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Kodi and Mitch?, Clay Jealous of Chad


Well-known Member
Aug 13, 2011
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Does anybody get the impression that Clay has become a little bit jealous of all the Kodi and Chad talk? First he puts Kodi with Rob and now Mitch, even though the Broke Straight Boys world has beem clammering for a Kodi and Chad scene. Just sayin':anyone:
I gave up a long time ago figuring out the logic/reasoning on how actors are teamed up. Maybe the real answer is that there is no rhyme or reason - it's just availability and convenience not to mention expense. Oh, let's not forget the "prima donna" syndrone that actors get when they're full of themselves.
Dear Clay,

If you happen to read this thread, would you please enlighten us of how actors get teamed up.

Is the any rhyme or reason to it? Or just the flip flop of a coin: heads or tail.
availability, budget, and convenience are the abc's of the business for what i have been told.
They are listening.......but, unfortunately they will wait so long to film it, or show it,,,,,that we will all have forgotten about Kodi:crying2: by then, and be crying to see CHAD :001_wub: with Scott or ?
As cheerleader of the Chad & Kodi bandwagon, I have been distressed by seeing Kodi matched with anyone other than Chad first, but that ship has sailed. I've said what I've said about Mitch on the appropriate thread, so this scene better be Kodi topping, no other anal scene is acceptable.

No disrespect, larkster, but I find the whole Clay jealousy thing really far-fetched. We don't know Clay so we can't make such inferences. My guess is that, as others have said, it's the confluence of actor availability and budgetary constraints which probably dictate episodes more than anything else.

Now as to Kodi & Chad, I'm sure they have heard the clamor. But remember the old Heinz ketchup commercial from the early 90's - "Anticipation" - well I think that is part of it. Let the hope for such a scene continue to build so that when it finally airs, people will be overjoyed. But the key there is timing. If they wait too long most people will have moved on to other actors' pairings and it will have lost its cache. Let's hope that doesn't happen.

Both Mitch and Clayton have a similar look about them. Neither is my "cup of tea", and they are the two models to be with my two current favorite's, Scott & Kodi. It is an interesting choice of partners, to me it appears to be a believably straight guy paired with a not believably straight guy.

What I would like is to see the two straight types Kodi and Scott together. :thumbup:
As cheerleader of the Chad & Kodi bandwagon, I have been distressed by seeing Kodi matched with anyone other than Chad first, but that ship has sailed. I've said what I've said about Mitch on the appropriate thread, so this scene better be Kodi topping, no other anal scene is acceptable.

No disrespect, larkster, but I find the whole Clay jealousy thing really far-fetched. We don't know Clay so we can't make such inferences. My guess is that, as others have said, it's the confluence of actor availability and budgetary constraints which probably dictate episodes more than anything else.

Now as to Kodi & Chad, I'm sure they have heard the clamor. But remember the old Heinz ketchup commercial from the early 90's - "Anticipation" - well I think that is part of it. Let the hope for such a scene continue to build so that when it finally airs, people will be overjoyed. But the key there is timing. If they wait too long most people will have moved on to other actors' pairings and it will have lost its cache. Let's hope that doesn't happen.


It was mostly tongue in cheek, but lets not forgot Clay's reaction when someone suggested Kodi was making that sandwich for Chad. "He was making it for me, Chad just happened to be there..." Sometimes it just makes sense to give the customer what he/she wants. I know it is seldom done, but just once? Would it hurt?:anyone:
Clay happened to be hungry for a sandwich... If Chad claimed my fried Bologna samiche, sure I would get jealous too!

Expect an episode "monster cock" Cliff fucking Chad... sooner than later.
Ask and you will receive... Our director Clay reads these posts. The fans of Darren, Anthony, Jack, AJ, Jason, Bradley already got a Chad moment.

And so should you SanDiegoKen! Your order for Chad and Conner has been sent to Clay's Broke Straight Boys kitchen!
Clay happened to be hungry for a sandwich... If Chad claimed my fried Bologna samiche, sure I would get jealous too!

Expect an episode "monster cock" Cliff fucking Chad... sooner than later.

YOU MONSTER!:smiley::jester::sign0004:
Dear Clay,

If you happen to read this thread, would you please enlighten us of how actors get teamed up.

Is the any rhyme or reason to it? Or just the flip flop of a coin: heads or tail.

Those of us clamoring for a pairing of any particular models have to remember that Clay doesn't shoot and post videos with a week or two of filming. It probably takes a minimum of 4 weeks from the point of flying in models or getting them to the studio, filming them, getting the editing done and then posting them. It's not a 7-14 day deal I'm sure. If it was that or anything less that would be a tight schedule for sure.
think the scenes for february are being planned for first two weekends in february.
those scenes should air over a course of 2 to 8 weeks.
who will be paired with who will depend upon who is available and/or can fly in for shoots starting on thursday.
i am sure this is a good time to make request.

if i am incorrect, maybe someone with better info will comment.
What I want to see is Chad and Conner OMG would that be HOT!!!!!

Hell to the yea! I am thinking about signing in with Connor Monday night on flirt4free. If I do, I'll let you know how it went.