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Jimmy Johnson on Men


Well-known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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For those who, like me, remember past models with fondness, Jimmy Johnson is in a just released Men.com video called "Skinny Dipping" Caught in We love boys blog. I know Jimmy was not an all time favorite with some but this is just FYI
Thanks a lot Gardenboy. I did google it and found this preview.


You are correct that he "was not an all time favorite with some", but he certainly is an all time favorite of mine, and I am proud of "my Jimmy", and even want to gloat to all the naysayers who thought that he did not belong in gay for pay porn, that now in September 2013, almost two and a half years after he debuted his career here, as the 'poster boy' for BSB2, he is still starring in and obviously making a good living at his chosen profession.

Congrats to Jimmy and thank you Gardenboy for passing on this information. :thumbup:
I'm glad for Jimmy that he is able to make money to support his kids. I also remember though how he looked down on other models who left Broke Straight Boys for other studios, as it proved to him at least that they were not very straight. (Unlike him.) So now he is either eating some crow...or he's gay! LOL
I'm glad for Jimmy that he is able to make money to support his kids. I also remember though how he looked down on other models who left Broke Straight Boys for other studios, as it proved to him at least that they were not very straight. (Unlike him.) So now he is either eating some crow...or he's gay! LOL
Predictably Tampa, I recall things differently. :001_rolleyes:

What I recall Jimmy saying was that many of his fellow Broke Straight Boys models were in fact gay and only acted straight on the site, and proved as much in their subsequent films for other studios. It wasn't the fact that they left Broke Straight Boys for other studios, but the content of what they did there that proved this to him. From all of the links to Jimmy's work from our fellow forumites, I have still never seen Jimmy bottom, which was something that he vowed to never do unless he was paid a "boatload" of money.

I wonder if there is a website that speculates on the amount of money being paid to gay porn stars. I wonder is any former Broke Straight Boys'er is currently being paid as much as Jimmy is in their porn careers, post Broke Straight Boys

Of course my feeling is that any man who repeatedly performs gay sex on film is not truly straight, but instead is a "one" or "two" on the Kinsey scale. During my lengthy discussion with Sha at the NYC Pride event in 2012, we spent a lot of time discussing Jimmy, who Sha traveled extensively with and chaperoned, as Jimmy was among the featured Broke Straight Boys models at all of the Pride events that year, and Sha agreed with me that Jimmy is not 100% heterosexual, either.

I am still proud of Jimmy that he continues to earn a good living to support his son, who Sha told me was the "apple of his eye" and that Jimmy is an excellent father. I also admire that Jimmy has not compromised his principles, while continuing to earn a good living in the world of gay for pay porn.
Predictably Tampa, I recall things differently. :001_rolleyes:

What I recall Jimmy saying was that many of his fellow Broke Straight Boys models were in fact gay and only acted straight on the site, and proved as much in their subsequent films for other studios. It wasn't the fact that they left Broke Straight Boys for other studios, but the content of what they did there that proved this to him. From all of the links to Jimmy's work from our fellow forumites, I have still never seen Jimmy bottom, which was something that he vowed to never do unless he was paid a "boatload" of money.

I'll grant you that much Mikey. Except that I recall some other things differently also. He did criticize them for doing more gay things over on other sites when they played it straight here. But there was also the implied condescension from JJ that they went to other gay sites at all. I also remember where he insisted that after he left Broke Straight Boys that he was going to be doing straight porn. We all knew he was full of it if he thought he could go out there and make a living doing straight porn. It pays squat for guys. And while he may have had the body for it, he had no idea how to perform to the camera. (At least not here on Broke Straight Boys) He was too stiff, robotic and selfish in bed. It's doubtful that he could make it as a performer in commercial straight porn, even if he was with a girl instead of a guy. In straight porn the guy is a prop who's expected to do most of the work to make the woman look hot and beautiful. That's not how JJ rolls.

Still, if he's an excellent father and a good provider for his 2 boys...then I'll give him his props for that. :thumbup1:
Since we are talking family, I wonder how Colin is doing - wish he, Anthony, Liam and Mikey would respond back on the forum. And Blake too!
I'm glad for Jimmy that he is able to make money to support his kids. I also remember though how he looked down on other models who left Broke Straight Boys for other studios, as it proved to him at least that they were not very straight. (Unlike him.) So now he is either eating some crow...or he's gay! LOL

I think that Jimmy's "personality," was created by others around him at Broke Straight Boys; remember other models like Lucas, who was instructed to "act homophobic?" Although I never liked Jimmy's or Lucas' "acting," I assume it was done for drama.
I think that Jimmy's "personality," was created by others around him at Broke Straight Boys; remember other models like Lucas, who was instructed to "act homophobic?" Although I never liked Jimmy's or Lucas' "acting," I assume it was done for drama.
I see Jimmy and Lucas as two totally different types on Broke Straight Boys, Beth. First of all Lucas was a total phony whose "story" changed when he read the negative feedback on the forum about the way he acted. I never saw any inconsistency in the Jimmy persona, from his earliest scenes to his last one on Broke Straight Boys, from his many, many appearances at the Gay Pride events, (many of which were chronicled in the BTS with Sha and Rob Ryder and usually Cole Gartner as well), to his postings on the forum either. I totally believe that Jimmy was a very straight forward guy, who pretty much spoke his mind. In fact he even got in trouble here a few times for saying too much in one of his BTS and sometimes on his forum posts.

I also see Jimmy as a personable, friendly kind of guy, and he entertained his scene partners and Clay with his rather dry sense of humor. From the BTS at the events, I was initially a bit surprised at how respectful he was to his gay fans, including on the forum, until an obnoxious one or two really challenged him, and his natural sense of self defense caused him to react right back at them . I even asked a few of his partners who posted on the forum what they thought of Jimmy, and only Jason had negative things to say about him. I believe Colin was one who answered my question in a very positive way about what a blast it was hanging out with and working with Jimmy.

Lucas "acted" like a homophobe. Jimmy never said anything negative about gays, just that he wasn't one, which is what I believe that he believed at that time. I don't know if Jimmy's sexuality has evolved at all since he stopped filming scenes here, but I admired his honesty and believe that he believed exactly what he told us.
Jimmy had a legit TV role last year in a show called DTLA, playing a....wait for it....straight guy who does gay-for-pay porn. One of his big scenes is in this episode (he's also briefly in the opening credits for the show)


If you are a credits-reader...and I am...you'll find one of the show's producer's names awfully familiar!
Mark did promote DTLA prior to it's airing and told us that a former model would appear on the show, and much to the shock of the anti-Jimmy brigade, it was the one and only.

Obviously Mark has maintained a professional relationship with Jimmy. What would people here think if he was one of the stars of Broke Straight Boys-TV????????:ban:
From the get-go I was and still am a JJ fan; but 18 months after his last scene posted and he is still a topic of debate on this forum? Give it a rest, already!!
From the get-go I was and still am a JJ fan; but 18 months after his last scene posted and he is still a topic of debate on this forum? Give it a rest, already!!

I hear you, Stowe. I liked Jimmy as well. Even so, I don't think the fact that its been 18 months since his last scene means that people can't talk about him anymore - or that their opinions about him have changed. After all, it's not like his name comes up every day - and this thread isn't exactly a heated debate.

I'm happy that he got an acting gig. It was pretty cool seeing him in that. Thanks for posting that, Declyn.
From the get-go I was and still am a JJ fan; but 18 months after his last scene posted and he is still a topic of debate on this forum? Give it a rest, already!!

Jimmy is that special that he manages to be still a topic of interest. All news about Jimmy interests me.
Given my earlier post, it's a bit hypocritical for me to add to the cacophony; having said that, however, I recalled that a friend of mine subscribes to Men.com so I called him to ask about JJ and he said JJ has had 18 scenes posted on that site beginning on 7/15/2012 through 8/28/2013. Now that I know all this, the next time I'm visiting him, I'll have to check JJ out. And, okay, carrying my hypocrisy a bit further, I'll report back to my feloow JJ-ophiles my findings.
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What no one else has mentioned is the Men.com video also starred Sebastian Young... aka. Phoenix. And that is he was the reason I joined Broke Straight Boys... I will always be a Phoenix/Sebastian fan.
By the way ..... I could watch Sebastian Young eat corn flakes and I would be happy.
as much as JJ hated doing anything that might make him seem gay on Broke Straight Boys, it's kind of sad to see him still doing gay work. Well, at least he is working to support his family and that is good.