I appreciate you taking the time to really bring me up to speed on the ins and outs of porn shooting. I know that, as you said, this subject has not been foreign to this message board, I have just failed to read it. Or, if I did, I simply forgot, but I honestly don't remember. Give me a break, I'm retired.
I will be more understanding and not so quick to make a judgement call that I would have cum, or sorry, egg on my face.
LOL Ted.
Thank you for all your kind words. There is no need for you to apologize though. When we question someone's true virginity or newness to gay sex the truth is we will never know with 100% certainty. All we can do is take the model's word at face value. You may be absolutely right and Jake was not a newbie. I merely wanted to point out how the evidence you cited could be skewed by other factors.
I won't tell Mikey that you and I are so familiar with each other Ted. haha It'll be our secret.