The premise of
Broke Straight Boys is getting straight boys to do things with other boys that they normally would never think of doing.
If we are to believe this premise, a conversation with these straight boys is required.
In conventional gay porn, the 2 subjects throw themselves on a bed and start going at it.
If we are to believe the
Broke Straight Boys are in fact straight could we expect the same from them?
Of course not.
David's discussions and comments before, during and after the sex are usually very entertaining. He brings a lot out of these dudes.
When a straight boy bottoms for the first time and has an intense orgasm, I love it when David asks him how it was and we hear how awesome it was.
I hope the new director can do the same..
You have hit the nail exactly on the head. From day one the entire premise of this site was to get straight guys to do Gay sex. It was a con game using money to get them to go where no straight boy has gone before. At the same time David humanized it by allowing us to get to know them as individuals, not as chunks of meat. If your sole desire is to see chunks of meat go at it, this is not the site for you. Nor was it the premise of the site.
I will agree that sometimes the conversations are, well, how shall I say this, mis-managed. But please keep this in mind:
1. David never said he was Barbara Walters.
2. David does not have the luxury of a tele-prompter or cue cards with pre-arranged questions to ask.
3. David is not just directing, but he
IS the camera man. He is holding a HD video camera that is over 12 inches long and weights a few pounds. He is looking through either a view finder or mini-screen to do the filming. And as he is moving about in a relatively small studio shooting. While he might have a few basic questions to ask (who are you, how old, are you gay, straight, bi), after that he is making natural conversation and asking questions based on what he is hearing/seeing. There is no pre-written script and the questions used are frequently the first time they are used. Also keep in mind that since the scenes may be shot and shown days/weeks apart the question may be repeated for new comers who perhaps have not seen the say, the first Rex Video.
4. Would you believe there were times I wondered why David did not speak more or ask for more? Why didn't David ask for kissing in this scene or the next? or Oral? We have all wondered why? Perhaps, just perhaps in the preparation for filming he knows how far a guy will go and and he does not push them by asking them.
It can be easy for us to be back seat porn directors, just like we can be back seat baseball coaches, etc. We only see the final product, we have no idea what goes on behind the scenes before the camera is clicked on.
I will miss David because he made it seem real and most importantly he treated the models as human beings and with respect and with safety as the #1 concern.
Live Long and Prosper,