't accessible to all, yet. Plus, reality shows have to stay interesting, or you lose viewership, so I'm not convinced much of it is spontaneous. Please consider those, like me, who enjoy, Behind the Scenes.

Thanks for your consideration,

Hi Sha and Mike,

I know you fellas have your hands full with other, more pressing matters. But one thing that really drew me to Broke Straight Boys was the Behind the Scenes Videos. It was really great seeing the guys interact with each other, and the different formats that you all came up with, really great. If you all could have more, that would be great too.

Some suggestions:

You all usually have several boys there at the mansion at any given time, put them to work filming behind the scenes; after all; the Behind the Scenes are all about them. That would free Sha and Mike to focus on administrative work.

I personally couldn't get enough of seeing Ms. Sabrina picking up the nervous wreck boys from the airports, getting to the house, and being totally shocked to see a great house, and not a sleazy porn studio. And also seeing them squirm when they see that during their stay, they are going to be dealing with a House Mother who wasn't going to take no mess!

One behind the Scenes showed them going to eclectic Boulder. Well most big cities have eclectic areas were no one would bat an eye at a bunch of Butch guys wearing Broke Straight Boys shirts. I would recommend NoDa and Plaza-Midwood in Charlotte, if you come to the Pride event this Summer there. And I would strongly suggest you do; It drew a crowd of 90-100,000 people over a weekend last year. This was record breaking for a city of only 700,000 within its immediate borders. By Sunday, the news reported people who weren't participating in Pride were just staying home; traffic was snarled. Saying that to say, Broke Straight Boys would make a giant windfall, and Charlotte Pride would make a great Behind the Scenes. And also, check out other cities in the Southeast, They are growing as people from all over move down here--give the pride events more varieties in locations for Behind the scenes.

Now a comment. I know the TV show is now out. Please don't let that take the place of Behind the Scenes. The TV show isn't accessible to all, yet. Plus, reality shows have to stay interesting, or you lose viewership, so I'm not convinced much of it is spontaneous. Please consider those, like me, who enjoy, Behind the Scenes.

Thanks for your consideration,



Not a bad post nor idea. Just so you know Mike does not exist. It is Mark for future reference. I did comment about BTS under another thread, but since this is more on topic, I will add it here too.

You have an interesting point. I do not consider a behind the scenes as a solo. I do think it is odd to have them back to back. I agree with Tampa that the subject of when to do behind the scenes could be a mixed bag. Joey is somewhat on the right side about being done after another scene is released. But I would like to take this one step further. First, lets look at last years solos.

From Jan. 2014 throught the end of October there were 17 solos shot. I used the end of October as the cut off date since there may be follow-up scenes in the works. So what did I discover?

Of the 17 Solos scenes we have the following breakdown:

1 - Did only a solo.
1 - Did solo and 3 BTS (no sex scenes).
4 - Did solo and 1 other scene.

So about 1/3rd of the models did 2 or fewer scenes. Would it make sense to film a behind the scenes before the model has shown he is willing to stay? It takes time and money to do the BTS. Why shoot it early before we know if the model has staying power? If not, why bother. Based on this I think the Behinds the Scenes needs to be done when a model shows staying power and high member comments/ratings.

For your information the 6 models above were: Kael Diggs (solo & 3 BTS), Dyaln Sharp, Adam Stripz, Salem Pierce & James Riley (1 solo and 1 other scene), and Cooper Douglas (solo).

Now on the positive side 6 of those I'd rate as Regulars (Vadium, Dakota, Tyler, Ronan Kennedy, Ryan Field & Brody). Regular meaning they have done multiple scenes and/or may be back. Again this is about 1/3 of the new class. One Model when in a different direction (Dimitri). The balance did a few scenes (maybe one weeks worth of filming or max. 2 weeks). Those include Jason Ryder, Jaden Bentley, Jake Tipton, Sebastian Wilde.

So based on this, if I were to decide when it makes sense when to film a BTS with a model, I'd vote for when a model has completed at least two weeks of filming at the Studio and his rating is in the 4.0+ range.

Live Long and Prosper,


Not a bad post nor idea. Just so you know Mike does not exist. It is Mark for future reference. I did comment about BTS under another thread, but since this is more on topic, I will add it here too.

You have an interesting point. I do not consider a behind the scenes as a solo. I do think it is odd to have them back to back. I agree with Tampa that the subject of when to do behind the scenes could be a mixed bag. Joey is somewhat on the right side about being done after another scene is released. But I would like to take this one step further. First, lets look at last years solos.

From Jan. 2014 throught the end of October there were 17 solos shot. I used the end of October as the cut off date since there may be follow-up scenes in the works. So what did I discover?

Of the 17 Solos scenes we have the following breakdown:

1 - Did only a solo.
1 - Did solo and 3 BTS (no sex scenes).
4 - Did solo and 1 other scene.

So about 1/3rd of the models did 2 or fewer scenes. Would it make sense to film a behind the scenes before the model has shown he is willing to stay? It takes time and money to do the BTS. Why shoot it early before we know if the model has staying power? If not, why bother. Based on this I think the Behinds the Scenes needs to be done when a model shows staying power and high member comments/ratings.

For your information the 6 models above were: Kael Diggs (solo & 3 BTS), Dyaln Sharp, Adam Stripz, Salem Pierce & James Riley (1 solo and 1 other scene), and Cooper Douglas (solo).

Now on the positive side 6 of those I'd rate as Regulars (Vadium, Dakota, Tyler, Ronan Kennedy, Ryan Field & Brody). Regular meaning they have done multiple scenes and/or may be back. Again this is about 1/3 of the new class. One Model when in a different direction (Dimitri). The balance did a few scenes (maybe one weeks worth of filming or max. 2 weeks). Those include Jason Ryder, Jaden Bentley, Jake Tipton, Sebastian Wilde.

So based on this, if I were to decide when it makes sense when to film a BTS with a model, I'd vote for when a model has completed at least two weeks of filming at the Studio and his rating is in the 4.0+ range.

Live Long and Prosper,


Hi Vicekid,

Thanks for the name correction--Sorry Mark!

Good points, and great stats; thanks for looking them up. I suppose the regulars (Kaden Alexander, Paul, Damien Kyle, etc) that have hanging around to help the new models, have been in a lot of BTS already--not saying they can't be in more-- but the new guys should be the focal point of BTS in the future. I just really miss the BTS, but they do have to be cost efficient.

But as the site begins its assent again, The number of BTS films will grow hopefully; some of them have made me laugh out loud. I suppose like everyone else, I can be patient, I don't plan on going anywhere. Any other thoughts?


Read my comments on the other thread. BTS should be for special events.

Some of the Best Behind the Scenes were done at the House. A mixture of Behind the Scenes locations is what makes the segment so entertaining. Put these boys in many different situations for the first time. Let them be boys in many different situations for the first time. Let them relax as nervous straight boys doing gay porn, learning to know how each other feel about it, at the same time we know how they feel about it. Let's get to know some of there's deeper, not just superficial stories. Dokota's, Damien Kyle's, Kaden Alexander's and Paul's Behind the Scenes were very touching, and I think that drew the audience closer to them, maybe not you, but to others. I would like to see them have fun together, afterall, they are barely adults. They are guys from all over the country learning different cultures and other things from/about each other, in different settings. Strong friendships also start forming over time (Paul and Damien Kyle).

See, that's the kind of entertainment that makes this site standout. I can go to any site and get lights turn on, sex, fade out, it's done. But I come here because it's so much more. Just Say'in


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Some of the Best Behind the Scenes were done at the House. A mixture of Behind the Scenes locations is what makes the segment so entertaining. Put these boys in many different situations for the first time. Let them be boys in many different situations for the first time. Let them relax as nervous straight boys doing gay porn, learning to know how each other feel about it, at the same time we know how they feel about it. Let's get to know some of there's deeper, not just superficial stories. Dokota's, Damien Kyle's, Kaden Alexander's and Paul's Behind the Scenes were very touching, and I think that drew the audience closer to them, maybe not you, but to others. I would like to see them have fun together, afterall, they are barely adults. They are guys from all over the country learning different cultures and other things from/about each other, in different settings. Strong friendships also start forming over time (Paul and Damien Kyle).

See, that's the kind of entertainment that makes this site standout. I can go to any site and get lights turn on, sex, fade out, it's done. But I come here because it's so much more. Just Say'in


I agree with what you say Vulcan, especially that they are just boys, not mature adults, and yes they say things that might not be politically correct, but I enjoy watching young guys barely out of boyhood, just emerging into manhood all trying to act so cool. They posture like they know it all and are on top of every situation as it arises, as guys in their late teens to early 20's often do, but they are still trying to figure life out, (as some of us in our 60's are still trying to do too. lol), and in these circumstances of being recorded as they are meeting gay people and having gay sex on camera all for the first time. It is interesting for me to see how each of them reacts to these brand new experiences in their still young lives.

Moreover, the BTS do not take away from our three new sex scenes a week, so I'm in favor of them releasing as many BTS as often as they like. It is all bonus material, and I can ignore them if I choose, so I have no problem whatsoever with Broke Straight Boys giving us free bonus videos of the models being themselves as real boys and not gay porn actors. It's all good, a win-win situation in my eyes.
They are not boys, they are adults. Jeez boys are having gay sex as young as 10 and younger in one of my friends case. I suspect they are maturing a lot quicker than kids of 20 or 30 years ago. But I'm talking about what is happening over here and not in front of a camera where perhaps a lot of what goes on is scripted.
They are not boys, they are adults. Jeez boys are having gay sex as young as 10 and younger in one of my friends case. I suspect they are maturing a lot quicker than kids of 20 or 30 years ago. But I'm talking about what is happening over here and not in front of a camera where perhaps a lot of what goes on is scripted.
Things haven't changed as much as you might think Jon. I can honestly remember fooling around with one friend before age eight, and with another friend from ages 10-12, and once puberty hit, with another couple of guys as well.

But in my eyes an eighteen or twenty-one year old is still a kid. Perhaps at my advanced age, I look at it like that :tongue:. Yes they are legally adults, but they still think in many ways as children, and I actually find that quality endearing.
Things haven't changed as much as you might think Jon. I can honestly remember fooling around with one friend before age eight, and with another friend from ages 10-12, and once puberty hit, with another couple of guys as well.

But in my eyes an eighteen or twenty-one year old is still a kid. Perhaps at my advanced age, I look at it like that :tongue:. Yes they are legally adults, but they still think in many ways as children, and I actually find that quality endearing.

Then why are they sending kids to war..
Then why are they sending kids to war..
That has always been one of the fucked up things about society Jon, that we send our young boys off to die. Check out ton's of Bob Dylan, Phil Ochs, Peter Paul and Mary, Pete Seeger songs and many more on the subject.

But boys of that age are at their physical peak, so they make fine soldiers, as well as professional athletes and porn stars too, but it doesn't make them mature adults, although they think they are.
Read my comments on the other thread. BTS should be for special events.

WE agree here. During BSB1 we received most of the information about the models during the beginning interview. So in reality, you don't need a behinds the scenes to do that. And Sha is currently doing a decent job of that now. BBTS should be reserved for unique or special things, like how Damian did his photos shoots, or post scene, or just plain horsing aorund the mansion.

Hi Vicekid,

Thanks for the name correction--Sorry Mark!

Good points, and great stats; thanks for looking them up. I suppose the regulars (Kaden Alexander, Paul, Damien Kyle, etc) that have hanging around to help the new models, have been in a lot of BTS already--not saying they can't be in more-- but the new guys should be the focal point of BTS in the future. I just really miss the BTS, but they do have to be cost efficient.

But as the site begins its assent again, The number of BTS films will grow hopefully; some of them have made me laugh out loud. I suppose like everyone else, I can be patient, I don't plan on going anywhere. Any other thoughts? I agree with Jon on what a BTS should be. See my reply to him. BTS needs to be unique, different and special.



Perhaps we need to hear from Mark as too what he considers to be BTS material?

They are not boys, they are adults. Jeez boys are having gay sex as young as 10 and younger in one of my friends case. I suspect they are maturing a lot quicker than kids of 20 or 30 years ago. But I'm talking about what is happening over here and not in front of a camera where perhaps a lot of what goes on is scripted.

If you know of ten year olds having sex, then perhaps their parents or the law should be contacted....Just say'in dude.
I agree with what you say Vulcan, especially that they are just boys, not mature adults, and yes they say things that might not be politically correct, but I enjoy watching young guys barely out of boyhood, just emerging into manhood all trying to act so cool. They posture like they know it all and are on top of every situation as it arises, as guys in their late teens to early 20's often do, but they are still trying to figure life out, (as some of us in our 60's are still trying to do too. lol), and in these circumstances of being recorded as they are meeting gay people and having gay sex on camera all for the first time. It is interesting for me to see how each of them reacts to these brand new experiences in their still young lives.

Moreover, the BTS do not take away from our three new sex scenes a week, so I'm in favor of them releasing as many BTS as often as they like. It is all bonus material, and I can ignore them if I choose, so I have no problem whatsoever with Broke Straight Boys giving us free bonus videos of the models being themselves as real boys and not gay porn actors. It's all good, a win-win situation in my eyes.

I know! Most 18 year olds think they know everything, and end up falling flat on their face. Those bumps and bruises helps them learn. And seeing "our guys", if you will, that we pay to see, here on the site, going through that is interesting and entertaining. Plus, hearing their stories, not just the surface, superficial ones, are really cool to hear, too.
The BTS that are on here now are an eclectic mix, there is no reason it can't be expanded on in the future. I'm sure Mark would be willing to listen to Ideas as well as express himself on how he feels about BTS; from what I've seen of him, he takes our opinions seriously, and there is no way to tell which side he would come down on, we will just have to see. And that is assuming if he will address the issue at all.

A suggestion everybody: Ms. Sabrina could be used more; she surely has the personality to come up with something to express herself. Also, the bottom line is, no one is going to like everything about anything. For example, When people were not happy with one of the sets that I liked it, I didn't say anything. I thought I was to new to have any input, so I didn't say anything. but I did like it. But now that I have some time under my belt, I feel I can say something, if not much. And I would like to see more BTS. I enjoy them, and I think others would too if they were just given a chance. I finally gave BSB2 a chance, and now, I thoroughly enjoy it, and enjoy reading all off your posts!


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Hey Vulcan,

I'm sorry you ever felt the need to self-censor just because you were new in here. By all means everybody should be able to speak their minds. Just because it may seem that a majority of people posting at any given time have an opinion one way or another, doesn't mean that they have it right and the minority have it wrong. Or that the opinion of a majority is the final say. :)
Hey Vulcan,

I'm sorry you ever felt the need to self-censor just because you were new in here. By all means everybody should be able to speak their minds. Just because it may seem that a majority of people posting at any given time have an opinion one way or another, doesn't mean that they have it right and the minority have it wrong. Or that the opinion of a majority is the final say. :)

Hey Tampa,

Thank you so much for saying that. Most kind. I'm beginning to feel that way as I become more comfortable.