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Kayden, Blake and Sha


Well-known Member
Nov 9, 2008
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
I had the very distinct pleasure of meeting and talking with Kayden, Blake and Sha at San Diego Pride. Let me say that they are as real, down to earth and cool as we see them on screen. Kayden is just as outgoing and fun as you can possibly imagine. He has enough energy to light the town. Blake and I hit it off even more so as we have so many things in common. We are both into astronomy, geology, meteorology, etc. and could talk in depth on these subject. Blake is very down to earth too and tells it like it is, with nothing holding him back. I took him over to the NASA exhibit where he could touch a very special rock. So he had the chance to touch the moon (or as he was telling me a piece of the earth that formed the moon). I asked him when he will be back before the camera. He is still UP for it and it is just a matter of it working within his school schedule. I did let him know that his fans want him to come back, as we all miss him. Lets hope that management can find a way to make this happen.

As for Kayden, he did inform me that we will see a different side of him going forward. In some of the other posts there was that issue on his performances. I think we will see those concerns answered, just as Johnny has stated.

As for Sha, he's great. I think he does not get the all the credit he deserves for all the little things he does, mostly behind the scenes. He is responsible for setting up and coordinating around 18 pride events each year. That's 18 weekends a year he is on the road. Not to mention what he does behind the scenes. Keep up the great work Sha.

Lastly, I did ask about BSB TV. Nothing really new to add here. They are waiting to get a US network to pick up the show. All the episodes have been shot. It might be that the networks are gun shy due to the topic, even thought there is no sex or anything close to it in the show. Perhaps it is time for the networks to look to the past and take the next step. Remember I Love Lucy, when she gave birth. A first for TV. Or the first mix raced kiss on TV (Star Trek), Or Will and Grace, and this list goes on. Lets keep our fingers crossed that some network is willing to break new ground in entertainment.

Lastly, Beth, Your request was granted with much love and care as I kissed both Kayden and Blake for you (and me). As soon as I mentioned your name and request, they both immediately came out front to honor your request.

Kayden, Blake and Sha thank you for your taking some time to chat with me. It was a thrill meeting you and look forward to see you at another event.

Live Long and Prosper,
I am grinning from ear to ear; thank you guys so much!:001_wub: I loved hearing about your trip Vicekid and how much fun the boys are. I really appreciate you taking the time to tell us about the event; it does mean a lot to all of us. It would be so awesome to see Blake in front of the camera again When Steve and I met him down in Austin, you could tell he is very genuine and friendly. As for Kaden Alexander, just nummy; that boy has a body and personality that is always high energy. And you are right Vicekid, we do not thank Sha enough for all of the effort he puts into Broke Straight Boys and the guys; WE APPRECIATE YOU, SHA!:001_wub:
Again, thank you guys!
Everything Vicekid said is true. I talk about so many things with the boys and Sha that I would have to write a book. That would be hard to do on this smartphone.
I remembered Beth with a kiss for both the guys. I don't kiss straight guys, but for beth.
Thanks for sharing all that Vicekid. I'm so happy for you that you got to meet all the guys. :thumbup1:

I stay very busy, so usually don't have much time for forum, but I'm on vacation, so I have some time. It is always a fun time reading your post and it is great to have you back.

Live Long and Prosper,

Thanks for your support. I think it helps when you can describe how it is meeting with models. So many on this forum may never have such a chance to do so. This is one way for those of us to do, to share reality with the rest. I still remember the video clip Blake did and all great comments about me and giving him, Jason, Sha, and one other the eclipse glasses so they could watch it At Long Beach Pride two years ago. Blake is majoring in Geology (my degree is in geology) so I might be able to share some rock hard knowledge. As you know, us geologist sure know our Faults!

Live Long and Prosper,

So your only excuse is a smart phone. Perhaps you can go to a library and use one of their computers and start writing. I could write some stories, especially since I had the opportunity to visit the Broke Straight Boys studio in Florida and took a tour (and even spent some time on the futon). I still visit David, when ever I'm in Florida taking a cruise, if his schedule allows. He and Eddie are super nice guys.

Live Long and Prosper,
Tampa, it was really fun. I even told them about the time we met in Orlando. It was a great time for me, my first time meeting models.

Live Long and Prosper,
Hi I don't know if I've ever spoke to you vicekid as I've got a mind like a sieve and I forget everything lol. I've just noticed this and I would like to thank you for you memories of what happened on the day you met the models and sha as I am one of those people that can never go to one of the events as I live in the uk and am disabled and so any stories of what happened when people go to the events and what they experience is greatly appreciated and the way you describe things I can almost picture being there aswell so thank you. Also thank you for asking the questions that a lot of us would like to of asked them I appreciate it. For future events if any of you guys go to any events if you could take pictures or record videos and put them on here I'd love you forever. Thanks again vicekid. Dan x

I stay very busy, so usually don't have much time for forum, but I'm on vacation, so I have some time. It is always a fun time reading your post and it is great to have you back.

Live Long and Prosper,

Ditto Vicekid. You always remind me of Mr Spock lol
Everything Vicekid said is true. I talk about so many things with the boys and Sha that I would have to write a book. That would be hard to do on this smartphone.
I remembered Beth with a kiss for both the guys. I don't kiss straight guys, but for beth.

Thank you; I continue to be amazed at our "framily" here and how we all take care of one another, including the boys!:001_wub:
I also got a chance to talk to the boys and Sha. They are down to earth and take the time to talk to us.
Thanks for the post. It's always nice to hear of someone's first hand experience with meeting the models. I'm glad you found them to be great guys! Sha, too!
Vicekid, Thank you for sharing your experience. Sounds like something just about all of us here would have loved. I read you comments on Blake's return with great interest. I know that they have a very busy and strict recording schedule with all that is going on in the mansion. But, I sure hope that Blake can get back for a series of episodes. For some reason, I felt very close to him and loved watching his videos. He seems like such a class act. So, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.