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Kevin and Dylan


Well-known Member
Jan 5, 2009
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Interesting business model. Members of the site that want to get fucked call David. They pick the top and pay half the money. They turn out to be a great little bottom.

This could be a whole new reality site. I am a cute little bottom boy and I want to get fucked for the first time by a "porn star," on film, for the record. I will pay half. What to call it? Bottomboyspaytogetfucked.com. Sort of long. Any ideas? :001_smile:
I actually watched the video now, I don't hate it but it didnt jump off the screen but dylan might grow on me if the money wasnt out like woah. I just skipped the interview part and it didnt seem half bad. I love how kevin really doesnt care that it's first time bottomin. Dylan on the other hand isnt my type at all but I guess if thats the type then he would be great.
The right tool for the right job

Kevin has one of the most sexy personalities on Broke Straight Boys and, he seems totally oblivious to this fact. That is what I like most about Kevin, he is completely himself, unassuming, and not the least bit conceded--like I probably would be.

Likewise, Kevin's cock is a thing of beauty and power. It has magnetic properties that my eyes are fixated on. I particularly love admiring his massive dick head. I delight seeing it, once again, in action like today's episode. While I did not care much for Dylan, Kevin's overwhelming sexual intensity more than made up for what I was absent in Dylan. Kevin is perfect. He is a totally sexual being with a equally sexual body that can get past a less than ideal situation and perform at his highest level, regardless. Watching Kevin in action, I can almost feel what it must be like to be the object of his undivided attention, ridden hard, and, finally, put up wet. What a magnificent sexual animal Kevin is and how lucky we are to have him on the Broke Straight Boys site.

One of my favorite Broke Straight Boys models is Jimmy Slater. I feel Kevin has the same charm, earthiness and shear sexual presence on screen to compete at the same level as the iconic Jimmy Slater. Kevin is perfect and I wouldn't change so much as a single hair.

At least you have got to give Dylan credit for his good taste. He knew what he was looking for when requesting Kevin--the right tool for the right job!
Kevin! Kevin! Kevin!

This fella is soooo great. Beautiful body and really functions with great energy. Have you noticed his prick? A real beauty. It makes me sweat to think how many men are out there on the street . . . undiscovered. Someone described him as having a "Rough Edge." Love that edge! He needs to be featured rather than just run in from time-to-time. :thumbup:
This fella is soooo great. Beautiful body and really functions with great energy. Have you noticed his prick? A real beauty. It makes me sweat to think how many men are out there on the street . . . undiscovered. Someone described him as having a "Rough Edge." Love that edge! He needs to be featured rather than just run in from time-to-time. :thumbup:
Amen! Alleluia! I couldn't agree more with your comments and especially his "rough edge" prick. Can you imagine the sensations it creates. Simply put, you have said a mouth full and Kevin deserves to be featured more often.
I think Dylan is one of your hottest models. He has a great body and I do love a guy with glasses. The whole paying for sex thing is a bit creepy, and is going to give some of the members strange ideas, but on the other hand it was a good way to show a gay boy that really wanted it. The only thing I didn't like about Dylan in the earlier ones was that he was kind of quiet. This time he did better, and I liked the way Kevin got rough with him, slapping his butt, grabbing his hair and his throat.
Yum, Yum!

Amen! Alleluia! I couldn't agree more with your comments and especially his "rough edge" prick. Can you imagine the sensations it creates. Simply put, you have said a mouth full and Kevin deserves to be featured more often.

Ragg, we are sympatico! I do love the pretty ones and admire all their functions. Something about "Rough Edge" grabbed me early on in his career. In one of his opening scenes some months ago, he was in a 3-some and near the end he was sitting against the wall jacking himself in a desultory way. The other two were going at it and he was just leaning against the wall working that beautiful prick. Oh how sweet it is! My dirty little secret is out! The sight of a jeans-wearing guy with T-Shirt, just drives me to the point of insanity. . .