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Jos & Zeke


Long time forumite
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Brooklyn New York
Today the "before the scene" is out and I am starting this thread. You guys can use it for all three parts if you like, or make your own threads, but I did watch today's six minutes and change intro and wanted to make a few comments.

Before The Scene Jos Alvarez And Zeke


First Zeke is a very handsome man with a great smile and a nice body that I could see with his t-shirt and shorts on. Unfortunately I had trouble understanding his words as he is a mumbler and a gum chewer which didn't help, or was possibly just poorly miced so I had to rely on Jos Alvarez or Sha's responses to figure out what he was saying. I did get that he is originally from West Virginia but has lived in Florida for the last five years. He also said that he is currently "trying to get his shit together", so perhaps he has had some negative experiences in his life, but he did not elaborate.

Sha said in passing that Zeke has worked for one of their other sites but again neither expanded on that statement. I believe that Jay said he has been with College Dudes, but from his attitude about this upcoming scene he is not a newbie to porn. He mentioned that he does watch his scenes while Jos Alvarez said he only watched his solo but has not watched anything since. I liked Zeke's looks and shy personality in this interview more than I had liked seeing his still on the upcoming scene. I just wish that particularity with a brand new to Broke Straight Boys guy, we could learn more from their initial interviews here, but I guess for most viewers the sex scenes speak for themselves, whereas I am more into the human interest aspect. But I was pleasantly surprised by Zeke today. Jos Alvarez is always a class act!
First Zeke is a very handsome man with a great smile and a nice body that I could see with his t-shirt and shorts on. Unfortunately I had trouble understanding his words as he is a mumbler and a gum chewer which didn't help, or was possibly just poorly miced so I had to rely on Jos Alvarez or Sha's responses to figure out what he was saying. I did get that he is originally from West Virginia but has lived in Florida for the last five years. He also said that he is currently "trying to get his shit together", so perhaps he has had some negative experiences in his life, but he did not elaborate.

Sha said in passing that Zeke has worked for one of their other sites but again neither expanded on that statement. I believe that Jay said he has been with College Dudes, but from his attitude about this upcoming scene he is not a newbie to porn. He mentioned that he does watch his scenes while Jos Alvarez said he only watched his solo but has not watched anything since. I liked Zeke's looks and shy personality in this interview more than I had liked seeing his still on the upcoming scene. I just wish that particularity with a brand new to Broke Straight Boys guy, we could learn more from their initial interviews here, but I guess for most viewers the sex scenes speak for themselves, whereas I am more into the human interest aspect. But I was pleasantly surprised by Zeke today. Jos Alvarez is always a class act!
Yes, Zeke is from College Dudes, and I’m pretty sure he’s been there a while. Maybe even as long as Jos Alvarez has been with Broke Straight Boys or longer. He seems like a nice guy and fun to hang out with, but I agree about his talking. Very hard to understand through most of this interview. He talks too fast for me. I guess I’m getting too old.
Ok, I’m going to have to go back and do some investigating on Jos Alvarez. I could’ve sworn he said not too long ago that he does watch his scenes, but maybe I’m getting it mixed up with his signing onto the website. I love Jos Alvarez, but I feel like he’s not consistent with what he shares with us. I know he’s very private, but I’m going to need him to make a “cheat sheet” for this character that he’s obviously playing for us and refer to that cheat sheet briefly each time before one of these interviews.
I do think these two seemed very relaxed and comfortable around each other and that usually makes for a great scene. And that’s really the main attraction, so I’m looking forward to it.
Today the "before the scene" is out and I am starting this thread. You guys can use it for all three parts if you like, or make your own threads, but I did watch today's six minutes and change intro and wanted to make a few comments.

Before The Scene Jos Alvarez And Zeke


First Zeke is a very handsome man with a great smile and a nice body that I could see with his t-shirt and shorts on. Unfortunately I had trouble understanding his words as he is a mumbler and a gum chewer which didn't help, or was possibly just poorly miced so I had to rely on Jos Alvarez or Sha's responses to figure out what he was saying. I did get that he is originally from West Virginia but has lived in Florida for the last five years. He also said that he is currently "trying to get his shit together", so perhaps he has had some negative experiences in his life, but he did not elaborate.

Sha said in passing that Zeke has worked for one of their other sites but again neither expanded on that statement. I believe that Jay said he has been with College Dudes, but from his attitude about this upcoming scene he is not a newbie to porn. He mentioned that he does watch his scenes while Jos Alvarez said he only watched his solo but has not watched anything since. I liked Zeke's looks and shy personality in this interview more than I had liked seeing his still on the upcoming scene. I just wish that particularity with a brand new to Broke Straight Boys guy, we could learn more from their initial interviews here, but I guess for most viewers the sex scenes speak for themselves, whereas I am more into the human interest aspect. But I was pleasantly surprised by Zeke today. Jos Alvarez is always a class act!

Since I also am a member of College Dudes, I checked Zeke's profile over there. His first scene was on May 28, 2015, and he has done twenty-one scenes there over the past five years both topping and bottoming. It appears that Jos Alvarez will be topping Zeke in his Broke Straight Boys debut.
Anyone else having trouble playing and/or downloading the main video? It stops after a few seconds for me on Safari.
Anyone else having trouble playing and/or downloading the main video? It stops after a few seconds for me on Safari.
Same with me. I cannot get it to play, yet it has a rating of 5. I thought it was my iPad, but if the video is not playing, how does it have a rating?
Same with me. I cannot get it to play, yet it has a rating of 5. I thought it was my iPad, but if the video is not playing, how does it have a rating?
doesnt play for me either past the first :15 seconds. But this is exactly why I have always complained about the ratings. People can just rate anything whatever they want at anytime without even watching the scene.
doesnt play for me either past the first :15 seconds. But this is exactly why I have always complained about the ratings. People can just rate anything whatever they want at anytime without even watching the scene.
Interesting that the video is still not playing, yet the rating has gone down from 5.0 to 4.33, without anyone watching it yet. :001_rolleyes:
Interesting that the video is still not playing, yet the rating has gone down from 5.0 to 4.33, without anyone watching it yet. :001_rolleyes:
Right? Again, see my post above...lol
doesnt play for me either past the first :15 seconds. But this is exactly why I have always complained about the ratings. People can just rate anything whatever they want at anytime without even watching the scene.
I know that Mark & Sha have referenced the model's "ratings" as a major factor in who returns and who does not. But I also remember the former member of Mark's staff who told us years ago that the most important factor in determining a model's success was the number of "hits" on their scenes. Perhaps when Mark refers to "ratings", that is more of a generic term reflecting a combination of factors.

I don't really know anything about the inside workings of Broke Straight Boys I am just speculating, as I would think that management is aware that folk's prejudice against or for certain models can manipulate the numbers, but most folks will not actually watch a model's scenes unless they like them, I think??????? The fact that we don't know everything is part of the fun for me of being a Broke Straight Boys fan as I read what we are told, but also like to look for clues and I kind of piece together my conclusions. I know I have no life, but we all get our kicks wherever we can, and it is better than collecting stamps or butterflies for me, particularly with no sports to follow at this time. lol
I know that Mark & Sha have referenced the model's "ratings" as a major factor in who returns and who does not. But I also remember the former member of Mark's staff who told us years ago that the most important factor in determining a model's success was the number of "hits" on their scenes. Perhaps when Mark refers to "ratings", that is more of a generic term reflecting a combination of factors.
Well if it is true that they mainly go off “hits” then there isn’t a need to encourage people to use the rating system, which is why I took a break. I know you don’t necessarily watch all the scenes, but I watch them all. I don’t watch many of the new after scenes, but I pretty much watch everything else. I don’t see the need to give high scores to scenes that feature top models if others are just going to automatically give them a high score without watching. (Just because of who is in it). I’d rather not score at all.
Well if it is true that they mainly go off “hits” then there isn’t a need to encourage people to use the rating system, which is why I took a break. I know you don’t necessarily watch all the scenes, but I watch them all. I don’t watch many of the new after scenes, but I pretty much watch everything else. I don’t see the need to give high scores to scenes that feature top models if others are just going to automatically give them a high score without watching. (Just because of who is in it). I’d rather not score at all.
You may be 100% right Jay. I am only offering speculation, but my theory is that it is a combination of factors including our ratings and "hits" and that they encourage us to rate them as they factor that into their own internal rating. Again, I am just bored and curious and just sharing my thought process, for whatever it may be worth or worthless. lol
You may be 100% right Jay. I am only offering speculation, but my theory is that it is a combination of factors including our ratings and "hits" and that they encourage us to rate them as they factor that into their own internal rating. Again, I am just bored and curious and just sharing my thought process, for whatever it may be worth or worthless. lol
of course, we’re both thinking out loud. I guess my main guy that I’m frustrated about is Elijah Scott. He’s sooo different, but he’s so young, fresh faced, non experienced, and straight. I don’t remember anyone bitching about him on the forum, but his numbers aren’t great. He’s one that was only at the house once and hasn’t really had a chance to improve and expand. I think about him a lot actually. Anyway, sorry to get off topic.

When is this scene gonna get fixed?...lol.
Didn’t they say recently that we’re supposed to submit a request at the support center? Or did I dream that? I’m scared.. lol
It played fine for me but the title is wrong...It should have read Zeke teaches Jos Alvarez how to fuck......I think Jos Alvarez almost had to tie a 2 x 4 to his ass to keep from falling in. Way to frantic for me.
I did like Zeke wearing the white briefs ! Briefs are great for showing off a guy's body and Zeke used them to his advantage. Very good scene. I was hoping Zeke was going to eat some cum at the end.

Please put more guys in briefs and speedos !
Now, that was a fantastic scene! What I liked best was that it was non-stop action all the way through. In fact, it looked like it was all done in one shoot with no pauses or breaks. The transitions from one activity to the next and from one position to the next were seamless. Zeke may be one of the best cocksuckers I've seen, and he is anything but a passive bottom. Jos Alvarez as always is a top-notch top, but he didn't dominate Zeke--they both remained equally active throughout. Everything about the scene looked natural, even the sounds the guys made. The kissing, sucking, fucking, cum shots were great. They had fun, and I had fun!! Good show!